Comfy Animal Crossing Thread

Post dodo codes and stuff.

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Finally got another sakura recipe after 2 hours of grinding. This is gonna take ages.

so what's in the update?

If I TT to the 12th can I finish this event and clean my island from the eggs?

I have 14 egg furniture diy and I can't get anymore. Popped balloons yesterday night and oly got eggs. I opened up my daily egg bottle today and it was a fucking double diy egg recipe. I just want this to be over with.

More bug fixes.

more eggs

I think one of your villagers has to give you the egg backpack recipe.

How many are there? I have the picnic set, the bag, the petal pile, the clock, and the pond stone.

Who do I kick out to get a snooty villager?

It's Henry.

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Does anyone have any spare eggs?
I never seem to have enough of them.

>nips are 153 this morning

........... should I bite? I'm getting antsy

No idea I only got the wand, the floor, the bonsai and umbrella so far.

If you don't know what your pattern is then I'd advise you sell to ensure a profit.

Unless you can visit others islands to sell there.

I thought the game prioritized having one of each personality type. Is that not true?

Ive been getting nothing but Lazy/Normal villagers on my mystery tours and I already have two of each but no Grumpy or Snooty.

Only 2 spots left.

I'm a little confused on this. I can now sell plots of land for new villagers- does this mean I need to build more land before I can get another villager from a Nook island to move in? If I build the plot and don't find a villager I like will someone random move in without my permission?

No, I wish it did that. I spent at least 100k Nook Miles looking for a decent snooty villager and settled with Raymond.

Buy 1 at a time because you can only recruit 1 villager a day from Nook Miles Ticket islands.

If you put down 2 plots, and go and recruit 1 villager, the second plot will be sold to a random villager as soon as 5am hits.

So to circumvent that, buy 1 plot, look for a villager, wait until the next day, buy another plot, put it down, look for another villager, repeat.

The opposite happened to me, I was looking for a decent Smug villager and ended up with my second Snooty Diana.

Are there really no Lazy wolf villagers any more?

>Spend tons of Nook Miles looking for a decent Snooty villager
>Eventually give up and just decide to see what the game gives me
>End up with a Snooty villager I'd already seen and turned down

I ran into Snooty the anteater twice while looking for a good snooty villager.

Any way to give villager to my gf that i wanna kick out already?

Have them packed up in boxes then get your gf to visit your island and then she can ask them to move to her island.

>Have them packed up in boxes
Im dumb, what does that mean

wait, how do you take video?

Have them ready to leave. They'll tell you they're leaving and inside their house all their items will be packed up in cardboard boxes.

Hold the screenshot button below your D-pad.

so having multiple plots that get built on separate days prevent random villagers from moving in at any time? I only care about having space for like 3 villagers I want

Ahh Thanks

Anyone wanna trade DIY recipes they have spares of? I have the Golden Seat and Golden Bars DIY. Also have recipes for the Cherry Rug, Peach Rug, Log Pack and Lily Wreath.
I'd like some kitchen related stuff, or whatever else Golden DIY you have that aren't the Gears and Candlestick.

Winnie is moving out too if you want her. She's nice but I alrready had her in New Leaf and would prefer to have new villagers on my island.

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Has anyone got rose seeds for sale specifically red roses? I got lillies to trade in return?

No, you need to recruit a villager from an island before 5am after you put the plot down or it will be filled with a random villager.

Anyone have pansies they’re willing to part with? Need 2 yellow and 2 red

>hot item of the day is the first workbench

I love all my vaillagers!
Except leopold that ugly piee of shit that got forced on me in the first campside!
Let me burn this ugly shit away and invite a real villager!

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Can you samefagging retards use the general?

Those are some quality villagers user. I'm not the biggest fan of Nate but everyone else is cool. Including Leopold

She called me trash while doing curls.

I've popped over 50 balloons since the update and still haven't seen the golden balloon, is it a chance to appear or what is this shit?

>getting some rotten luck with the first villagers that you have little to no control over getting
>first campsite villager is the chad Eugene

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Damn, get dunked on.

Looks like you lack the fab for her.

Do you want to pick them or the whole flower or seeds?

Based, Eugene is a good find.
>MFW my starters were Tank and Rocket
>and my camper was Colton

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I just need to pick them I want to make a pansy crown for someone

>Can only place tent facing south
That's fucking retarded. I bought this game to chill and it's pissing me off.

>10 minutes = 1 ballon
It isn't as simple as this. Sometimes I've received a balloon after 5 minutes, and sometimes it takes 15 minutes.

I reckon there's a 40-50% chance a balloon spawns every 5 minutes.

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Colton is based though

wait so you can recruit someone elses villager if they move out of their island?

Turnip Price: 435
Dodo Code: K9615

Leaving it open all morning. Sold all my damn turnips yesterday for 181. Feel free to leave a tip, or a message on the bulletin board.

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haha look at this idiot who doesn't know how to turn buildings

Would appreciate any lillies and rose seeds if you got them.

I suspect if holidays are more multi-day fiascos, ACNH will go down an unfortunate route of microtransactions out the ass. This game is treading in Pocket Camp's footsteps a bit too well.

you can come to my island if you want a golden beetle statue, costs like 4 or 8 nuggets ider


Yeah. Winnie isn't in boxes yet though, so I'll pass her off to an user that wants her tomorrow. If anyone really wants her, I'll add you to my Friend List and will message you ingame once she's ready to be invited.

I got a spare sakura wood wall recipe.

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Is it just the statue or the recipe? I'm looking to trade the actual recipe cards.

I just got a nookmiles Island covered in blue flowers. Is this normal?

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shit sorry, i dont have a spare recipe

Me in the middle

No, though I got an island that had a mix of orange and blue pansies.

I have an orange side table dupe. Do you want it for the cherry rug?

I'd still like one though. I'll bring 3 Nuggets to make one, want me to make one of my available Golden whatever with your nuggets?