FACT: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 has the greatest soundtrack in vidya history

FACT: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 has the greatest soundtrack in vidya history.

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You're my brother from another mother.

thanks now I have to listen to it again

I really wished they didn't dropped the 3D platformer game.

it played like shitty unreal and looked even worse

though we have good enough technology to produce a 3d Jazz game with cartoon graphics fidelity, Epic doesn't seem too interested in revisiting their past IPs

You're not wrong

Ya'll ready for this? Yeah, Jack Jackrabbit, HOW HOWWWWW


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Unfathimably based.

>FACT: Alexander Brandon is the greatest soundtrack composer in vidya history.
corrected your post OP

What sucks is that epic KNOWS that jazz exists. They referenced it in fortnite once.

Nah, Deus Ex is better.

The real loss is the music.

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>They referenced it in fortnite once.
pics or it didn't happen

cliffy b made this game

Well yeah, they did rerelease on GOG a few years back. Now that I think about it both Unreal (and Tournament) and Jazz Jackrabbit are on GOG but not on their own Ebin store. Maybe that's their way of just forgetting about the games while still getting some passive income.
>let's just let cd projekt keep the games running, we have fortnite and egs to milk

the game that was better than sonic

And it's a good game.

It's "In the house", retard.

but that's not jet set radio future

What is Alexander Brandon up to these days? Everything he touched for JJ2, Unreal/Tournament, Deus Ex was absolute gold. Don't remember if he did Invisible War as well but that had some good tracks.

Both games have awesome soundtracks.

>official art

Attached: Jazz_Jackrabbit Lori_Jackrabbit Noogy crossover elysian_tail.jpg (482x600, 52.82K)

Lori is so plain. Jazz and Spaz are much more interesting designs. Look at all this personality.

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But it has only 2 good tracks.

dangerously amiga

Man the first game is so hard to go back to. The camera is way too zoomed in for comfort.

What if we take the Ratchet and Clank gameplay and slap some Jazz models on it?

The game is very forgiving on all but the hardest difficulty. You can rush through even with the close camera pretty safely.

It's not bad but nowhere near being the best soundtrack in vidya

I still have wet dreams of that skunk

speaking of sabrina, the webcomic is still ongoing.

That's not Umineko or TWEWY

>jazz's 15-year anniversary was last year
>literally nothing

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I'm not surprised. Cliffy is a dumb jock who is probably embarrassed by his old cartoon rabbit.

A lot of people always bring up the usual list of vidya osts favorites that include nintendo games and such but as someone growing up with dos games and windows 95 games I really have a soft spot for tracker based music. Jazz jackrabbit, tyrian, one must fall and unreal games really shaped my music taste too and got me into producing music too.

I fucking love early epic megagames.

I miss when people could make pinups for promos of their characters.

Attached: Jazz_Jackrabbit Lori_Jackrabbit Noogy.jpg (360x600, 29.33K)

Is this and the artist in any way related to the furry fandom that we all know today? Just curious.

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Same, also some old rts games had music meant to be continuously replayed and did great at it. Many of the AOE I & II tracks are fucking amazing and strangely psychedelic and weird.

This theme from Fallen Haven is an absolute classic for me, the progression and tension is great, and synth saw line past the middle of the track blew my 10 y/o mind.


Not exactly tracker music but still great and nostalgic.

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He's got a youtube channel, but Alex has it geared towards his smoking habits. The man loves his cigars:



youtube.com/watch?v=FtJ4EutQLVY (he mentions the likelihood of JJ music becoming officially available in this one)


100% correct

Afaik Dean Dodrill, best known for the blatant furry-bait metroidvania Dust An Elysian Tale, did the design for Lori Rabbit and the opening animation for JJ2 but not the other designs like Jazz and Spaz themselves.

100% furry

lori a qt


This is some megaman X tier shit right here.

What does Jazz 2 look like in 1080p?

>tfw never seen Alexander Brandon and his albums discussed on Yas Forums
I know he's not famous at all, but he's way more mainstream than some really unknown albums I've seen on there

To this day, 1:17 to 1:26 still gets me

I hope you know there was an OFFICIAL, fully nude, rule 34 drawing of Lori.

Who owns the rights to the series right now? The games still have quite big cult following, why is no one trying to make a new JJ game and revive Jazz as company's mascot or something.

I never played JJ outside of a demo for the first one. Windows 95 era PC game music hits a certain nostalgia note with me that game music from no other generation or platform does for some reason. Fuck I wanna go back.


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>memories of all those hotel and test servers start flooding in
Don't do this to me, user...

Oh shit I just realized that image is a Doom II reference

all the JJ2 chapter images are references

Like shit. The game wasn't made for 1080p in mind.

This whole thread is so good. It's rare to see shitter-less thread on Yas Forums anymore.

By the way:

Ah yes, tracker music.

lmao I started listening to Prince as a kid because of this game

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