It's another night spent listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd in the middle of the night while chewing on altoids and coffee and...

>it's another night spent listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd in the middle of the night while chewing on altoids and coffee and playing dark souls 2 with a single lamp on
It's nothing special, but it's my life.

What's up with you guys tonight? Playing anything fun?

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>dark souls 2

>Chewing altoids and drinking coffee at the same time

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>pedo likes shittiest souls
yeah it all adds up

>trying to help my best friend grieve the loss of her mom
listening to oingo boingo & might try playing SMT1 later tho

I'm just finishing the DLC here, relax.

>coffee addict
>altoids fan (objectively worst mint)
>listens to skynyrd unironically

How could such disgusting creatures foul our world?

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That just seems like an odd combination taste wise. Why?

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>chewing altoids
>drinking coffee

Fuck, are you literally me? A man of taste?

>dark souls 2
>lynyrd skynyrd
Is it even possible to have taste this bad

I like to mix it up desu. Looks like I successfully triggered a lot of people though so that's pretty cool.

Fucking based as hell. Album?

Yeah, Kirino is NOT for lewding

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>Lynyrd Skyrnyrd
get the fuck out and listen to whatever fag hiphop shit you jack off to. Aside from his weird altoid and coffee mix OP is based

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You mean objectively superior taste. I like strong flavors. I drink black coffee because I like its strong, alkaline flavor. I chew 2-3 altoid tablets when I'm not drinking coffee because I like the strong burst of minty flavor. And I jerk off to Kirino because I like her strong, turbobitch brocon personality.

i dont get it the only thing wrong about this thread is liking lynyrd skynyrd
i dont mean unironically cause you can still like
songs of an artist
like a boomer i guess
like a zoomer
consuming popstars
consuming pop vidya
cod n shit
eating faeces like everyone else cause its what everyone else does

thanks senpai. i'm not mixing the mints with the coffee, I'm just taking it nice and slow
>not liking lynyrd skynyrd
you must be a fruit

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chewing on altoids and coffee
user what the fuck?

>do a little game dev on the side with some friends
>my partner in this endeavor is an autist with a p.h.d in graphics & visualization with a few published papers
>im so out of depth with some of the shit she wants implemented I ended up having to go back and study math and algorithms to keep up with her
>playing Paper Mario in moonrunes later to test my Japanese
>will probably play coom eternal and sleep

stop writing like a spastic you dumb faggot

>thanks senpai. i'm not mixing the mints with the coffee, I'm just taking it nice and slow
That amkes mroe sense.
Anyway I just got done playing a few hours of totla warhammer 2 before I saw this topic.

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sounds dope, good luck getting with the autist

>game dev
Go on...
I genuinely like hearing about this kind of stuff

Nothing much, switching between some Victoria 2 trying to reclaim rightful greek land from the Ottomans and preparing some maps on Roll20 for my Pathfinder Eye of the Beholder adaptation game tomorrow while the wife plays Animal Crossing next to me. Quarentine is going okay for now.

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>liking Kirino

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Poor taste

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kith me

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cute af

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Kuroneko-fags seething even years later
Kirino won, time to move on

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I like those doujins where Kirino gets fucked

Wow would you look at that!
Nobody fell for you sad shitty bait!
Revaluate your intelligence!

By Kyousuke I would hope

Dark souls 2 is objectively terrible just putting that out there

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Is that a girl or a boy?

It has its moments.

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What's the point of reading doujins of things you dont know the characters?

You expect me to remember a characters name when it's not the main one after like 8 years?

Kyousuke is the MC though

Kirino is the MC

Kyousuke has more screen time and all the characters revolve around him. Kirino is important but her brother is the MC

If you say so. I only remember Kirino and the other sluts she hangs around.

Kirino is pretty sexy, she has some very decent porn.
respectfully disagree.

Classic coomer, making all media pointless one cumshot at a time


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She's for loving kisses and gentle head pats ONLY

Guys I just rewatched oreimo and vaguely remembered a scene with it being revealed that they aren't related. The father's friend died and he took in his daughter without telling the son or something like that? Also holy shit kirino is such a fucking cunt. I couldn't stand someone as sweat and cute as kuroneko losing.

No they're definitely related; I also rewatched recently and I don't know where you saw that
And Kuroneko played stupid mind games with Kyousuke by breaking up with him for no reason then ghosting him. She was no better than Kirino, and Kyousuke loves Kirino more. Kirino won

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will you marry her?

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I would if I could user. I don't think I'll be alive when they finally perfect waifu-creation technology

>for no reason
She did that because Kirino is a fucking cunt and was ruining everyone's relationship because of her jealously. If it wasn't this one then I have no idea. I swore it was this. Maybe it was the games? I also don't remember seeing this scene.

Well I'm positive that image is fan made. They're definitely related, it's why the creator had to hide the fact they were still dating at the end because the producing company wanted to censor him

Well now I have to look through all the other NBR incest anime to figure out what the fuck I'm remembering,

>dark souls 2

It might've been but I've never seen anything about them being unrelated. Their blood relation was the whole reason the ending was so unclear and confusing to lots of people so I doubt he made it so they were ever not related

I finished playing antichamber today. Currently watching some twitch.

I haven't taken a shower in days and I smell like shit, and I feel gross but it's too late to take a shower without waking up everyone else.

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girl tummies...

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new jashin season when?

in 3 days

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