This Game is a Masterpiece

Truth or nostalgia?
I dare you to listen to this song and tell me it’s the latter

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the last 40 minutes are utter trash to the point where you should simply stop playing after the giant tree level
>Generic level themes as far as the eye can see
>Like 3 different tutorial worlds
>Only 8 real worlds and 2 of them are the exact same rusty water factory gimmick
>the rest are generic desert, ice, fire, ghosthouse, forest, swamp
It's one of the most overrated games i've ever played

First of all, “generic” is hardly an insult that should be taken seriously, especially with a game as old as this one.
Secondly, what 40 minutes past Click Clock Wood are you talking about? You mean the quiz show and final boss? What the hell is wrong with those?
Your post is mostly just buzzwords rather than anything of substance, especially when there’s only one fucking tutorial in the game.

i still haven't played tooie, how is it?

I played this for the first time a few years ago so no nostalgia for me, unless you count that I have an affinity for games from that era.
It is indeed excellent, it is really great and engaging, all sorts of interesting new mechanics get introduced to keep you playing, the music is based, the environments are fun af to explore
But damn what the FUCK was up with that boss?

>This Game is a Masterpiece
the absolute pinnacle of 3D platforming design
everything is easily accessed from almost any point on the map
the backtracking is minimal
the soundtrack is GOAT
game introduces a new twist/feature at every level for the player to master, which culminates with a boss that requires the full spectrum of mastery
challenging, but not bullshit
only complaint is that some of the worlds are much smaller than others

>First of all, “generic” is hardly an insult that should be taken seriously, especially with a game as old as this one.
Almost every world theme is ripped straight out of Mario 64

>what the hell is wrong with the quiz
It's a fucking tedious board game with randomized answers, and the final boss is such a bland nothingburger that it isn't worth going through the effort to get to it.

It's a 6 hour game where the first hour and the last hour are boring as shit and the other 4 hours just kinda blend together. The tall tree level is legit the only level in the game I'd consider to be anything better then "alright".

Bigger than the first one but not as good.

its a great sequel.

>Almost every world theme is ripped straight out of Mario 64
Post examples
Are you a game journalist or a gamer?

It's a 3D metroidvania masquerading as a platformer/collectathon, and an excellent game, but fundamentally different from the first.

It's great. Different from the first, but I love it. The worlds are bigger and you're not able to complete them all on your first visit. The worlds connect to one another, so there are passageways between certain levels. Has a much gloomier vibe overall. Notes are collected in groups of five and stay collected as you get them. They're used to earn moves now rather than open doors. It's different enough to turn some people off, but it's a great game. I believe every world has a transformation now, but some of them are pretty underwhelming while others are cool. I personally like Tooie better than Kazooie, but both are fantastic.

>Randomized answers

Not for those of us who paid attention to the game we were playing boomer

i have a hard time going back to kazooie after all the cool features added in tooie. i like the sequel much more

>Post examples
Ice world with giant snowman
desert world where going inside the pyramid is emphasized
Mansion ghost house
Like 3 different "grasslands"

The only original ideas it had were the swamp and the fucking two rusty factories and those are some of the worst levels in the game because the swimming in Banjo is dogshit

Hey dummy the game changes it's answers every playthrough making them randomized

If you READ THE QUESTION it's pretty easy retard.

Like Mario 64 but replace all the jumping and momentum mechanics with fucking walking and replace all the actual level design with backtracking and shitty minigames. Also no ledge grabbing. In a fucking PLATFORMER

It’s pretty good, but it just tried to do too many new things and overall feels bloated, only play it if you really, really enjoyed the first

Loved it as a kid, and still love it. I've been thinking about what defines "collectathon", and apart from Mario 64, I think banjo is the only large-structured game I would bother 100% each playthrough. The first few worlds are small enough to explore every nook and cranny that you'll eventually find all notes, jiggies, and honeycombs. Then the worlds ramp up in difficulty onwards on with such finesse that it feels rewarding to master the mechanics. The game doesn't overwhelm you with sheer scale and availability like DK 64 (or even Tooie did).

Nigger there’s literally one Jiggy in the whole fucking game where you’re required to backtrack, stop embellishing

>Snowmen in a fucking Christmas themed level isn’t allowed
>Pyramids in a fucking desert level aren’t allowed
I bet you think Mario invented running too
>Swimming in Banjo is dogshit
Play better

This and Paper mario were my favourite games as a kid, Im glad to see people's thoughts on Tooie are similiar to my own. I always prefered kazooie as tooie just felt way too big and i didn't like the backtracking. I remember every magazine at the time saying how much better it was than Tooie was though. Technically, i think it was pretty ambitious though.

Bigger than the first and more to do.
Lots more back tracking but an overall fun experience

Spooky Mansion and the seasonal forest are so fucking great. Played through the game a few times as a kid and always looked forward to these. Rusty bucket bay was brutal.

I thought Tooie was a more enjoyable game, but that may be because I played the first one so much.

Loved it as a kid and therefore I always will despite how barebones it actually is.

The music makes it even worse too. Probably the only track in the game that i don't like.

To say the levels of BK are generic would be dishonest.
It's easy to look at a Treasure Trove Cove, for example, and say "generic beach level!"
But you'd be ignoring all the aspects of the area that give it life and personality. Its honestly the one thing that BK does better than most platformer of the time.

ehhhh i like most of the levels, but when i got to grunty industries i wanted to cash the fuck out. that level is complete ass.

shit i meant rusty bucket bay. i was thinking of tooie since that levels sucks ass

It's more like a collectathon with Metroidvania elements than a straight up Metroidvania.

>Like 3 different "grasslands"
The fuck? Nigger, do you think if you just make shit up that it won't be obvious what a retard you are? I can only assume you're calling CCW a "grassland" which is retarded enough already, but what's the third, imbecile?

>every world has a transformation now, but some of them are pretty underwhelming
Literally 3 out Kazooie's 5 transformation don't do anything but move and jump and are only used to access certain areas. At least every transformation in Tooie has its own attack.

Spiral Mountain, Mumbo's Mountain and Click Clock Wood. Not who you replied to btw

Sub 10 i.q. post. Grunty Industries is one of the best designed levels of any 3D game.

He asked about Tooie. My answer was about Tooie. I didn't say shit about the Transformations in Kazooie.

>All this Rusty Bucket Bay hate ITT
Couldn't handle the engine room, Yas Forums?

How can you not enjoy exploring an ocean liner?

Is simply having grass in the level enough for you to consider a level "grassland?" Sorry, but you're not making yourself look too bright here.

Masterpiece is a bit strong. It runs out of steam for me around the time they run out of intrinsic powers for the duo and just do a couple of powerups.

When you get the ability to chicken-run, fart eggs, invulnerability or fly, that's a lot of fun. When you get the ability to wear a new pair of shoes for 10 seconds, and the shoes are in all of 4 spots, that's lame.
But going for the smaller, tight, punchy worlds packed with setpieces/puzzles was definitely the right choice, the pure pacing keeps you going to the... fucking 8 stage endboss fight.

Which track? Mad Monster Mansion, Rusty Bucket Bay, or Click Clock Wood? They're all great tracks. so whatever your answer is you just have shit taste.

He's talking about the Grunty questions I think, which are pretty annoying. I just brute force them or use a joker if I'm low on health. Hell if I'm going to bring a pencil and paper to write all that shit down.

Rusty bucket bay. madmonster mansion and click clock wood are probably the best.

Shitty game with shitty floaty controls. Shitty hub world where you can easily get lost if you're a retard. Annoying voices. Gimmicky jiggy missions. Awkward flying.

I told you I'm not that person you idiot, but it's fucking obvious what the "three grasslands" he was referring to are.

It's different. I didn't like it as a kid and I don't like it now but some people might like it. It's more exploration then platforming

Just talk to brentilda. It's not hard to recall the answer if you simply scan the text.

It was too much for me. More DK64 than Banjo-Kazooie/Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Not full DK64, of course, it's still perfectly playable and not outright a fucking chore.

After having recently replayed through B&K, I still love it. Really, the only thing I didn't like was how every single pickup had to make a noise, it was rather annoying. I can see why my older brother hated it when I played this as a kid.

>Shitty hub world where you can easily get lost if you're a retard.
So...don't be a retard?

Yes, you did tell me that. But you still gave a retarded answer which still makes you a retard. Retard.

I'm more surprised to hear about the dislike for the final boss.
It's harrowing and a great test of everything you've learned to get up to her, and a real payoff to being able to complete the final portrait.
You're right about the shoe/boot overuse, I wish Banjo himself had more abilities, like climbing for instance

There was no reason at all for the hub to be that dense and confusing. Mario 64 had it right: Three floors and a basement. You can easily get to the fucking levels.

>Banjo Kazooie's hub is confusing.
Just when I think I've seen it all...

>no mention of FEP or TTC
bro do you not like christmas and pirates?

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Ok faggot. Let me put it in a nicer way: wasting my time traversing a big hub JUST TO GET TO THE ACTUAL FUCKING LEVELS IS FUCKING RETARDED.

If I could figure that hub world out when I was 8 that makes you dumb as fuck. Unironically kill yourself smooth brain.

>the only thing I didn't like was how every single pickup had to make a noise,
Name one platformer where picking up an item doesn't make a noise.

Rust bucket bay holds it back from being a masterpiece. 9/10

Dude you're a grade A retard.
Not only is the hub small, but every world can besides 1 can be completed on the first go which lessens time spent wandering the hub if you're not a retard.
There's also warp point. You should also be aware that the gameplay loop also exists in the hub world so you complaint makes no sense.

It's not big at all. Just stop, man. You've already outted yourself as a complete idiot who struggles with shit that literal children had no issues with. If you continue, you'll only make yourself look worse. I can only hope you reflect on this moment and realize how absolutely retarded you are because if you cant't, you're irredeemable and should off yourself ASAP.

>hurr durr I dont like hub that only goes up to get to levels
I bet you hated boss fights too you dumb nigger

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Better song coming through.

Only generic level is Mumbo's Mountain as it's the "Themeless Tutorial World"'

Holy fucking shit. In all my years in this hell hole this has got to be THE stupidest post i've ever seen. Omodeto retard.

>I have to walk to the next level AND figure out how to open the worlds? This isn't like my movie games at all! I hate it!

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>Click Clock Wood.
>Generic grasslands world

Eat shit. Flat out ignoring the season changing mechanic does not make you right.

user is NOT smarter than a fifth grader.

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