Why are gamers like this?
Why are gamers like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>screencap with no input whatsoever
Why is Yas Forums like this
Because its full of disgusting socially inept neckbeards. Reddit will always be superior.
She's not wrong.
dangerously based
fuck off
someday companies will realize that twitter holds no actual power
Then maybe you should go back there.
Jack is cute but this thread is pointless.
The fact that you're even putting this person in a negative light, ignoring the fact that this thread is cancerous bait, harms the industry by antagonizing the anti-censorship side. Your retarded shitposting has poured one drop of gasoline onto the fire of censorship. Take your damn (You) and fuck off
Go back retard. You literally have entire boards dedicated to random people's twitters and you even segregated them by race too lmao
Send all the weebs to Japan and nuke it a few more times please.
calm down chud, you make your own side a laughing stock
Shut the fuck up you reddit autist
I like the full image.
You are partially responsible for the gay scene's censorship. Mark my words, one day you will be held accountable.
The person there is right. I'm sick and tired of people waltzing into other people hobbies and forcefully changing them. Either personally or forcing the creators to cave into their demands.
Yeah thats hot
Why is she so fat?
Why does gatekeeping bother you so much?
It keeps communities clean of trash like you.
noones to blame for that, the devs made that decision.
For once a twitter opinion I agree with.
Inverted cunny; everytime she leaks she fills up a little more
>have to post meme-y one-liners to get that precious top comment, instead of just posting YOUR opinion
Not really.
You can stop baiting for attention now user.
Fool, every action has lasting effects. All pro-censorship actions therefore must be punished, and you may be guilty of several. Do you not understand the magnitude of your actions? Censorship will always be slightly more egregious now thanks to you.
>full of disgusting socially inept neckbeards.
Sort of like Reddit.
Why are gamers like this?
Why are gamers like this??
I want to lick
Why are Twitter screencap obsessed NIGGERs like this?
Why my Twitter screencap like this? Look see my Twitter screencap? Look at it look look look
Look at my Twitter screencap look look look
Why are gammers like this?
Jack is for headpats and reassuring hugs only
Why is gamer twitter faggot retard thread that no one cares about like this?
Why are gamer incel twitter screencaps like this?
gamer faggot twitter? Reddit? Seethe cope. Dilate, as well as sneed.
Why are underage newfag twitter redditor twunblerites like this?
Suck my fat Ampharos cock
What are some gamers like this?
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
Why are gamer retards like this?
Fuck off you autist.
Why are westies like this?
But I shave myself twice a week
do you like mareep too? Please respond.
Why do you fucking idiots even browse Twitter it's clearly nothing but underaged trannies and journalists pretending to sound smart
Pregnant girls are the best.
Fuck off you autist.
Why are gamers like this?
>Reddit will always be superior
Imagine being this much of a delusional faggot
People who like anime and videogames and think that alone constitutes a 'personality' are the fucking worst.
Why are gamers like this??
Mega based ampharos poster
Godspeed user, please keep it up, one day the state of this board will get back to its former glory
the reach of a gay pedo can have kek
kys scum
Why are gamers like this???
Why are gamers like this????
You can be anti censorship, and NOT be a cringey autisic oversensitive weeb like this Twitter user
Why are gamers like this?????
this de su, there is no legitemate reason to be mad about the P5R change
at least you fags were right about #FE but i've never seen the cunny crowd be right except there
Why do you obsess over twitterfaggots?
The point isn't to shift people's opinions, but rather to stop censorship once and for all. The corrupt censors must perish, as they cannot be converted.
Why do you suck twitter cock 24/7?
>corrupt censors
you mean the people inside atlus making the change?
>all these replies to bait this obvious
why do people try so hard to fit in on this website
lurking for 5 years needs to be mandatory
Why cant you make a good thread for once instead of using autistic Twitter screencap?
Ampharos poster is the hero Yas Forums needs but doesn't deserve
Why do you get hot Twitter enemas after every fat shit faggot?
Jack is for fucking
Twitter Twitter Twitter I can't stop sucking twitter sock mmmmpphhggjgg yes Twitter here's another screencap daddy twitter
>he doesn't know
Why are you choking on Twitter crohns diarrhea after every Twitter cum guzzling?
educate me then, fag
which person is responsible for your problems and must perish?
damn this nigga mad
This is based.
Based on facts.
Did you know this is Yas Forums and not Twitter you autistic fucking underaged nigger?
Sleeper agents inside atlus
>retards prove his point with retarded replies
"Holy fucking shit a guy on Twitter has opinion better screencap it for Tyrone" - autistic faggot cocksucking loser
twitter is only good for following a porn artists
Trolling outside of Yas Forums is against the rules
"Mmmpphhh augh aaaaghhhg mmmmhhh mmphhmhnmmghm" - you sucking on Twitter cock hourly
I agree OP should fuck off and stop posting shitty threads.
Look at me look at me look at me me post Twitter me so EPIC
>Why are gamers like this?
Why aren't you? Fuck you.
You will never not be on Twitter guzzling molten twitter semen inferno
>downvotes you a few times
>your comment is no longer viewable by default
nothing personnel, kid