I like it

I like it

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Can't play it until I get my new graphics card, which I can't order until the 7th and it probably won't arrive for another week after that.

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Im downloading the resistance now, not in a rush to play the story

why not? whats your current setup?

It's good

Attached: re3_2020_04_03_02_55_36_812.jpg (2560x1440, 1.38M)

I bet you do, Shill.

When you take down the nemesis, does he stay down until the next scripted event?

I like it too. Just got to Carlos's segment and I'm gonna stop here for tonight. Will play more when I wake up

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Can I run it?

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GTX 1050.

I lied I can play it on low settings but I would rather wait until I can get the 1080 then I can crank everything up to highest settings.

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>RX 580
You'll be fine

This had to be intentional

It is

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I honestly didn't think the devs would straight up show us Jill getting throatfucked

Can the modding community save this game to any extent?

they already have with alot of coomer mods and more coming soon


i hate it

It’s good and I like it but I don’t know if I’d call it fun

Why do I hear so many faggots like Cr!t!cal and SomeOrdinaryGamers complain that its too short? The RE3 from PS1 was shorter and didnt hear people complain back then.

I'm glad you enjoyed it user. I'm looking forward to playing it when my copy arrives.

>censor a skirt
>include a tentacle throatfuck
what did the meant by this?

based capcoom

fuck off

i didn’t, they turned nemesis into a joke, it’s like he was a afterthought ffs

what a retard you are

I don't really care about it

>t.never played the game


>e-celebs are retarded
Stay tuned

I finished it.

It's fine. Pretty much what RE3 was to RE2 back in the day. Is it perfect? Na. It improves a lot on the original, but also I think it cut a bit too much and the starting section with the City needed more puzzles and exploration.

I am not even interested because of how mediocre RE2 was. In fact, I'd rather play the PS original than RE3 HD.

t. schizo

God I hate tech illiterate niggers like you.

>dogs make RE4 wolf noises

I'd buy it for a $20 discount.

>in 2020

he went to shit years ago, and if him keeping that city of heroes server secret wasn't enough to make you realize he was a shithead, i don't know what to tell you

Carlos is relentlessly handsome.


what should I spend my points on after a first playthrough?

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I beat it. Was definitely a lot easier than I thought. Only thing you should know, don't even touch the storage units, even if you don't store anything in, by hitting X, you negate the trophy.

It's out since 9 hours, retard.

He's so fucking cringe it hurts

YTers get more hits for hating on things

>literally on your ass the whole game with every boss fight being him including the last one
you'd have something if you'd complained about all the pointless qte segments though


Lol, PC master race...

City of heroes server secret?

>6 hours of good content is bad (RE3)
>20 hours of average content with 80 hours of padding (Persona 5) is good

KWAB you weebs are.

Why doesnt the game have the melee attacks on stun like in RE4/5/6?

You're talking about over 20 years ago where the only games that were long were RPGs. We're 20+ years removed and you're telling me a developer can't make a longer game?

I don't even care about the length (I make plenty of money) but the direction of the game looks RE6 retarded. Easy pass.

MMO that died for years and years because the korean publisher was greedy
Came to light that, for several of those years, a secret group of people had a private server up and running and just weren't telling anyone
Cr1tikal complained publicly about the game still being shut down because it was his favorite game
After while someone from the server came forward and outed the whole thing
Turned out cr1tikal was in the private server the whole time and kept it secret with the rest of the ratfuckers

They removed entire sections that were in the original and replaced them with basically nothing from what I've heard. They both might be around the same length but the remake literally took out a decent chunk of actual content.

critikal at least relies pretty heavily on whining about shit to get attention, it's like half of his personality. he's been that way for ages, but it's even more obvious in recent years

Can carlos also get the shop items?



no thanks

Carlos is fucking ugly. No idea why people keep calling him handsome. He's rugged but definitely not handsome.
His face model hurts my eyes whenever I see it up close. Looks like a melting 40 year old spic's face.

truly hard hitting journalism, I'm very glad he's standing up for gamers against the tyranny of steam mods locking retarded threads.

>he should look more like me and wear a dashing fedora and stylish trenchcoat, then he'd look like a real man!

Jill was great.
Carlos was great.

But holy fuck some of Carlos' sections were fucking slogs. Especially his last bit in the hospital with the world's slowest closing shutters.
Also fuck whoever thought the second to last Nemesis fight needed random fucking zombie spawns.
In fact, that same kind of shit pissed me off with Doom Eternal bosses too. Why do developers think throwing obnoxious and annoying adds into boss fights is fun or engaging or anything but annoying shit that pulls your attention away from the boss fight that's happening? Apparently Carlos did something cool with a crane, but fuck if I saw it, since I had to turn around and break a zombie grab.

fuck off billy

Whats with anons still insisting that Jill is ugly? Do you just hate being wrong and pretend you're not no matter the evidence? It's like someone pointing to a beautiful painting and trying to argue that it's a hideous eyesore

Just finished it. It was alright, but doesn't touch RE2.

incels who need to fuel their deluded culture war even if it requires outright denying reality

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Yeah, definitely wait for it and savor it