El excelente jefe de Oriente
El excelente jefe de Oriente
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Why is Spanish so hilarious for me lads?
this shit was made by dirty mexicans, thats why.
El user que no sabe hacer más que el mismo hilo de mierda una y otra vez
>I came up the idea 'pandemic'
what exactly does la creatividad actually mean
El chapulin coronado
Because you don't understand it. Same shit happens all the mein furher videos, or more recently the spic hillbilly.
The Steve Jobs of Videogames
It means "creativity"
Yes the title is retarded even for spanis speakers
It means el chino padre de los video juegos
creative dad
La personalidad
Risitas is carried by his cancer curing wheeze laughter desu
Los messis de los videojuegos.
El Rey de los hackidad....
>los messis de los videojuegos
Who would win, creative dad or 10 pie dad?
conditioning through memes but also because spics are funny dirty third worlders
El genio de las videojuegas
How do you say "I am" in spanish?
yo cebolla
S oy
Yo soja
what's wrong with that guy?
he's the pewdiepie of divegrass
He's a gamer
Yo soy
he's The Hideo Kojima of Soccer
not him but i understand spanish and it still sounds hilariously retarded to me
Cien millones de norteamericanos morirán gracias a la plaga de oriente :^)
you have to understand a bit of spanish if you know english, laughing at something you don't understand makes no sense
>la plaga de oriente
dios *coof* mio....
Holy fuqq how did he do it
The title and caption sound like some Metal Gear villain speech
He's an autist that likes to play soccer, he's a nice guy.
It's right between "understandable" and "complete gibberish", you can recognize words but all the suffixes and articles are weird and funny.
Asumo están trabajando en su backlog ahora con el encierro, hijos de la gran puta.
PS2 & PSP for me.
Spanish is literally just Portuguese but with a gay accent
This meme will never not be funny to me
because there is something sinister that sounds funny, like El chupacabra.. or El duende...
La monstrodidad de la creatividad chino
he was recommended by his lawyers to not touch any woman that is not his wife
look what happened to ronaldo
what did they mean by this???
El japo de lo jueguito
el cerebro dotado del este
El visionario del sol naciente
Es un pecho frio
el chino come perro....
A manlet
Why is Spanish such a disgusting language?
Got forced to learn that piece of shit through middle school and high school and I'm not even American. They didn't even bother teaching us the essentials in our own language, just jumped directly into LA MUJER BEBE LECHE SISISISISISI and every single explanation about the language itself, verb and so on was also ALL in Spanish. Don't know how the fuck they expect someone who never had any encounter with that language before to just "get it" without some sort of actual explanations that they would understand.
I think it's mostly the emphasis on vocals combined with how fast latinos seem to talk. Makes them very cartoonish.
Oh shit I was replying to oops haha
What country are you from? Americans have to teach spanish because that's what they'll be speaking in a few generations from here, i speak spanish and yeah, it's pretty retarded
lol I love these threads
Autism, really.
Get used to it, they are your new overlords.
Oh shoot
be glad youll be speaking spanish and not
poor-tuguese, which sounds even more shit.
I heard that Hideo got a colonoscopy recently and the doctors found a tiny version of him up there masturbating furiously to himself. Is this true?
Sounds like your cunt's education is just bad, sorry.
>just portuguese
Shut up joao