Now that the dust has settled, what went so horribly fucking wrong?
Rebuild of Final Fantasy VII
Consumers for giving these people money when they don't deserve it.
Refunding my pre-order.
Nothing, little doomie. This is just going to make people even more excited for the sequels. You included, because you're going to be thinking, talking and speculating about this for the next 2-3 years because you can't help yourself.
How is Yas Forums so dumb? How could you not see this coming? It was literally stated it wouldn't be like the original, yep im still buying it and gonna enjoy every second of it, cope seethe and dilate losers.
Change people's clothes, make Shinra blow up their own Reactors, have Sephiroth appear as visions and shit, hell, have AVALANCHE survive Sector 7's destruction. I couldn't care less. But you couldn't contain yourself, could you? You absolutely HAD to make this game a shitty fucking Rebuild-like sequel about "muh changing fate". Fuck, FUCK, FUCK YOU, HOLY FUCK I'M FUCKING MAD.
>t-this piece of shit i'm eating is actually good!
FF trannies in full damage control mode
This. Square would have fucked up a straight remake and created stupid original vs remake arguments in the future. This is the best news about this game so far.
You can (not) change fate.
Resident Evil 1 Remake wasn't like the original. Doesn't mean its plot was Wesker survived RE5 and built a time machine to go back to the Spencer Mansion and fuck around with Chris and Jill. Fuck Nomura and fuck nu-Square.
I knew CC niggers would end up ruining this shit
Sad but true
>jenovaroth stabs everyone:the game
can't wait for part 2
sephiroth changes fate so his gay boyfriend zack can live?
Does anyone has the translation lyrics for Hollow? I rember it seems like it was a Zack and Cloud song, now seeing the ending explains more
Haven't played FF VII in ages, so I barely remember anything about it.
What's the uproar all about?
Zack is the main character now
CC haters BTFO
What happened?
The dust is far from fucking settled retard
Once the game is officially out, there’s going to be a fucking shitstorm with people calling out Nomura’s bullshit and retards actually defending this garbage
Please tell me this means just a flashback of Zack was added (when it didn't happen before at all) and not that it is "hinting" that he survived the shinra ambush.
>promised a remake.
>don't get a remake.
Nomura the genius behind the crapilation
And you’re surprised? Lol
Kino is back on the menu.
Literally everything.
I said this months ago, ya fags thought I was being mad.
Haven't played it, but from what I an gather Zack is alive in this game instead of dead thus either a retcon or alternate timeline.
Massive cope.
>he doesn't know
yaaassss aerith will survive!
me too man. I feel you pain. I hope nomura gets fired.
>Bro this is totally gonna ruin sales!
>*4 Back to Back FFVIII threads all reaching 600+ posts because of some small ruse cruze near the end*
You just feel for the trap. This is literally gonna sell like crazy.
This is beyond what Squeenix has been saying
The way it’s been marketed was FF7 with a couple details added to make the story flow more for a modern game
This is literally a different game and story completely
It’s using the name of Final Fantasy 7 as a marketing stunt for some completely new bullshit Nomura story
Uh he gets up while surrounded by hundreds of dead shinra grunts. This is after seeing some weird fuckery covering Midgar. He didn't die.
>The way it’s been marketed was FF7 with a couple details added to make the story flow more for a modern game
This. i distrinctly remember them making it sound like it was just a few changes here and there.
this is a completely different story and game. it's not FF7.
you are fucking kidding me...
>Behind the compilation
Do you have brain damage?
It's not a Rebuild situation. It's just a hack writer bloating a game.
No he's not.
somehow... Zack has returned
>have to deal with these troll threads for the next week
Have fun, Barry.
Zack isn't back btw, for anyone who actually cares about reality. It's just Aerith seeing a memory.
The fucked up part of this is that many people didn't play the PSP games so they have little idea who this guy is. Thought they wanted to bring in new players if this is the ending most people are just going to go...who?
So... who gonna tell him?
I think you're wrong but Dies Irae is cool.
I haven't played it yet, if it sucks, it sucks. Shame on them and another modern FF game goes on the disappointments pile.
But I would be lying if I said this anime fuckery and whispers of alternate timelines doesn't excite my ballsack more than just the Midgar escape remade.
I thought only Biggs lived.
bro ff7 is basically kingdom hearts level of stupid at this point, not everyone is going to play the psp game, several ff7 related games and watch like 2 movies to prepare for this
this is what makes me so mad. we already know any original cringe nomura makes will be utter shit so now he's using the nostalgia of FF7 to sell his shitty fan fiction.
this is not the game people were advertised, not teh game they preordered. even the title is a lie.
>many people didn't play the PSP game
Crisis Core sold 3.1 million copies and is the 8th best selling PSP title
And the PSP itself is one of the most hacked handhelds to ever exist(80million PSPs sold and most sold title on it only sold 8mill)
>plate falls onto Sector 7
>nobody died
what in the goddamn
Why is he called Nomura? Because he makes you scream "NO MORE! AHHH"
Yes it is, ESL. They were advertised a Remake (Not Remaster) of FF7 that was gonna have some extra shit in it.
Yes you can(Not)
The more money you give them, the longer they will stay afloat. What don't you get?
Remake officially redeemed.
>Have a perfectly good original work to remaster
>Change it for absolutely NO REASON
But I really want to play this game, user. Even more than I did yesterday. I liked the demo and I need to see this. What don't you get?
Ah yes I forgot about the success of the psp and its successor the vita. How dumb of me.
Yeah they are turning this into Kingdom hearts story which is stupid since that is by far the worst part of that series and only autists try to make sense of it. I am not angry about the change but I really just wanted to play a childhood game in updated engine.
Pretty bummed out that I'm the only one that really likes the changes desu.
Can't wait until the tales of normalfags who grew up with VII and have long moved on past vidya buying this game to relive their memories, only to find out they actually bought a sequel to a game they never played
>Sephiroth kills the black guy first
That's so pathetic, holy shit
>Advent Children Seph travels back to original Timeline to change fate
>Zack is alive
I legitimately can't get over that Tifa has gone from spammed to utterly irrelevant to these threads. Says a lot imo.
Why are people seething about Zack again? Have I thought Yas Forums liked crisis core?
The final boss is a Heartless, they did the Cloud vs. Sephiroth thing in the center of the mind again only Sephiroth wins, nobody died when the Plate fell, etc.
I don't really mind.
I don't think he's even alive, it's just a weird vision of a possible reality
Neither of those statements are true. Stop being retarded.