Nomura’s mental damage

What is wrong with this man? Give the man Disney characters and he makes a complicated mess. Give the man a remake and he doesn’t remake the game. It’s like he doesn’t think like a normal person

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Except he did remake the game.
Perhaps you're retarded and thinking of a remaster.

barry spamming threads holy fuck he's mad



Have you seen the way he dresses? He's obviously retarded.

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He's as retarded as the characters he designs

Real talk: how do I know if I'm barry? I see people often mention barry and I don't know how you know if you're a barry

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nomura is a fucking hack and he needs to be fired

If you say anything bad about Nomura or KH, people will call you the Barry boogeyman. If they call you Barry, they figure they "win" the argument.

He's getting that god complex that all SE directors seem to get after a couple successful games. He'll be sacked soon enough.

But at least there will be something interesting out of this mess of a remake: all the normalfags pretending to have always loved the game will be out when they can't understand a single thing that's happening since they didn't play the compilation (though they also say they did). One thing Nomura doesn't do is cater to posers and secondaries.

For all nomura haters, i have a message :
Cope,seethe and dilate.

Thank you for understanding

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Nomura is going to filter alot of people and it will flop hard, FF7 followed a very simple shonen like story, you need to be a legit autist or far too invested in FF/KH to like Nomura's storytelling.

He's a gay retard but he knows people who buy his trash are even gayer and more retarded

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noo they took the other thread
fight it! fight the shill mods!

>FF7 followed a very simple shonen like story
It did, it's so fucking overrated it's absurd. It needed being rewritten, but it needed to be rewritten by someone OTHER than Nomura.

I didn't want to admit it but maybe the haters were right. Maybe Nomura really is a hack.

Nomura didn't write this shit, Nojima did. Kitase was involved too.

I know people want to place all the blame on Nomura, but he's not solely at fault.

Japanese have perpetual child brains. Their attitudes and culture make no sense until you understand this. He's a 6 year old melting his Lego characters for fun.

This is the only good Square game. I thank god every day that they'll never make a demake of this masterpiece.

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a remake is a remake not a sequel to a terrible movie.

He's mentally ill and out of touch. he's one of the worst writers in video games, all his ideas are shit and square enables him so he thinks his shit doesn't stink.
I thought he was going to ruin this project. He ruins everything he touches.

>they'll never make a demake
It's Chrono Trigger, that's one of the older games most likely to get a demake

>Nomura is going to filter alot of people
I fully expect a lot of "what the fuck was that FFVII ending" and "FFVII ending explained" videos where people pretend it was some DEEP LORE MIND FUCK of an ending and everyone is so excited, only for then to be forgetten in a couple months because you can't really be invested in what you don't understand.

Japanese Damon Lindelof

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best sub culture. too bad most emo girls are heroin whores these days

>AC: The Game: The Movie: The Remake: The Sequel

This is just what Japan is like. Good stories are the exception.

2 months ago
>Nomura isn't actually directing the guy has been sidelined, look at how many co-directors he has, SE has pushed him out he is directing in name alone lmao GET FUCKED NO MORE AYY

>IT'S ALL NOMURA'S FAULT, NOJIMA THE SCENARIO WRITER AND TORIYAMA THE SCENARIO DIRECTOR ARE THERE IN NAME ALONE, Nomura is the most powerful developer in the universe and has 200% creative freedom over the project

Are you retards ever going to stay consistent with your shitposting?

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This is why face-saving cultures are shit. You can't ignore past failures. You have to double down.

>and it will flop hard
I dislike the remake's direction as much as the next guy but I doubt that will happen.

nomura is the DIRECTOR. he decides what the final story and direction is. he has final say on every decision. and this is without a doubt textbook nomura bullshit.

You know, the reason for FF7 remake being split into multiple parts is because of Nomura. Squeenix don't want a repeat of FFXV and KH3 so this is the only way to make Nomura actually fucking work.

Think, we could've been up to FFXX by now, new interesting games but instead we get half finished and salvaged FFXV and part 1 of God knows how many of 7

This one will sell very well. The next ones are where I think the sales will suffer, The further removed an episode gets from the original game's plot the less the next one will sell.

and most boys became basehead daddy hipsters. it's not fair.

>part 1 of God knows how many of 7
There won't be another. They're making it contained so they can call it after this unless it's a runaway hit commercially and it won't be

you do know the game has 2 more DIRECTORs right? retard?

So people are now seething on Remake because Zack probably lives?

nomura is the only director in the opening credits. his name pops up first.
do you mean co-directors?

it's an obvious red herring and retards are falling for it, Zack will die which is how Cloud will get the buster sword, Aerith will die too. Nothing major will change regarding key plot points of this scale.

It's like how retards were falling for red herring from kh3 trailers and leaks thinking that everyone will die and Sora will die and Xehanort will win.

co-directors are directors you fucktarded ape, especially Toriyama who is literally directing the entire scenario.

There will be two timlines, one where Tifa dies and one where Aerith dies, and you'll have to choose.

>He thinks it won't sell well and get high 80's or low 90's

user...your in for a rude awakening.

Expecting modern Square without the Gooch to make anything VII related good


The last true Final Fantasy was Lost Odyssey.

Yeah the Gooch was on a different level.

Remember his latest console game? Last Story's story was TRULY amazing and not convoluted in the LEAST, the character designs were not effeminate AT ALL and i loved that classic turn based combat. Game not going all in on graphics on the Wii and instead focusing on what's important was amazing too, kept the development cycle short as the game only took 4 years to be developed with a concept that existed only since 2003.

And who can forget the amazing side quests? Remember when you had to find 6 coins spread out in the city and return them to the boy at the Plaza? Or that insanely good one where the Charisma chef send you out to find ingredients and bring them back to him for that amazing reward of 2 gnome coppers? God i hate fetch quests, god bless Sakaguchi amirite everyone?


Post >yfw the end of FF7R part 3/4
is going to connect together with KH and Verum Rex

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yeah, that game that Sakaguchi didn't direct, was as linear as XIII, had its combat ripped straight from Shadow Hearts, a faggot ass design for its protagonist gayer than anything Nomura has ever drawn and bland as fuck party members, truly was the last good final fantasy. What a masterpiece.


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>was as linear as XIII
You don't have to lie, bro.

Sony fans shilled him hard in the PS3 era because they said he would never betray Sony. It was funny watching their meltdown.

Did you play the game nigger?
On disc one, there's not much to do except the main story as the game is pretty much on rails ... the 'side-quests' take seconds to finish, and are virtually pointless fetch quests ... a good example is when some kids ask you to recover some items for them, and the items are seconds away from them.

The game only opens up late in the game where you can explore a world map with vehicles etc but that's exactly what XIII did in chapter 11 and Chocobos.

Next time play the game instead of parroting "LEL LOST ODYSSEY WAS DA TRUE FFXIII BRO!!!!"

Then maybe they shouldn't have pushed it as a remaster

Or maybe FFXV took so long because they tried to develop an entire game engine to go with it and failed?

He's a 50 year old Japanese businessman who wears clothes a goth teenager would wear as a gag in the 90s.

They put a character designer in charge of game direction. The only other AAA directing experience he has is Kingdom Hearts which turned into a major clusterfuck the more he got involved. You can't look at this resume and put the guy in charge of the biggest project Square Enix has ever undertaken and then be surprised when he fucks it up.

>simple shonen like story
Yes one that included space hopping shape shifting milfs, magic orbs and talking robotic cats

It'll sell between 2-3 million which puts it into "it broke even with a little extra" territory.
For a prospective sequel, it's not enough. A luke warm response at best spells doom for the next installment, since the sequel is guaranteed to both sell worse than the first one and be more expensive since it's not set exclusively in Midgar.

It needs to be a huge hit and being a PS4 exclusive basically kills that potential out of the gate, regardless of the quality of game it is, which we both know to be subpar

Did you play FFXIII? How many intractable NPCs and towns did that had?
How many no corridor levels?

>as gay as the emos with pointy hairdos Nomura shits out of his ass

holy shit, magic orbs, you say? that's the most original shonen story ever, why haven't we SEEN that before

well said.

Nomura is the greatest gsme designer in the history of games

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You can backtrack from town to town in Lost Odyssey.

Also yeah there are towns in that game, and the maps aren't just straight corridors.

Its also much better written than any FF post XII.The main story is competent enough to not get you bored, the dreams are masterpieces.

Go seethe more Because Nomura failed you again.

nobody cares fuck off barry

Barry isn't a category. Barry is this one specific autist who is in love with FF15 and will rage autistically against anything he perceives as a threat to it's 'perfection'. It's a real fucking trip talking to him, and you can usually work out if it's him because he'll flip out if you mention how bad FF15 was.

His most successful games are almost 20 years old

>greatest gsme designer
gay sado masochism equipment?

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3 generics anime tropes make the story complex?

You lived long enough to see the Fujo vermins win.

from the moment I saw the ghosts I knew he was gonna fuck it up but not to this extend. Dude really outdone himself this time.

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I think you might seriously be schizo

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>all the normalfags pretending to have always loved the game will be out when they can't understand a single thing that's happening since they didn't play the compilation
Latest trailer showed a soldier with a Buster Sword, I wonder if these fuckers revived Angeal or Zack.

I kinda agree with this. It's like throwing a rock out a window and wondering why it doesn't fly. It's the wrong man for the job and feels like SE just wanted a "known name" to be associated with the project. You really would be surprised how often shit like that happens when it comes to major triple-A releases.

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okay barry

Yesteday I went to sleep thinking this is the best remake to date. All the characters, interactions, comedy, music. 10/10

>wake up
>see this

It's not even funny anymore.

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