FFVII: Real Fans vs Nomura

>FFVII: Real Fans vs Nomura

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>creatures that ensure destiny is unchanged

what in the fuck

Game is a sequel the way the new Eva movies are.

Why are all these monsters from the future illiterate?

Sephiroth traveled back in time after getting defeated at the end of FF7 to change his fate calling in these things to fix any damages done to the timeline by him

why is the ui design so soulless

>yfw we've lived to see the Compilation become the "good" VII EU content
Thanks, Nomura.

This was in january leaks, it's been 3 full months, you guys should have listened.

Jesus fucking Christ lmao. It's not even a remake anymore but some kind of pseudo-sequel/reimagining, and yet the braindead fanbase keeps defending it.

Sephiroth is basically Nomura's self-insert now and he is trying retcon the entire story, but anti-retcon ghost squad is constantly trying to reverse the shit done by Nomuraroth.

fuck nomura

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>ghosts flying around midgar that are responsible for preventing changes to the timeline

how high was nomura when he wrote this


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Didn't these things appear around the soldiers Zack fought? Does that mean Sephiroth fucked with that too so that he would live?

fuck nomura up his stupid gay ass. the game was great up until the last 20 minutes when everything goes to shit because he's a retard

It's not actually a remake but a new timeline caused by Sephiroth sending some aspect of himself back into time after Advent Children. Now you have post-FF7 Sephiroth rewriting events so he can win, and these ghosts showed up to undo all of his alterations.
The game ends with you crippling them to the point he's allowed to fuck with this world as much as he wants.











if the ghosts are trying to ensure the timeline stays the same why are we fighting against them

the timeline they're preserving is the one where sephiroth loses right?

How the fuck does 7R a linear corridor game with fully baked lighting that took 6 years to make full time on its engine just for part 1 and released in 2020 have worse graphics than XV an open world game with fully real time dynamic lighting with dynamic weather and and real time day/night that took 3 years full time to make on its engine and released in 2016?

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it's fanfiction

The ghosts are lawful neutral, they want you to stick to the plot.
A girl dies? It's in the plot.
A guy is defeated? In the plot.
That guy got stabbed? Not in the plot, out.
About to kill that guy? He has a scene later, can't let you do that Dave.

Sephiroth uses cloud are convenient idiot as usual

>guy designs characters for game that does super well
>company gives him greater creative control in every future project
>leads to him eventually re-making said game but changing it entirely to be the story he wants to tell

People who still think this guy was anything more than a competent character designer after Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 get what they deserve.

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> imagine giving nomura a job after his last few debacle

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Didn't FFXV take like ten years to make?

Of course most of that time was spent on redesigning the terrible characters over and over again, but still...

Nomura is a legit hack and probably spent all day fixing eyelashes on male characters and choreographing that dumb ass anime fight sequence in the end to even quality control stuff like that.

So let me get this straight.

the sephiroth we see constantly is not present sephiroth, but a future sephiroth that wants to change stuff. He constantly haunts the party with visions so the party fears and kills the watchmen of fate so fate cant interefere when sephiroth changes the timeline.
Future sephiroth and watchmen of fate are destroyed, and in the end what it is left is present sephiroth, with the party having a certain knowledge and what it is gonna happen.

Thats it? is thats all the outrage?

>Didn't FFXV take like ten years to make?
FFXV took 3 years to make. 10 years was just nomura dicking around getting nothing done. A lot like FFVII remake actually.


they literally retconned the entire fucking story, user.

even zack is alive, and biggs/wedge, events are changing from the original game. we even get an aeris death flashback before it happens, so he KNOWS it happens.

it's fucking retcon garbage.

XV is still a terrible game that didnt leave any legacy, unlike 7r which will get discussion and discussion over the years, Barry. Give it up

>he trusted Nomura to keep things grounded and faithful

Future Seph isn't killed

Oh no...

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>Barry was right

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Zack is dead
yeah biggs and wedge live, big deal
So yeah, what i said. Present sephiroth is alive, and the party have certain knowledge on what is gonna happen so they go on a quest to stop him, without fate restrains.
Is that it?

Retcon my ass. This is clearly a new series not affecting the original game.

but the last batlte implies cloud did.Or at least his influence or what the fuck.

Sephiroth is using Cloud because he can't destroy them himself and Aerith wants to save everyone on top of that

feels good to be a Mana chad

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>democrats are mindless corporate cocksuckers
Every fucking time.

FF8 was a better game.

pete... you promised...

you type like you were raped in your childhood

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>Adding Occuria to FFVII
Okay then.

>zack is dead

he doesn't know

but trials of man will flop hard
not hard like the difficulty hard though since its piss easy since they forgot to update the enemies AI

that ui looks soulless as fuck, doesn't fit the mood and style at all.

Occuria are pretty different

user, i saw the ending. He doesnt survive.
He will die because the watchmen will stop that. Thats it.

how did the australians and french get this game before the japs. i dont understand. did chinese flu fuck the supply lines

>remake isn't faithful to the original
>basically a reboot
Well, I guess I can enjoy this as a separate product, but it doesn't seem right. I never wanted a remake, but this is just strange.

That unironically is cool as fuck though.
Not only are these ghosts gonna fuck Sephiroths shit up, but they're probably gonna make Cloud cry when they cock block him from saving Aerith.

are you sure?

cause biggs/wedge already survived, and tons of other shit has been changed. when did Sephiroth throw Shinra Tower in the original?

>when did Sephiroth throw Shinra Tower in the original?
the shinra tower is intact after all the battle

Yeah Barret got stabbed by an anomaly in the time universe. Of course he'll get revived. He wasn't supposed to be stabbed.

that's it? It's literally the most autistic tranny shit fan fiction tier story you could come up with

I want all of you anons that fought tooth and nail yesterday screaming "There is no time travel." and "There is no alternate realities." to now kill yourselves you worthless cock heads.

The same level of high he was when writing... basically anything from Kingdom Hearts.
We joke a lot about Nomura being high, but I legitimately wonder what he would think/write if he actually was, if this is how he is normally.

Zack died, so did bigg and wedge. I don't get, Tortanic-Kun. If these ghosts are supposed to stop fate from altering, why the hell are all these characters somehow alive?

Don't insult the Occuria like that.

you kick the shit out of the ghosts at the end of Part 1.
it strongly implies that future Parts will depart even farther from the original story.
also zack survived in an alternate timeline or something. maybe he will crossover to our timeline and join the party.

Apparently the party kills the ghosts

The party defeats the ghosts at the end of the game you retard.

You can defeat the dementors, meaning you can change fate.

>cause biggs/wedge already survived
No they didn't. Jessie died too.

I think he just read DC Comics.

Because it was executed horribly. No one would mind a reboot if it was done in good taste

why does Wojak have a MAGA hat when this is literally how Cunton supporters have been acting for 4 years?

If I wanted the same game, I'd play the same game. Either on native hardware, or remastered/emulated. "Better", is pretty subjective. Remakes should strive to be different.

However, this writing, and using the finished old game as plot for your new one, is just shit.

remember in the original where time travelling ghosts surround midgar after you get past the highway?

oh wait, that's too fucking stupid to be in the game.

>FFVII: Nomura & Real Fans vs. Reddit

This is nomura revenge, Se fucked his versus 13 so now he will fuck FFVII.

The Shinra tower is intact. Zack is dead. Biggs/Wedge surviving or not changes nothing because they are irrelevant characters.

You can't into understanding plotlines or differentiating hallucination/flashbacks from reality, so I would prefer if you just be quiet.

because it's always conservative right wingers that are stuck in the past and getting triggered by anything new

Before this the rage was all about the episodic format though, so yeah everybody minded.

Nope XV took 3 years on luminous
7R part 1 took 6 years on UE4

Because, I shit you not, Sephiroth wants us to team up with him to change the timeline and we're going to "defy fate". OG VII is the bad futuree Nomura is trying to retcon away now.

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biggs and wedge are both alive (although one of them has a fake out death).

sephiroth is manipulating cloud into killing the whispers so that the timeline is altered further
there's probably going to be one where cloud can save aerith but the whispers also keep jenova in check so yeah it's gonna be bad no matter what, just trying to stir the pot and prove that "you really can't change destiny lol"

>maybe he will crossover to our timeline and join the party.
So we going with the love square this time?

>anything new
Or maybe because anything new is often bad and you have to be retarded to like it?
Yeah, I think that's more accurate.

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m8 the rage hasn't changed trajectory it's gotten worse. What's happened is the equivalent of an April fools joke that isn't a joke at all

Nomura has to be worst big name director working right now. The man writes stupid bullshit after stupid bullshit, why does his stupid KH shit keep selling.


Did they rush this game?

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>Remakes should strive to be different.
The remake was different enough before this because they already completely overhauled the gameplay, this is just off the rails.

>Remakes should strive to be different.
And yet the only good ones ever made are the most faithful to the original. Funny

XV is the best FF SE ever made and has the legacy of saving FF
7R will now kill FF

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you can say whatever you want, but his games sells

>zack is dead

he's clearly alive

>So we going with the love square this time?
nah. just a ton of CloudxZack bait for the fan girls.

shouldn't Yas Forums of all people love a remake where the goal is to STOP people from making "soulless" changes to the original story?
like, all you spergs do when a remake comes out is nitpick all changes that were made, no matter how inconsequential, and complain that it's ruined. you all should be able to relate to this game's message.

>Because it was executed horribly
It really isnt. What happened in the end is that now things can go differently and thats it. Future sephiroth and dementors are dead, but present sephiroth is still out there and the party barely knows what to do. How is that SOOOOOO much different?

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>sephiroth is manipulating cloud into killing the whispers so that the timeline is altered further
How does he even know about these things? Did Hojo or Gast study the fates?

To be honest this us better than a straight up remake. Remakes are pointless, at least this means it will be different enough.

>that detail vs the linear radar
>a full game dedicated to Midgar is still linear

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I'm sure the trailer SE posted will get a lot of "rage" right? I mean they spoil that Zack is alive after all.

they wanted to be faithful by using ps1 tier textures.

>The original FFVII is the bad ending that will be retconned
Jesus Christ. Nomura really is a manchild.

There is literally zero reason for those Zack cutscenes if he's just going to die accomplishing nothing else anyway. Plus it showed that he's in an alternate universe.

Wow! kh-kun/FFVIIR-kun really is german after all. So the rumors were true.

>shouldn't Yas Forums of all people love a remake where the goal is to STOP people from making "soulless" changes to the original story?
but this change is itself a soulless change

There is no such thing as a good straight remake. Name one, and dont say REmake because that changes a lot of shit and should have changed even more.

>he's aware of the events of ff7

what a fucking joke

it's still not equivalent to the horsecock that is the entire ending lol

>introduce time travel shit
>everyone comes back to life
>anime swordfight shit
>sephiroth travels through time to stop sephiroth
>no clue what bullshit they'll pull in the next one
>everyone is depressed
>How isthat SOOOOOO much different?
a bit retarded huh?

Ok, show me a single clip showing him alive then.

All they see at the end is Zack carrying cloud towards midgar, killing some random shinra soldiers but everyone who played the OG knows he will die eventually otherwise the plot makes no sense and there is no timeline travel bullshit so he literally cannot exist.

I'd love see Cloud seething when all the girls are all over Zack. It's a gold mine for comedy.

>*brushes hair aside*
Together... we can alter fate
>*touches Cloud's face softly*
Join me

Just you wait

>sephiroth travels through time to stop sephiroth

I think it was just to fan service him and/or to show the power of the watchmen of fate. But he has to die to keep cloud and party go on their quest.

>Sephiroth literally trying to manipulate Cloud into changing the story
The original FFVIII ending is literally the good ending, retard. Sephiroth is the one trying to change it.

Of course it sells. And it sells only, because of the name. How many people would buy it, if the name would be XVI and not 7? How many of these people wears pink glasses?

>Name one
pokemon FRLG and HGSS (considered by many to be the peak of the series)

it was designed for the PS4 you mongoloid, what did you expect?

Well the only remakes I've actually played are Resident Evil 1, 2, and Goldeneye. And neither of these are like the original game at all.

>otherwise the plot makes no sense

do you see the fucking fate changing ghosts around the fucking city?

ff7r is the pinnacle of soul in gaming. what actually would have been soulless is the glorified hd texture mod that the zoomer consoomers on here wanted. instead, nomura is both experimenting and reaffirming the greatness of the original at the same time.

you're right. I would actually love to see that.

Isn't it ultimately about Zack being alive?

>ill just make a list with funny comments and that will show him

How does that refutes my point?
What happens in the end are two things: fate can be defied now since the watchmen are no more, and the party still has to go on a journey to stop present sephiroth. Thats it.

I just said he's in an alternate universe. That Zack has nothing to do with 7R Zack.

using retcon fairies to insert your super autistic fan fictions into a AAA franchise is some of the worst writing imaginable

The fact it's designed by Square (and likely outsourced to hell by Indians and Malayasians) is a bigger reason


>time traveling ghosts rape what everyone loved about the original plot

They are not fate changing. They are fate guardians. They keep the things the way they were and their mere existence implies Zack could not be alive because they would have kept him dead.

The Retcon fairies are the ones fixing the changes. You're not making any sense here.

im pretty sure fan fictions are mad by fans and not OG devs

The Ghosts are the ones fixing the changes. Sephiroth literally wants the ghosts to die.

explain this shit

there is literally nothing more souless than using time travel as a lazy excuse to retcon undesirable plot points

pokemon before the physical/special split is garbage.
at the end of the day, it's a polished turd. they didn't do anything to fix gsc's core problems, they just updated the graphics and added a bunch of extra features (which were nice, but still not enough to make it better than platinum, bw or b2w2).

The ghosts did nothing wrong, user. It's Sephiroth and the party who are trying to change the timeline.

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, although that did add some extra chapters and some new mechanics.

Can someone explain to me why this shit was necessary? Your best arguments please. What do we gain from a storyline that sets out to change the status quo of a known property but has entities in it that correct the changes, indicating that we can't and wont be able to change the destiny we know of?

>Sephiroth kills Barrett, in Midgar

>a ghost brings him back to life

ah, just like the original.

Rebuild of Final Fantasy VII
Legacy of Sephiroth : Time Traveller.
I'm in love, Square Enix have the hugest balls in gaming history.

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>nomura is both experimenting and reaffirming the greatness of the original at the same time.
Could have done it with a new IP.

Speak for yourself faggot

the whole point of the twist is to PREVENT the story from being retconned, retard.

>in the consoomer era