So how the fuck did the Combine haul his ass away SCP style into a glowing D20?
Furthermore, when did he get his ass hauled away? My immediate assumption is that this would happen sometime after opposing force, maybe during the 7 hour war or something but this makes no sense. And lastly, how does Gordon play into this? Gman very clearly showed Freeman coming out of stasis at the end of Alyx, so does the train sequence at the beginning of Half Life 2 immediately follow after the end of Alyx, or did he just teleport him to the end of HL2E2 ignoring the events from HL2 onward completely?
So how the fuck did the Combine haul his ass away SCP style into a glowing D20?
think of it like how ending of portal changed as writers made up their minds on how portal 2 story would play. same deal with half life now. hl2 ep2 ending isn't canon anymore or it's a different timeline.. writers didn't dedice yet so just wait for hl3.
we'll probally say something like gman just acted like he was captured so he could test alyx or some other crap.
>how the fuck did the Combine haul his ass away SCP style into a glowing D20?
It was powered by vort energy
> when did he get his ass hauled away?
From Gmans perspective, during/after the events of episode 2, gman caused elis death and then went back in time, knowing that he could USE elis death as a bargaining chip, he then let himself be captured knowing that alyx was good enough to "rescue" him.
>. And lastly, how does Gordon play into this?
Gman at this point already knew gordon was used goods and of no use to him by episode 2, that's why he's replacing him with alyx,
>showed Freeman coming out of stasis at the end of Alyx
not really?, that gordon cameo was actually gordon IMMEDIATELY after being dropped by the advisor after ep 2's ending, thats what his suit is battle damaged and he picks up his glasses.
>so does the train sequence at the beginning of Half Life 2 immediately follow after the end of Alyx,
no, it happens 5 years later, gman from HLA had NOTHING to do with the events of episode 2 because that's in HLA gmans relative past.
>or did he just teleport him to the end of HL2E2 ignoring the events from HL2 onward completely?
see above.
this poster is a retard, the ep 2 ending is still canon because the only way gman could entice alyx to accept his offer was WITH the ep 2 ending.
>So how the fuck did the Combine haul his ass away SCP style into a glowing D20?
It seems like they literally scooped up a section of the apartment complex he was in
>When did he get his ass hauled away
I was under the assumption that the Vault was something that had appeared that day or the day before
>How does Gordon play into this?
The vorts were keeping him from doing what the G-man wanted, so he was replaced. I'm guessing that since HL2 and EP1-2 already happened they still happen as planned, but at the end Eli is saved by Alyx and she vanishes into thin air. I've heard someone speculate somewhere that the entirety of HLA takes place in the moments Gordon is passed out after Eli's death, which would kinda tie things up a little I guess
Once you introduce time travel it just gets messy
gman is an evolved breen grub
What does antlion milk taste like?
ep2 ends with eli dead alyx crying and screen fading. no fucking bullshit time travel happens there. but according to alyx eli gets saved by time travel bullshittery so which is it?.that implies different timeline or one of them are not canon (retconned lolol). also we really are discussing this shit plot huh?
it's one singular time line
>eli dies > alyx cries over elis corpse > credits roll > gman and 19 year old alyx arrives > gman reverses time 30 seconds >alyx kills advisor > eli and gordon are aware of this > alyx is DEFINITELY aware of this > this sets up the HL3 conflict
It's not a different timeline or retcon if all of the characters involved are completely aware of what heppened and all experienced it, Eli KNOWS he died, gordon KNOWS eli died, alyx KNOWS her father died, they're going to face the consequences of their actions in the next game for this.
the ep 2 ending cannot be de-canonized because it is integral to the plot of HLA.
Think of it like this: Gman is moving forward from EP2 ending. EP2 ends; Gman makes a portal to the past (Gabe apparently says Valve should try the portal gun in half-life, maybe this is what he meant); Post EP2 Gman meets past alyx; Gman makes portal to right before Eli dies; Alyx saves eli; Gman captures Alyx.
>So how the fuck did the Combine haul his ass away SCP style into a glowing D20?
something something borealis
the combine probably found the borealis and repurposed the technology in it to contain gman in every plane of existence
>Gman very clearly showed Freeman coming out of stasis at the end of Alyx
that wasn't THE gordon freeman. it was A gordon freeman from some point in time
black mesa is so good bros....
>post yfw this leak was confirmed
If one is retconned or it's a different timeline Eli would have had no knowledge of his death or what the Gman just did.
HL Alyx is just a spin off mates
Have you seen the ending?
this looks like a sam hyde halflife crossover
Those two are different, the changed ending from Portal its a continuation after of what happened after the screen fade to black.
This is literally time traveling fuckery to change the ending of episode 2.
I really hope this gets made. I want Half-Life 2 beta content where the game was much darker.
How does this affect HL2? Is Alyx just put back to let everything fold out the way it's supposed to with no memory then plucked away when Episode 2 ends?
>I really hope this gets made.
Keep in mind the whole project died in 2015-2016.
But yeah i would really god damn like it.
Who cares anymore
Half-Life died when Marc Laidlaw left the company.
Gordon...I need you to get rid of my porn collection...Magazines, videos, some security footage back from the Black Mesa...There are snuff films in there, Gordon. If Alyx sees all the pictures I took of her feet while she was sleeping...It's all in the box in the basement labelled "Baby Pictures"...Before you ask: yes, there are baby pictures in there, they're just not of you...Actually, they're a part o the collection, but that doesn't matter now...You've gotta do this for me, Gordon. You've got to destroy my porn stash...And I mean DESTROY that shit, kid... Seriously, the hentai alone is enough to get a man put away... Hentai is the Japanese word for "pervert", son, and that's what I am...That's what your colleague Eli is...All the fat globs of semen I've wasted masturbating to Antlion bestiality and Barnacle vore over the years...And I'm a strong ejaculator, Gordon...I'm as sterile as a test chamber in sector D, but I cum like a Vortigaunt slave every time...I think part of the thrill was always seeing if I could get any of it in my mouth...The first time I did it was a complete accident, but the taste, Gordon...The taste was unlike anything I had ever experienced before...I started to crave it...It was like a drug to me...And that's coming from a guy who did a lot of blow in the 90s...Usually off of the ass-cheeks of some coked out hooker who me and the other scientists would kill for sport in the desert later... I actually have some footage of that in my porn collection...Which, again, you REALLY need to get rid of...I cannot overstate the importance of wiping that shit from the face of the Earth...Okay, what else, what else? Oh, you can have the slice of cake from Judith's birthday that I've been saving...I mean, I took a bite out of it, but it's not like I have herpes or anything... Wait... Do genitals count? Never mind, I'm dying now...
In summation: great power, great responsibility, burn my porn, eat my cake...cheese...
Any quality your story had, any praise it deserved goes right out the window the moment time travel is involved.
Out of the thousands of time travel books and movies and games out there, I doubt there's even a handful that are good.
It cheapens the whole experience. Undermines anything that ever happened in the story. It's also more unrealistic and unsatisfying than a story actually having spells and such things. Time travel is just such an incredibly contrived and worthless literary device.
God fucking dammit I hate time travel/different timeline bullshit
Half Life 3
first 15 minute prologue is Half-Life 2 Episode 2
Gordon wakes up in an Aperture facility with a mechanical arm containing a Portal Gun-quality mechanic tied to it.
He escapes facility combine-controlled USA hellscape reminiscent of Half-Life 2's beta content where the resistance either lost or the fight is still ongoing years later.
Honestly I'm happy with what we got in Alyx. We have Project Borealis making the Laidlaw script into a game and Wolpaw doing Half-Life Alyx and future sequels, one of which may be
Agreed. Time travel pretty much always ruins a story, the only one I can think of that wasn't was maybe LoK/Soul Reaver, and that's because I only take the whole "time travel" part as an allegory for fatalism. Axiom Verge subverted it as well because the original ending sets up the events to suggest time travel but the true ending reveals you're getting played.
Time travel usually means the writers have an excuse to retcon or change on a whim anything they want and still "maintain cohesion."
Rat man?
>Project Borealis
Can't wait to play it in 20 years
Should have written Russel as a former Aperture employee, that would mean he'd work as a stand-in for Kleiner when they're raiding the Borealis.
Timesplitter FP did it well.
So Gordon jumps from EP2 to some alternate reality where the uprising never happened?
Honestly Alyx is totally in line with everything that has come before it in the Half-Life series. It's not a random GMan has time travel powers ass pull.
Day 0 build of Half Life Alyx contains content from the build in the picture.
The build in the picture was a HL3 project from 2013-2015 in which Gordon is in Aperture Science bla bla bla the other guy said it, it would have had cutscenes showing the 7 Hour War which said cutscenes are found in the Day 0 build
Why wasn’t g-man’s offer for something alyx doesn’t know she wants yet help of someone kind in the Borealis? That way we’d get a proper teaser for episode 3 instead of yet another cop out.
No, they raid the Borealis, the mission is unsuccessful, the resistance presumably dies, he wakes up in the Aperture facility years or decades later under Combine rule.
At least HL's story already started with an omnipresent being that can shape and shift time and space.
Also, Jeff was repurposed pretty late in development. At first he was a combine robot/cyborg, before later becoming a Xen abomination with a blaster/huge metal thing while being an infected combine, and then we get current Jeff.
>Anti-Mass Spectrometer
>Resonance Cascade
>Portal rifts
>HEV suit
>Inter-dimensional Travel
>Advisory space larvae
>Mysterious suited intergalactic hero salesman
>Time Travel
>Time travel?
>Time travel!? what kind of lazy Sci-Fi shit is that!?
>It has totally RUINED Half-Life!
>REEEEE you can't just use fake science in Sci-Fi to push a story along!!!!
Who is that? Is that Gina from Decay as an old bitch working under Breen?
even had a full model
Gina never looked that bad
Good, tbqh. That doesn't look scary at all.
The woman who talks about what's inside the vault
You're pretty dumb, dude. Just because you want to hate a VR game because you can't play it doesn't mean your misplaced reasons for "hating" the plot are valid. Its not a retcon, it literally adds more. HL:A was one of the best game experiences I have ever had, especially grabbing that goddamb crowbar. What a ride
Are those ears as flowers?
Gay denier
I can see why they cut this variation. It's too self-indulgent, elaborate and videogame-ish.
>dun dun dun combine xen megamonster unleashed!!!!! watch out, it has a huge biomechanical arm cannon!!!!!!
No it is not. Jesus Christ, I'm so tired of hearing every idiot who actually believed someone else's poorfag coping parrot the same bullshit lol
>If I Say Retcon enough maybe it'll have a new meaning!
Just because you have an extremely small brain doesn't mean episode 2 was rerconned
Surprised you stupid niggers are having such a hard time understanding things.
No different from X-men or Terminator with their altnerate timeline
Yeah I thought the whole ending was lame as hell, Eli dying was a huge deal and people were invested in it for over a decade and they undermined it for no fucking reason at all, and on top of that I think Eli directly acknowledging G-Man kind of kills the mystique. The only saving grace for me is that I like Eli way better than Alyx, so if it means the next game will feature him instead of her I won't complain about that.
jesus christ
>No different from X-men or Terminator with their retcons
I agree
>thinking time travel has never been a factor in a story based around an all-knowing, all-powerful, space and time bending super being in a business suit
Just because you've never seen it does not mean it hasn't been happening the entire time. In fact, its pretty crucial to G-man's operations in the first place that it already had been
>Eli KNOWS he died, gordon KNOWS eli died, alyx KNOWS her father died
hahaha holy fucking cringe user, the funniest part of this isn't that it's just plain garbage storytelling, it's that you think it makes sense (implying that it's good/acceptable).
I don't care how you try to rationalize the travesty that is Alyx's story. It's bad (really bad, in fact) simply because it betrays expectation in the worst possible way (no real narrative follow-up, just an alteration of an existing ending), but also because it does nothing to significantly alter the direction of the existing story (explained at the end of the post), in addition to cheapening Gordon exponentially as he was quite literally the chosen one to (at least momentarily as told by Epistle 3) weaken the Combine's presence on earth.
All I could do when Eli gave the crowbar to Gordon like 'les go git that mudafucka' was laugh like 'wait, is this suppose to be badass or something?'. At least Laidlaw had a cool Lovecraftian twist ending that left a pretty clean slate to continue off of (which is exactly what Alyx should have been) but what Alyx ends up being is just a pointless fucking retcon that can narratively only head in the exact same direction Laidlaw set-out (the Combine's and Resistance's fight against the Borealis) because the overall conflict isn't changed in the slightest. Actually I take that back - I'm interested in the next game purely to see how many ass-pulls they make to try and divert the story from the only possible direction it could head in. After all, they already did that with the fucking scientist character that perfected the gravity gun in miniature form well before Kleiner did.
How does it kill the mystique of GMan? The fact that he provided the sample, the fact that he's intervening to the point of saving an infant because she seems valuable to whatever the fuck he's doing adds to the mystique
How was that a cop out instead of a perfect direct setup for HL3? You literally control Gordon Freeman and grab his crowbar with your own hands. It was hype af
Here's my 2 cents.
HL happens > HL Alyx happens
Alyx goes into the Vault, is put into a stasis and changes the timeline herself like she's moving a chess piece (no time travel), but she's still under control of the Gman.
Alyx leaves The Vault with no memories of what happened inside of it (like she doesn't remember the Gman telling her "Prepare for Unforseen Consequences" and HL2, EP1 and EP2 happen normally.
Gordon fades out during the ending as normal, but he finds himself inside of Gman's "stasis" which is outside of the bounds of time, and wakes up with Eli being alive.
Because Episode 2 was already a perfect setup for Episode 3 13 years ago you fucking small-brained mongoloid. Plus, they are LITERALLY the same ending.
Valve only put this shit in the game to get retards like to you to forgive them the last 13 years of absolute shit and tugging along and have no intention of making a real Episode 3 anytime soon.
Because before that it seemed like multiple people were aware of him but neglected to directly refer to him, they always tiptoed around it or used weird euphemisms which makes his disposition and position in the story seem a lot more weighty and mysterious. So when Eli immediately disregards that and starts acting like he's somehow going to get revenge that aspect goes completely out the window.
Kleiner didn't make or even design the gravity gun.
You nailed it. These complaints are VR lackers self-coping and trying to play it off as valid criticism
Actual Jeff and his The Thing looking venus fly trap face is by far the best, but this maybe wouldn't have been so bad either
How can you not see the Alyx ending for the blatant shit writing it is? How can you be this distracted by ELI GAVE GORDAN A CROWBAR HYPE to recognize it's nothing but a retarded, pointless retcon?
LOL his hair look like puding
and by Gordon being in Gman's stasis i mean when he's in the Gman cutscene
Keep trying. Maybe one day you'll be able to afford a headset and enjoy it too but until then pretending it sucks is your only option, I guess.
Half Life 2's America is Death Stranding. This was confirmed in Half Life: Alyx.
>the ending sucked and retconned everything
>it was literally the same ending as the perfect ending
You're retarded lol