next gen consoles will be obsolete before they are even released
get fucked consolefags and shills
>on die ecc
does that mean even consumer grade ram will have ecc built in?
i might finally build that freeNAS machine if thats the case.
release date when?
I still have DDR3 and play every game on ultra this ram thing is just a meme lol
>a person with a brain will buy the next gen when we got fucked over this much by the last and current gen.
consoles, never ever.
If gamers really gave a fuck about specs and power, there would be no console gamers.
wtf you can get ECC RAM off ebay for like 2/3rds of the price
Just do that
cheap server ram is really shit as most arent actually implemented fully. the ecc standard for ram is a whole can of worms you dont really wanna open. if the entire standard however becomes part of the ddr standard in itself thats a whole different story.
also this
How the majority of the human population can be this retarded still baffles me.
That;s because most of them are gullible retards who easily fall for the same marketing and lies every time.
Those people are the same people who own apple shit and buy their "coffee" at starbucks.
>you will only need to upgrade you CPU + MOBO + RAM to combat those underpowered consoles
>that will be 1k$ + tip
wow based PC gaming
nigga u retarded
oh yeah? where are you gonna stick you new RAM into? your ass?
Ah yes, I can finally cram 256 GB or RAM into my PC.
>why the fuck does everything cost money
hahaha suuure goy stick that brand new DDR5 RAM into your 7 years old motherboard, I'm sure it will work juste fine :)
>implying you need DDR5 ram when DDR4 and even 3 runs shit maxed out at 4K just fine
No one needs that much bandwidth unless you're streaming in 16K or are building server rigs. I already upgraded my MOBO and RAM to 3200Mhz DDR4 for like 250 bucks a year ago so I'm set for at least another 5 years.
I didn't know owning a console also rots your brain, or were you always this fucking retarded?
>consolefags flexing over fucking RAM
am i seriously in this timeline
new gen consoles will have faster ram, faster SSD, 2080 tier GPU
but lets all ignore that. my 5 years old PC is better than fucking console am i right guys?
My DDR4 3600 kit with custom cl14 timings and 3700x >>>> some console with ddr5 and a gimped 3700x with less l3 cache and running half a GHz lower
if you seriously believe that then you have successfully fallen for the marketing.
>new gen consoles will have faster ram, faster SSD, 2080 tier GPU
Nigga they spout this every single gen and it never turns out to be true.
CPU and GPU are going to be downclocked and bottlenecked to shit due to power and cooling limitations.
Don't be a gullible dumb fuck.
The ONLY thing that the announced consoles have better than a PC today is the GPU for the price and power requirements. And those will be available on desktops this fall when the consoles launch lol.
just your 3700x cost as much as a console
and it will last him probably 2 more console generations
>DDR4 3600 kit with custom cl14
doubt.exe unless you have some 500$ MOBO
it will last him 15 years? cool
Consoles use gddr6
it probably will
>I still have DDR3 and play every game on ultra this ram thing is just a meme lol
pretty much this, the realworld differences are negligible
ECC RAM isn't the problem. A motherboard compatible with ECC RAM is the issue, and with DDR5 standarizing it, building a NAS is going to be a lot easier.
ok retard
>consoletard doesnt know the difference between gddr and ddr
ram frequency matters, but DDR3 vs DDR4 vs DDR5 doesn't
find me a DDR3 than can go to 3200?
ddr3 vs ddr4 is some games make a 30 fps difference, why are PC fags so delusional?
You think these 8 core 16 thread consoles with ddr5 will cost $300?
PS5 $499 and SeX will be $599
Keep in mind that I did pay the early adopter tax for that; I paid $329 for the CPU and $149 for 16gb of the 3600mhz RAM... In JULY 2019. Consoles hit I'm November 2020. People here sometimes forget how quickly technology advances. Like fuck, the consoles are not even out yet. They are not available. They are next gen, and next gen desktop GPU and CPUs are coming.
This is on the gigabyte ITX x570. I plan on upgrading to whatever the last AM4 chip released is and holding out for at least 5 years on that.
consoles are using gddr6 for their system ram. it's all one unified pool. they don't have gddr6 + ddr4/5 like pc's do.
>ddr3 vs ddr4 is some games make a 30 fps difference
which ones
there is no way your running stable 3600 cl14 on that shit board
literally any game made in the last 5 years
>not in stock
ok ill take the bait, now find me a mobo that supports DDR3 3200
>find me a DDR3 than can go to 3200?
Yeah i'm sure you really notice that extra millisecond lmao
look at this you dumb retard
thats DDR4 ram tho
>literally any game made in the last 5 years
oh so you can't name any then, you stated some games give and extra 30fps difference but can't name any, gotcha.
so? the only differnce is the clock speed
look at the video posted above
>pctrannies spending another $1k on upgrades just to beg for console ports as usual
I'd tell you fats to have sex but we all know that's not happening lmao
that video only showed like 10 fps gain on average
Consoles are using 16GBs of GDDR6 so what are you even on about faggot
did they start remaking ddr? Weren't we up to like 20 ddr games?
because it only tested ddr4, if they put in a ddr3 1600 the fps will be even worse
but learn to fucking google and do your own research
Unless you're running ZFS you don't really need ECC.
Late 2021
>if they put in a ddr3 1600 the fps will be even worse
prove it
why do i have to do my own research for stupid claims that you're making
Stop being poor
I not good with computer.
What will be the noticeable benefits of this? If DDR5 were to be slapped into a (compatible) mid or mid-high range computer that previously had DDR4 RAM, what would change?
Why do we need a new Dance Dance Revolution?
Every just mods songs into the old games anyway.
It'd probably stop working.
I ignored the unicorn.
Pc have 16 gb gddr6 for only the gpu already
>Same bank refresh
Jesus christ even with 0% IPC CPU increases, just dropping this in will unlock a ton of CPU single thread performance. I can't fucking wait.
>Intel 11th or 12th gen 8+ core 16+ thread chip
>5Ghz+ with 15-30% IPC increase
>64GB DDR5 at 7000Mbps
>RTX 3080 Ti with 16GB GDDR6
I can't fucking wait give it to me NOW.
I remember being a PC virgin
You'll grow out of it like most people unless you stay a NEET virgin your whole life lol
Im on i5 2500k, gtx 1080 ti and 16 gb ddr3 with a 4k monitor
I literally play everything maxed. Black desert, REmake 2, you name it.
Not always crispy smooth 60 fps, obviously due to monitor and cpu, but playing constantly 60 fps at worst is still godlike for this setup.
Why buy the newest shit when its complettly useless
>i can't fucking wait to spend 3k$ on my 4channel shitposting machine
>Why buy the newest shit when its complettly useless
Because 2005 called and they want their refresh rates back. Imagine playing at 60hz and being satisfied in 2020.
>I'm poor and live to shitpost so that means everyone does!
>4k monitor
>I literally play everything maxed
imagine being this delusional
>find me a DDR3 than can go to 3200?
At what CL are you comparing it?
3200 at CL15 is 9.375ns
My DDR3 at 2400MHz at CL11 is 9.167ns
DDR3 2400 9.167ns
DDR4 3200 9.375ns
My DDR3 is therefore faster than the DDR4 at 3200MHz at CL15 for gaming.
But if it were video editing, then the extra bandwidth of the DDR4 would make a bigger difference since it's about capacity/s, not latency/s.
Sweet ill buy it in 5 years when it's faster cheaper and more mature
T. 2080ti 2700x x470 16gb 32cl14 flarex