Risky rains

FUCK hopoo and FUCK gearbox
also host when

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>beetle king
>spends all day inserting sperm packets in the queen but is also extremely intelligent for no reason
>hive is located at the contact light ground zero
>queen dies when it crashes, king survives
>chest full of classic books smashes open, kind reads about king arthur and don quixote, also finds "learn how to read" book
>thinks its the best shit ever
>forges together a lance and armor from scrap and finds an energy shield
>adventures to slay all the horrible beasts

Friendly reminder to run

host when

are you autismic?

Why is spite so boring and shit in 2?

>Glass chaos with Huntress
>Lock onto a Solus Probe
>For some reason my arrows decide to hit me instead
Good game design, Hotpoo.

>glass isn't a go-to artifact anymore, so the funballs are inherently less fun
>sfx is less ear-piercing
>the explosions bounce you around which is annoying when you're trying to pick shit up

I still stick it on, though

Are you? Imagine unironically thinking it's fun to play engineer where all you do is afk with 20 bungus and Nhukanas. Especially since command gives you guaranteed nhukanas for 5 greens if you go to the bazaar
>Only 2 tiers of drops (small enemies and "large" enemies)
>Balls don't move anymore after hitting the ground
That's why, bosses don't drop more balls than a fucking normal golem does and it's retarded.

>Good artifacts

>could be good
-Swarm (make it work with sacrifice)
-Glass (fun, but needs balancing)
-Sacrifice (what the FUCK HOPOO, drops literally nothing, doesn't work worth swarm. Give us another original 56 leaf choice equivalent you cowards)
-Evolution (remove Tesla coil)

>Fun memes



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>hurr durr engineer
no you fucking retard
vengeance is completely autistic
only an unironic discord difficulty wanking nigger would want that garbage on

>Sacrifice without command
Now that's no fun right now. Maybe if the drops rates were better, it might be.

it's fun

Vengeance is one of the better artifacts. Adds variety and filters shitters who make braindead gesture builds


Definitely cool guys
>Spite (funballs)
>Command (required)
>Evolution (stronger enemies)
>Sacrifice (no more jews and waiting before teleporter)
>vengeance (selfbalance and cool as fuck)

Maybe cool
>swarm (lots of enemies, but lower health doesn't work)
>dissonance (unfun enemies appear more often)

Stupid but fun
>chaos (everything kills each other)
>enigma (random items constantly)
>metamorphosis (random survivor every stage)

>frailty (annoying, falling/pushed of stage = instakill)
>kin (boring)
>honor (boring
>soul (>wisps)

Literally unplayable
>glass (WISPED)
>death (just no)

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>Literally unplayable
Get fucking good

>original, real parents look like imposing phantoms
>risk of shit 2 parents look like wax sculptures of ugly bastards from ntr making an o face
someday somebody is going to look up "death of an author" in a dictionary and it will be described as "hopoo game"

why yes, i love having immortal killbots running around the map at all times denying me both gold and safe passage
how could you tell?

Not really fun playing with people who just Jew every item, so they have 10 items in the first level while the rest have 2-3 if any.

shitter detected, maybe try playing an actual character instead of just afking as engi.

>glass is playa-

Attached: fuckglass.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

i take it you've never actually made it past 20 minutes with vengeance on?
even having 2 leeching seeds makes every survivorclone immortal

>10 man death artifact
wtf why game break this must be glass fault

you mean that since there's always that one faggots who wants to afk as engi that they always vote against it?
>2 leech seeds
yeah you definitely didn't play it

I was so excited for spite in RoR2, maybe they'll buff it later

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>spite is good
>but vengeance bad!
literally and unironically git gud

stop shitposting about shit you've never actually experienced, nigger

but I did, it works fine. get fucked engies.

>engi engi engi
it's like a broken fucking record

>no argument

Prove him wrong then. Show a webm of this "immortal" survivor that isn't engineer.

Requesting ror version of this with vengeance

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also the engineer himself isn't even immortal due to him always moving around, it's only his turrets which are.

>>no argument
>coming from the nigger who responds to everything with "b-b-b-but engi"
no problem, just give me 20 minutes

You have 30, by that time you're automatically considered wrong.

almost like they are the easiest yet most broken class in the game when having access to command.

If vengeance really is shit, then command has to go instead.

I wish

>hopoo literally killed the game and threads in a single update


EU WEST Moonson

Going for Swarm and/or Command if someone wants, trying to get the sacrifice artifact command

this game will still be beautiful in 40 years

Attached: RoR-Artwork.jpg (3300x5100, 687.67K)

Risk of Rain 4D will be better

>play with glass to get artifacts quickly
>having a good run
>get oneshot by reliquary
Hopoo please change the reliquary attacks.

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so does swarm buff up rewards from sacrifice?
i cant tell if it makes a difference so im leaning towards no

alright, how can i cheat to unlock artifacts?

I downloaded the 2nd one because of the free weekend, anything I should know before playing?

you mean with the release of 2
risky 1 threads were some of the best

3/4 get in

Haven't played since before rex was added. Did they fix the shitty lunar coin system?

>turn chaos on
>enemies start actively targeting each other if hit
>later stages become a free for all

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vengeance confirmed a good artifact.
hahaha no, it's even worse now because glass artifacts sucks compared to shaped glass and command makes the bazaar even better.

new host?

>meanwhile cucks tell you to turn off chaos because it means they have to actually use their brain more


Cant join.

3/4 come on fags

When the fuck are they fixing all the BUGS? Engineer's new ability is completely unusable.

it lowers them actually
have you tried using google
muh rose tinted goggles
>play huntress
>lock on to enemy
>shoot arrow, throw boomerang
>arrow and boomerang curve back around and hit me or my teammates regardless of whether there's cover or distance between us and my target
Explain how I'm meant to avoid this by using my brain without telling me to play another class

>play braindead class
>gets fucked for it

>hit shit or mouse4 or whatever you bound your ability to once
>hold down m1 until you lock on to 4 targets
>let go of m1 to fire
have you never played an armored core, mechwarrior, or EDF game before

Engie's spider mines have a lust for revenge and will jump on top of you after you toss them

>Couldn't even do it
I win hopoo shill, chaos never ever in Yas Forums ruleset

Last spot

we already have a proper Yas Forums ruleset tho, and yes it doesn't include chaos