Granblue Fantasy Versus


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Wouldn't it be 3? Characters come out earlier in the east.

it is earlier in the east. But would that be in the middle of the night for murica?

I imagine at least on PC they come out on when Steam updates normally on the 7th.

I think the characters came out at like 9pm my time last time.

Hopefully the balance patch would nerf the top 3 enough to make Soriz not a waste of space like Narmaya.

Narm isn't a waste of space

wait that's middle in the night for europe. fuck me
>one of the mot played chars
>waste of space
if the best get nerfed she will be good. if they buff her god save us all.


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I feel bad playing Narmaya just because of how popular she is. She might be a lower tier character but it makes me feel like I'm a part of the problem.

I wonder how much you can stack the defense buff for his install. Feels like if he can't survive even one combo then it'd be kinda pointless.

why would you feel bad for playing a character you like?

As long as Naru gets some good buffs I'm happy. She feels like they purposefully made her kinda ass because they didn't want another johnny situation

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Johnny had more tools than laido attacks

Is the patch on the same day or are they holding it until zoo is out? Will they nerf Grans boot purely so people need to pay for better Gran?


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narm doesn't have a instant fullscreen attack that you off of one small otg combo that you can combo off for 40-70% depending with 20-30% being unbustable damage
theres no way she can be johnny

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Eat shit de arimasu

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Just airgrab me every time I jump, why the hell does no one do this

because you have a fast fall?

Because I feel like people hate narm players just from how many there are, just my impression based on lobby play.

>Using Narm instead of Naru

This shit only popped up when versus was released with people trying to change something that was already established and outes you as a secondary. This shit is why I hate filthy secondaries. You don't deserve to play her if you can't even get her name right

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dude your calling people secondaries for not playing a mobile """"game"""" fuck off, all gatcha is just doujin bait



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She has no U in her name, silly user

>TFW using a high-ish tier character for the first time in years

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if you do the followup thats fully invuln, you get a counterhit into 50%

t. gachafag secondary

her real name is narumea

I bet you call the other draph Fastiva too.

i hate her dp and supers so much, the dp especially should have that much pushback on block

Nah, I'm just saying why people are calling her Naru.
I don't care if you call her Naru or Narm or Draphslut.

>gbvs thread
this isn't vg m8

i hate how much of a crapshoot it is to punish any of her shit in block as zeta

Hopefully his inclusion will lead to more porn

Silly user

There's clearly a U there

I call her fastiva cause that's what I've always known her as.

As Zeta your best bet is to not let her in. You can try to pressure her to some extent, but you'll eventually get just DP'd. So better not do it at least when it isn't on cooldown. Zeta has way better range. Use that for your advantage, because up close you're gonna get mashed by the potato.

I didn't want the thread to die so I started a little shitposting. People saying Narm does bug me a little but it's actually whatever in the end.

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What's the worst special move in the game at the moment?

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actually based.
no idea you tell me. would say lowains bro install

As risky as that is, its very satisfying to use if it connects.

zetas reversal, only good for combos, can easily be stuffed by just a spaced meatie in special eg gran fh>ex boot, can be thrown
bro install is great, its really fucking annoying to deal with

I hope Kat does get nerfed just so I can play her again without cock suckers thinking I'm a tier whore and not just enjoying her.

ferry nerfs ~
gran buffs ~~

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How's the participant amount in PS4 lobbies on EU side?

I hope so too. 50% of the players I've encountered as of late have been using Kat.

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I dont care about the lore of granblue or fighting games in general but he looks like the absolut mad men
Would play whit him

Yeah I liked it when everyone thought she was a c tier and everyone was just playing other characters.

Just play her regardless of what assholes think. Even if she's shit and even if she won't get any meaningful buffs that won't stop me from playing Naru.

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why care what people you don#t even know think? Play what you like

>zeta's reversal
pic related, it's me parrying Charlotta's super before whopping her ass with a safejump loop in the corner

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Make the boot always be minus, no matter the range on block. increase scalling in his corner combos
Also tweak her corner combo scaling, make her c.5m neutral or minus
Make his teleport not invul
Maybe increase CD on EXdp, or make the minion mixup less strong

There you go, fixed your game

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ferry needs more nerfs, homosexual robot poster

Ferry needs the sweep nerfed especially.

>I hope Kat does get nerfed just so I can play her again

Charlotta also needs less pushback on literally everything.

they need to buff gran's damage and increase the options available for ferry, make her a better zoner, for sure

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Thats a good nerf too

>let's turn your game into a boring mess