Is this common in Japan culture?

They keep gasping at everything, waving their arms around like school girls and putting their fingers on their mouth like that...

Is that common in Japan? Because I find it extremely cringe and can't help but imagine a fat neckbeard incel putting a basedboy face when they act like cute anime girls and I feel like throwing up.

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imagine being this bothered by a hand gesture

>and putting their fingers on their mouth like that...

That's a way of telling people to shoosh. But you can't do that in the west because I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPRESS MYSELF!

Are you jealous by the fact that you'll never be cute like the video game girls, tranny?

why do americans clap for everything though
its pretty cringe

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>Girl puts finger on her mouth telling you to shush
>Have a conniption fit and go apeshit on Yas Forums

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Japs are autistic retards.They have forgotten how humans work. They can't dance, have the worst comedy in the world and simply act out the emotion they think they're supposed to feel, instead of actually feeling it.

Is this the power of autism...?

did you never watch anime?
they always gasp and articulate like 5 year old down syndrome sufferrers.
asian equivalent of 'LOOK I AM ACTING'

Do Japanese people really use this extremely common hand gesture that literally everyone in the world understands from birth? Fucking anime bullshit.

Is not that I'm being bothered, I know most people here in Yas Forums are obsessed with anime and wished they lived in japan and run like naruto and eat noodles all day... But normal people don't do that.

I'm trying to understand what's with all the anime poses and shit the game has, are they trying to appeal to you repulsive incels? Seems cruel to play with you guys like that...


anime is a shit medium for dumb people

have you never played a japanese game before
just how it is my nigga

No I don't watch Anime, I'm not suicidal.

They just take virus directly to the mouth.

> I'm a pedophile and thisTifa school girl with the mental age of an 8 year old turns me on, i'm gonna pretend Tifa always acted like a loli instead of respecting her original shy yet caring character.

go back tourist

>I'm not bothered
>Starts a whole thread about how he's bothered

Somehow Tifa comes off way more cringe than Aerith because her voice doesn't match the actions and because Tifa never did shit like that outside of the after battle fanfair in any game she's ever been it.

Aerith looks pretty bad too but at least her personality sort of matches.

Only Kingdom Hearts and it's extremely cringe how often they nod and say a super mega hyper loud "MHMHM!"

Aerith still has the disney princess look and acting, the problem is the over the top anime girl. But Tifa waving her arms around... Is just pathetic, she was the only mature and shy character we had, now she's Rinoa. And it already bothered me a lot that Rinoa, Garnet and Tifa looked so much alike, I just pray they never even touch IX again or they'll make Garnet go from tortured, curious and lonely to anime school girl.

>are they trying to appeal to you repulsive incels?
Who else do you think likes nuTifa trash other then zoomer incels. They've been trying and failing to convince the board that Tifa was some fucking genki tomboy all along, when literally anyone can go back and watch AC or play the OG and Dissidia and realize these faggots are full of shit.

you're a dumbfuck redneck retard
go have a vacation overseas to a non-english speaking country
get some culture into your fucking brain
it'll do you some good

>Retarded anime gestures are CULTURE
Get a load of this faggot

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>Girl puts finger on her mouth telling you to shush
>Get a boner
This is my response, anyway.

If you can't help but imagine fat neckbeard incels then i truly pity you.

Even in KH Tifa never did that shit. Aerith did it to some extend but then she's supposed to be a weird girl from the get go.

It is cringe when weebs be it white or nigger do it.
Asians can just just pull it off like its natural somehow.

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Cloud loves Aeris

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Are you fucking retarded? Yas Forums is not ONE person, you cockmuncher.

Are you seething that you're narrative failed. I'm sure you're going to continue to force your fanfiction Tifa onto Yas Forums

She was a very nice lady but that shit was still cringe. People just accept it as Asian autism until they force it on characters that never did shit like that

You don't understand superior Japanese culture, Amerimutt gaijin piggu

Yes, usually with "Hi-mit-su~" or "It's a secret"

so explain the plot, i'm hearing a lot of stuff. Barret dying? Zack lives? timeline diverging? what happens?

>It's a secret

Japan is a nation of children.

It's a weeb board, so is that a trick question? Everyone knows jappos are very restrained and controlled in their daily lives. Which is why their entertainment culture reflects it: Drunk japanese in their karaoke are so fucked up crazy it would make any westerner ashamed. Similarly, the entire style of big eyes in manga / anime is based on extravagant expression: the opposite of their everyday life.

So yes, they do a lot of expressive animations in all their cartoons and movies too. It's the polar opposite of how they behave in real life. For us westerners it seems odd because we're allowed to be expressive in real life too, so there's no need to go overboard with it in our entertainment. This is also why Kimi Raikonnen (that F1 driver) was such a big deal for the Japanese: His complete and total lack of expression and emotions, mimic their own.

>a fat neckbeard incel putting a basedboy face when they act like cute anime girls and I feel like throwing up.
Yes, imagining an ugly ass dude acting like a girl is disgusting. You've figured out why people hate trannies. Stop imagining a dude acting like a girl.

>I know most people here in Yas Forums are obsessed with anime and wished they lived in japan and run like naruto and eat noodles all day... But normal people don't do that.
please be bait and not some retarded twitterfag

We should have kept nuking them.

>dumb people
>most people who watch anime are chads and smart like elon musk

>>most people who watch anime are chads and smart like elon musk
>Such a chad that he's getting sued because he talked shit about a guy who saved children from death
I bet you think Trump is a chad to right faggot

No that's just how Nomura directs his games because he's a genuinely retarded aspie.

Nothing. Like literally nothing.

Yas Forums being Yas Forums with conspiracy theories.
"OHHHH Cloud had a premonition that Aerith is killed! that means he'll save her!"

Barret gets stabbed by Zepiroth but is resurrected minutes later. Zack doesn't live, he just appears as a ghost in the end and we don't know what will happen in the next episodes but since he has an entire model and seems relevant to the plot they keep thinking he'll come back to life.

Timeline diverging because some things happen differently in the end, it's all the same to me desu, they all leave midgar after blowing up the sky and setting the people free from the tyrany of capitalism, Jesse dies, the fat guy and briggs live, and they all live Midgar with the cat companion to kill Sephirot.

BTW you can rape Aerith mouth and take away her first kiss UwU.

Kimi Raikonnen IS Japanese.

No, I'm saying I imagine a fat guy making this face when Aerith, Jesse and Tifa act like lolis. And it disgusts me. Square knows very well how sick and pathetic the customers are and the fanservice is cutting me like a knife.

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It's half and half. You can't deny people here are like that... Boy the amount of times i've heard you weeabos daydream about living in Japan... it's sad.

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Do not criticize us Japanese.

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Most people who watch anime end up committing suicide.

this is what decades of ZOG propaganda does to your brain

Call me a basedman buy I like it. It's cute and a nice change from western realism. And kind of reminds me of the old anime I watched as a kid.

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then you should go somewhere that doesn't have that
maybe... reddit?

Lurk more underage.

I think it's the influence of Japanese theatre.

Do americans really make anoying sarcastic quips all the time????

No, it's theatrical expressionism.
You could see it as a remnant of a time where subtle animations (in 2d and 3d) wheren't as accessible to developers.

> anime watchers
user, April fools is over. Weeb shitters are 99% autist with the BMI of a mini VA. The other 1% are just casual watchers and dbz fans

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