This is the biggest anticipated multiplayer FPS for the foreseeable future

>this is the biggest anticipated multiplayer FPS for the foreseeable future
>just a terrible bootleg of CSGO and Overwatch

What went wrong? Why is this industry so creatively bankrupt?

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>What went wrong?
Everybody bows down to China both in the real and digital world.

It looks fine on paper but I absolutely hate visuals. Literally the most soulless and generic game I've seen in my life.

I don't know a single person that even gives a single fuck about it. And I have a lot of autist friends that play LoL and bootlick Riot all day.

Literally every >>>streamer has nothing but positive things to say.
I'm cautiously optimistic

why would they make something very different from those games? they want the esports audience and these games are the 2 biggest shooter esports

>people paid to hype things say good things about something they are paid to hype

say it isn't so

Streamers are getting paid to shill that shit game

>paid shills doing what they're paid for

>muh shill
How jaded are you guys? Gameplay starts today anyway. Gonna pray to Allah I get a key so I can try it for myself

even the streamers that aren't important enough to want deals are positioning themselves to be the next big thing in case it becomes fucking huge. there's absolutely no reason for a streamer to shit on a game like this, unless it turns out to be so fucking terrible that everyone drops a week in.
the complete lack of any negative feedback should put you off more than it makes you optimistic.

isnt the beta starting tuesday?

Thats a fair point.
Streamers start playing today, 1900 CET. Keys can drop through streams and all the plebs who got a key will be able to play on the 7th, I think

>Literally every
prove it

Just to clarify, I don't think it'll be awful, I think it'll just be another niche shooter once the hype dies down, assuming the actual basic systems aren't completely terrible somehow.
I think it'll be a pretty massive pain to balance and monetize though, considering how dull the hero designs are, and how difficult it'll be to introduce new interesting heroes while keeping the focus on gunplay. it already seems like some shit is just shoved in because OW did it first

the only thing i'd care about is how it plays and if it's easy to get a game
innovation isn't high on my list of priorities for fps

It's not that bankrupt. It's just that some companies get big by taken proven concepts, polish it up and then sell it. League was similarly creatively bankrupt. Took Dota, simplified and casualified it. Applied disney/anime aesthetics and aggressive monetization and BAM one of the most successful games of our times.

Isn't weird that they are doing the same for their future projects.

Maybe. From what I read and heard, you'll only be able to ult once per side, twice if you're really good.
The normal abilities basically take the place of utility nades from cs, so I don't think it'll play too much like OW. Remains to be seen, I guess.

>chink and gooks
No thanks desu.

Totally forgot about this game.
It’s like CSGO with magic spells or someshit right?

How gullible are you? Its pretty safe to assume any big time streamer is being paid to promote something. Its what happens at that level.

I don't think it'll play like OW at all, I just meant that some abilities were clearly just included because OW did. Rez is a big one, how the fuck is that meant to be balanced in a game like this? either it's insanely OP or it's absolutely trash tier, if not worse. I get that some abilities will just be like nades, but there's a much, much larger amount of abilities needed than there was nades in cs. Keeping them all balanced and then introducing new heroes that are interesting and different enough from the rest of the cast for anyone to actually care about them is way harder in a game like this than adding a new hero is in OW.

are you fucking stupid or what
streamers are nothing but billboards for companies

You really think they put all the professional cs players on payroll too, some of the >NA cs players even had some criticism?
I'm just not buying it.
Yes but why does that equal them being on Riots payroll.
Like I said, wait and see. Gameplay starts tonight.

how fucking dumb you must be, do you really thinkg streamers praise shit for free? LOL

You gotta think about it like this. Streamers play the same game for years or months on end for hours and hours a day. They get bored of playing the same thing. So when something new comes along that slightly, just slightly changes the formula the eat it up cause it is fresh and exciting. Give it time and they will shit on this too.

I for one am not into this game. The art direction seems like low poly count, low rez garbage, I'm not graphics whore, and it could very well be artistically impressive, I don't know, but I don't like the visuals at all. Now that isn't enough to stop me from playing. What really stops me is that the movement doesn't seem crisp to me. It seems floaty and janky. It reminds me of paladins or real royale. Neither of which I enjoyed much.

They thought they can do something else except league. Nobody wants to play another overwatch clone the same way nobody wanted to play a lol clone back then (I'm referring to hots). Unless they do it with lol characters it will be a failure.

If its not stated they are being paid in the title, they are not getting paid. Or this is another episode of retarded underage poltards thinking millionaire streamers would risk their cash cow and break the law just to sikritly advertise shit?

Literally the map just looks like boxes here and there without any character because muh "e-sport visual clutter"

also to add to my post. the wall hack arrows seems like cancer. Dying to in-game wall hacks is not fun at all.

You have no idea how marketing works. That's okay. You just need to be aware that anyone who streams is likely being paid to promote something. You know how when actors go onto a talk show? They don't just do that for fun, they do it to promote whatever they are working on.

>professional players
Walking advertisements.

imagine playing a game owned by chinks made for literally bugmen fucking disgusting.

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>Dude trust me bro they totally didn't offer me some good things in return for shilling
The payment isn't necessary money. Streamers also want to get invited to some events and get some new promo material to boost their own viewership. This is why they are shilling.

Nice conspiracy-filled non-argument
Yeah that ability did seem really stupid. Hopefully theres some notification for when you're spotted, and from what I heard if you break LOS (with the arrow) it stops displaying you.

I haven't watched any of the streamers when they played this, and I'm no OP, but getting paid to stream something has to be disclosed, or anything the received. As far as I know all they got was closed beta access which I image is disclosed

The only reason I want to try it out is that it solves my primary problem with Overwatch, the guns are important tools and not just an auto-attack used between ability cooldowns. Abilities are everything in Overwatch, and as much as I hate the moba comparisons for it, it really does just make it feel like a first person moba because of that.
Meanwhile R6: Siege is essentially a hero shooter, every character has a unique kit of abilities and playstyle, but you can still win a round without using them. Your primary means of interacting with Siege is by shooting your enemy, the abilities take second chair to your rifle.
I see Valorant being like this. Your ability to preform in an FPS is what will carry you to victory, not just having your cooldown end so you can press the win button like Overwatch. At least I hope so, that's the impression it's given me so far. It could end up a broken mess just like Overwatch in practice. At the very least it's a PC exclusive so it won't be balanced around hand holding like Overwatch, I've always had a feeling that the gunplay sucks in it because of the console releases.

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>get media key to play it
>don't want to at all and start thinking up a corona related excuse
>friends tell me to just try it
>it's legit CSGO built in Overwatch

This shit is horrendous. I haven't been so turned off since the Lawbreakers alpha

It's really this way more than the schizo tier "they're risking their entire careers for a one time payment" shit. There's no reason for a streamer big enough to get invited to shit to not be positive about big upcoming new products. All that shitting on them does is make you less likely to get invited to betas or events and shit, which means you have less opportunities for huge viewership boosts or the ability to break into an entirely new category with a big advantage.

Abilities being everything in OW for DPS isn't too true at the moment, outside Mei all the best choices are shit like mccree or widow or hanzo that are pretty much completely reliant on your aim.

Just admit you're a graphics whore. You don't play fpses for visuals.

While I'm sure visual clutter is a reason for the art direction, it's most likely because they want the lowest possible specs required to play. Most of the games that get big in esports and PC in general can run on a toaster.

Streamers are acting in their own interest to hype (new) shit...
1. to carry over as much of their current viewerbase over as possible.
2. to establish themselves as a community foundation in case the new shit skyrockets
3. to get in good relations with the respective company for further promotional deals.
and probably more shit I couldnt come up with in 3 minutes.

Marketing is not always some simple "Get X, do Y" kind of shit that has to be legally disclosed as advertisement.
It would be the same with a new Valve game (see Artifact shilling) or a new Blizzard game (maybe not nowadays anymore).

That's fair. I never thought of it like this. Thanks. I learned something new. Saving this post.

i've never heard of it

Same shit can also be said about journalists. They shill for stuff not necessarily because they got directly paid for it but because licking somebody's ass may provide them some career opportunities.

It would absolutely still be the case with a new blizzard game, as much controversy as they've had, pretty much every big release they make sells a huge amount, and wow, hs and ow are all some of the more watched twitch games.

>they fucking put a rez button
didn't they see what hell overwatch was anytime that ability was even remotely viable?
The only game that pulled off that so far is Paladins and that's only because it's a slowass charging self rez on a tank. And they still were sensible enough to add another character who's ult has the caveat "prevents resurrection on enemies killed by it"

its the perfect shooter. what are you on about lmao. overwatch is fucked and allowing ppl to actually shoot ppl fixes it completely. valorant is gonna be huge.

You can (supposedly) only rez once per side, so its a single round changer. Huge for momentum but not nearly as oppressive as Overwatch.

rez on its own isn't an issue in OW, it's balanced enough these days, I just don't see how it will work in a game like valorant, which as far as I've seen has all the cs shit where you buy loadouts and can drop shit on death. obviously moth mercy was fucking insanely busted, I don't know why they ever thought that many rezzes when you chose was an issue.

honestly rez should have stayed as an ult, but only single target, while she got some anti-cc on her E

Nah I think her design as it is now is fine, though could maybe get a small buff somewhere or another, she's kind of mediocre outside of pocketing a DPS I feel.. Rez is potentially gamechanging, but it's on a super long CD and takes enough time to be cancelled if she does it in a stupid location.
Anti-CC alone is kind of a weird thing to balance, because it could be insanely busted if you combo it with a nanoblade or doomfist, but would be a completely useless ability most of the rest of the time. It's strong when tied to something like zaryas bubbles, but on its own I'm not sure.

hey Ling, i hope the corona virus isnt too bad in your town

>while everyone played the entire weekend, xQc played for just a few hours
>said retakes were too hard
>people that played said ovewartch players got shat on during the playtest

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>NDA getting lifted today
>keys through twitch drops gonna get handed out too
let's see how bad it actually is

>Streamers are getting paid to shill that shit game
any big streamer or youtuber is legally liable if they do not disclose that they are sponsored or that they are advertising a game
so when anybody goes public and says good things and that they are not being paid to say it, it's very likely true or they are risking their future career as a streamer and content creator

still, the majority of the time people spend shooting at shields and tanks getting healed and then they wombo combo

god, i wanna fuck product manager so bad

Shields are overall in the weakest place they've ever been, I think. The strongest shield in the game absolutely melts if you use it poorly, and is on an otherwise pretty high skill cap character. Was an insanely big issue in double shield though for sure.

See he explained it better than I did. It's viewership boosts and future invites they want, not a direct money payment.

Are you really that naive?

companies risk more than they gain from potentially getting busted
that and there is literally no difference between publicly sponsoring somebody or making it look like native advertisement because nobody fucking cares anymore
so if you have two ways to go about it, both get the job done and one of them gets you in trouble which one do you chose?
>It's viewership boosts and future invites they want
a very simplistic idea that doesn't take in account the these people have actual living audiences that aren't as retarded as you'd like them to be
somebody who has attracted audiences and created a community that is skeptical may lose more than they gain in the long term if they want to play this zero-sum game with new viewers versus old viewers
it also doesn't take in account there are plenty of streamers that basically are hobbyists because they are already rich and don't care about their status or relationship with companies (forsen and moonmoon come to mind, and both of them fucking TRASH companies and have never given a fuck how many people watch or sub to them)

A lot of the "skeptical" audiences just do the same shit as you see here, where they shit on pretty much every single game except for a few that are literally perfect and you'll get shat on for talking about negatively. Even with those audiences, if it comes out you can just play for a few weeks and then decide to shit on it or not from there, which is what every streamer does anyway. Not every streamer does it of course, but all the ones I've seen doing so have a pretty vested interest in that sort of shit, or have a history of praising absolute fucking garbage just because it's from a big dev.

I'm sure some legitimately love it too, but you're being incredibly dumb if you don't think streamers play nice with big companies in the hopes of getting invited to shit and breaking into a bigger audience. That being said you also described twitch chat as not retarded, so I could be wasting my time replying.