Reminder, if the game has no difficulty settings, you're playing on the lowest difficulty

Reminder, if the game has no difficulty settings, you're playing on the lowest difficulty

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You are also playing on the highest difficulty.

OP is a fag.

This is, without a doubt, the dumbest fucking post to ever be posted on this site in relation to video games. I was going to sage but no, I'm going to bump this. I want ever single person on this site to see this absolutely braindead post. I'm even going to save it for future posts, when someone else is wondering if an opinion might be the dumbest most braindead thing to ever be posted in the history of time and creation it will have to contend with op. And it will lose

debate me

Your also playing it on the highest difficultly fucktard because theirs only one

>you must complete normal mode before you can use hard mode

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>you must complete hard mode before you can use normal mode

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This illusion is the reason why Dark Souls is such a meme. Its been beaten by tons of normies yet somehow people think it is a hard game? Oh right guyz no difficulty setting that means I am always playing on hard haha right!!

Why even come to Yas Forums anymore if the stupidity has already peaked?

>le dark souls isn't hard :DD
Sure thing bro, I bet you never even finished it

Normies use magic builds which is the equivalent of easy mode

This and chads go pure Pyromancy

>you need to die several times on normal mode to unlock easy mode

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So Sekiro is easy game?

Yep it is like so chad to start with free spells and pyromancy glove and sl1 which allows for more versastile stat distribution woow

Nice one outing yourself for never beating the game.

You can't say you've beaten DS unless you've done SL1 no armor fists only.

>you have to beat a game on the hardest difficulty

I have a job, I just want to have some fun, not impress some losers on Yas Forums by beating a hard game.

Based and lifepilled

Why do you even want to play the game anyway? Just to consume more products for temporary happiness?

>Just to consume more products for temporary happiness?

Yes, that's life.

Well why do you?

>die several times on normal mode
>game sets it on easy mode without telling you anything
fuck you dungeon of the endless

Learning and mastering new things keep my brain engaged regardless of it being a video game or not while cruising through the content on easy mode just makes me question my existence more than I already am.

Part of Dark Souls' mystique about the difficulty came from two factors that aren't really relevant anymore.

1. The legacy of Demons' Souls and its Tendency feature (W-what? You mean there's BASIC CONSEQUENCES FOR DYING A LOT? AHHHHHHH)

2. Original release Dark Souls had wayyyyyyy lower soul drops from everything, so you legitimately leveled up much slower and everyone roaming around the game was mostly lower level. But the vast majority of people today have only ever experienced post-patch Dark Souls.

Sounds like bad design. Who the fuck are devs to make gameplay decisions for me? You made the game, now let me play however I want.

>if normies can beat it it’s not hard
>only fat fuck basement dwellers are the real gamerz


Ok retard

Holy shit you are cringe, my dude. Please get a life and stop hating people for being happy.

Yea no only underweight knee-high sock wearing manlets are real gamers.

Hit a nerve I see.

I feels the same (most of the time, I play strategy games on easy though because this shit is never playable on hard, when I played some settlers game and set it on hard, in 3rd mission I'd get rekt by an entire army before my settlers finished building basic huts) and understand your position. What I don't understand is why you are so combative about the thing. So what if someone played on easy? It's their business. It's okay to poke some fun at easyfags but in the end, let them play however they want (unless they demand from the devs to include "story" or "assisted" mode in a game that was always supposed to be difficult, then they can go and fuck themselves).

that's the beauty of it all. there is always a chance of someone on Yas Forums saying something more dumb or stupid or cockamamie or braindead than whatever the last thing that was so stupid was said.

its just a waiting game until it happens. could be seconds, could be years, but its coming

Well I didn't make the thread. I was just asking why do people play on easy and they didn't answer. They only told that "they don't play on hard because they don't need to impress any l o s e r s". So how am I the one being hostile here?

name 1 game that does this aside from dmc3 ps2 us release

>its just a waiting game until it happens. could be seconds, could be years, but its coming
Kinda like death and taxes, huh?

There might be reasons other than incompetence. I don't remember if Ass Creed had difficulty options but if it did, I wouldn't play it on other than easy because combat is boring as shit.
Or if a game has stealth mechanics and backstabbing but on hard the backstabbing doesn't instakill. What's the fucking point?
Or if difficulty comes just from the enemies being bullet sponges. The hardest difficulty I finished Serious Sam on was normal, because on hard it was just tedious, emptying a minigun into some basic grunts.
Hard is only good if it's well designed and balanced and it's not always the case.

I can't remember an exact game and while it's not exactly what I was talking about, I remember a game that was divided into levels and whenever you beat a stage, you would unlock a variant of the stage that had a weird modifier that in most scenarios made it easier and was just made for fun to fuck around in

The problem with this argument is that oftentimes the word tedious and artificial difficulty are just ways to cover the fact that it was too difficult for (You). One very recent example is how in Doom Eternal people are claiming that the combat is badly designed and not fun because enemies are too aggressive and powerful yet there are people finishing that game on the hardest difficulty in just few hours without using any glitches. What I would call is bad difficulty is when games just force you to grind more. And as far as I call Serious Sam difficulties only touched enemy damage, amount and speed.

Way of the Samurai 3

I actually beat Serious Sam on hard but with cheats, so I didn't count it. Ot unlocks abother difficulty mode where enemies turn invisible for a few seconds every now and then. Good luck finishing an area with bulls or explosive gun on this difficulty.
Serious Sam on higher difficulties was terrible because your character is slow and some enemies are very fast, especially bulls, and they come at you in hordes. It's just not possible to avoid damage. On Serious difficulty (that was the unlockable one iirc, or maybe it was Insane) I am sure nobody ever beat the game without cheats.

Explosive guys*

>It's just not possible to avoid damage.
It definitely is, you just need to corral the enemies a certain way while sidestepping their attacks. By the time you get a minigun or rocket launcher, you can kill werebulls before they even reach you.

I found the cannon the only viable weapon against bulls. On hard you could empty half a minigun into a single werebull and he's still be charging

Some encounters are harder on hard than they are on serious because serious difficulty doubles ammo.
It really shouldn't take near that much to kill a bull if you're aiming at it.

I am not sure which one you talking about but I finished the first encounter on whatever was below the serious difficulty without much problems.
>I am sure nobody ever beat it without cheats
But now this is just a stupid claim and further proves that people like to call things bad design the moment they are hard for them personally.

I just play on normal or sometimes easy. I'm not great at games, I just like to have fun. If that makes me a "fake gamer girl" then so be it lol. I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone.

user, in the diff lvl I was talking about you'd eventually end up in a small arena with 50 invisible werebulls charging at you. Before that you'd be on an even smaller arena with a hundred suicide bombers running at you from all directions. IIt's physicallly impossible to finish those arenas on Serious without cheats, considering the fact that 2 or max 3 bombers kill you.
Nobody has ever beaten the game on Serious without cheats. Prove me wrong. You will not find a single walkthrough.
Yas Forums used to play it every weekend.


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>t people like to call things bad design
Serious Sam was extremely badly designed game.
>most enemies are faster than you so you can't ever increase the distance between you and for example suicide bombers
>small arenas with frogs jumping at you from above from all directions
>bullet sponge enemies
>no covers in most arenas
>some arenas where you can't run 10 steps in any direction and enemies are minigunning you
It was fun because it had a fun mc and it was all action with fun guns, but it's literally one of the worst designed shooters ever made

Kamikazes go down to 2 bullets from the Thompson. git gud

I am actually gonna play the game this weekend just because of this.

Ah yes and you sure killed a hundred of them from a tommy before any one of them reached you.
No you didn't

I did because I'm not bad at video games.

You didn't because that"s not possible, the arena is too small and berserkers are too fast and they come from all directions

Serious sam has the best difficultly pree F2 turn all the casual shit off set hp to 400% and play the game it's meant to be played.

I would rather play a game with no difficulty settings than one with 5 of them which only adjust damage numbers

He's either a kid or trolling, SS games are nowhere near impossible on high difficulties.
Serious difficulty actually gives you more ammo without increasing enemy health compared to normal, so it's arguably more fun to play on it.

>you must complete no game mode to get actual game mode

>NOOOO how dare you enjoy playing video games you noob you must not enjoy them to be considered an actual player OP legend

[citation needed]

Just answer the question.