Risk of Rain

coomer edition

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Risk of Rain 1 > Risk of Rain 2



>female 'mando
Nothing, and I repeat nothing is improved by being given tits and ass.

i prefer starstorm

modded risky is shit

Loving the new items

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just asking to get deleted

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>nothing is improved by being given tits and ass.
How many dicks do I have to suck to be this gay? I bet you play mercenary.

stop posting this on every fucking risky thread

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think it counts as spam?


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fuck off

What region?
Armour is more visually appealing to look at than people. Huntress is my "main" in both 1 and 2.

Hey that guy's a major fag but leave my dude mercenary out of this

based walter poster

Gay as a rainbow in may.

idk might be
it was funny for the first time and that's it

Imagine the smell wafting from Huntresses' ass after about 30 minutes of nonstop vigorous exercise activity with no break.

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>body stocking
shit tier fetish

Reposting from last thread
US East Coast
2/4 people

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Shit tier opinion.

faggots begone


>the chad LOLSORANDOM XDXD metamorphosis
>the virgin M-muh build! 4 hooves 9 glasses scythe uku atg on every character sans engi command

who is the autist that keeps seething about builds?


I thought metamorphosis only changed survivor? Does it affect items aswell?
Updates bring out shitposters. Wait a few days and the threads will be calm again.

Can't attack!? How am I supposed to make gold now?

it's called skinsuit. You're probably somebody who says "spats"

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This Huntress image makes me so damn horny. Why is there almost no lewds of her?

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I kind of miss these elites.
The second I saw a Parent teleport though I jumped a mile away in panic.

there's a koikatsu card of her out there if you're that desperate

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i never played ror1 and when the parent teleported near me in 2 i nearly shat myself. it still happens i guess

no but I do call your kind spaz

Frenzied elites should get added back in, they would fit in RoR2 well. An enemy that can outrun most survirors and teleport is quite threatening.

What's worse, blazing elites in 2 or volatile elites in 1

I have years of trauma from playing enforcer against volatiles on glasssacrificehonor rules.
Blazings and 2's elites don't seem that bad in comparison.

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Meta makes the game more challenging bc forcing you to adapt each stage.
It also hard filters retards who can only play 1 survivor.

Fem Imp Overlord poll:
Remember you can choose multiple options

I'm looking to get into a series of games and this one caught my interest. Never played the 1st one. Recommend jumping into the 2nd? Thanks

>posts results link

So what's the verdict on Glass? It was popular in RoR1, but I don't see it even mentioned in these threads for 2.

I've been enjoying it.

Command makes this game so much more fun, holy fucking shit.

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Did you sketch up the floating eyes?
I don't really feel comfortable voting without knowing what you have in mind. Could either be neat or terrible.

Pretty fun, but these threads are filled with shitters right now so everyone cries about their OSP being removed.

gn bros
fuck hopoo

It's amazing. Also kinda increases the value of teddy bears like 20x, so 1 teddy in glass is worth 20 in normal
Ignore tards crying about OSP.
Jesus fuck just drop to drizzle you shitter

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The point of games is to have fun, friend.

Holy shit you're either really really bad or disabled

Then why would you pick Articifer?

Yeah. Second is completely different from the first in the sense one is a 2d game and the other is 3d. It’s free this week so you should give it a go.

Is sacrifice shit now since the old clover is gone?


How is flying around above everything, raining death not fun?

based rainstorm bimbo built for cock

cool didn't know that. thanks

>start of a god tier run
>level 5, soulbound and dagger and rocket
>good greens and no shitty whits
fuck yeah, time to farm up those artifacts
>get to the teleport platform right at the start of level 5
>start to put in codes to get going, don't want timer to tick up too much
>suddenly, shocking grater wisp one shots me out of nowhere

for fucks sakes

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>dude command is so fun
>picks 0 healing and defensive items
>run ends on stage 9
>dude command is so fun
>picks no movement items
>run ends on stage 6
>dude command is so fun
I don't understand. Every single one of my command monsoon runs lasted 400 minutes. (All 2 of them because i got bored)

1 and 2 play differently. RoR1 is 2d and RoR2 is 3d.
Pick up whichever looks more interesting, though I recommend trying both.
Not really, no. Its just not busted anymore.

it pretty much requires you go void to catch up in items

That's kind of what I figured.

It's also nice because it makes Thermal Harpoons into the plasma cruise missiles they deserve to be.

400 minutes? Why would you even want to have it last that long?
Damn you people take this game far too seriously.