Are we still pretending this isn't a masterpiece?

Are we still pretending this isn't a masterpiece?

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Yes, it was. Apocalypse was better though.

Except the story.

The real masterpiece is the OST

Never played it but I have litterally only heard good things. I have never read a bad thing about this game in my life

Got bored of this game

>Mfw will never get a SMT 1 remake

It isn't.

are ppl scalping 3ds right now


apocalypse was horrible aside from gameplay improvements. tone, music, characters, story are all 100 x worse

law chads where you at

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It's flawed, but only in ways that make the whole better overall.
The game reminds me of Morrowind, which is very high praise coming from me.
I guess you didn't read reviews then.
Yeah. Apocalypse is basically the complete mirror image of IV.


Strong contender for my favorite vidya track of all time.

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Based and lawpilled.

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>the dark souls of persona
Shiggy diggy

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Gameplay is unpolished and story goes to shit after the route split. It is a 7/10.

> OST that is easily forgotten as a standlone piece.
Low tier b*it.

I liked the actual plot and the divine powers as villains, but couldn't stand the party members.

>dude run back to town after every encounter or you're dead lmao
dropped it after first area couple weeks ago. no other smt had a start this dumb

Apocalypse had better looking dungeons.

No, you just suck and haven't been fusing enough.

It recycles most of them

It's just another boring, shitty SMT game, except this time the dungeons are in third person for all the Personababbies

smt1 start is also pretty overwhelming if you don't know where the fuck to go

i don't think fusion was even unlocked yet mate. i'll go back to it eventually, but it just wasn't fun. the "medieval" setting didn't really catch me either


Most of the music was reused from IV, and the new tracks were as great as IVs.

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The dungeons were in 3rd person in nocturne too. Shows that you've never played any of the games.

I played SMT1 and Strange Journey DS.
All you're telling me is that SMTIV did absolutely nothing new whatsoever. Not surprising, I got over how little had changed from SMT1 when I played Strange Journey.

The lore behind this game is very interesting though.
Nah, the only good thing about this game is the music, divine powers, gameplay and bosses.
Meanwhile, >Toki: "M-maaaster~~

>Shows that you've never played any of the games.
Yes, and?

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I played the game for maybe 30 or 35 hours. Once I got to underground Japan I felt like it lost a lot or narrative steam and things felt really stretched out. Like you had to travel a lot, go to random area to open up another area and so on and so forth. It wasn't bad at all, but I really started to find it hard to keep playing and eventually dropped it.

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Does smt4 get any harder? shit is really easy rn. Just beat the hot flower chick boss in naraku by spamming fire attacks

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I'd be fair and add medusa as a mini spike and one spike for beelzebub as an optional super boss

Yeah I got past minotaur on my second try but the boss right after it kicked my ass too. There's not really much between those two fights, so your characters are still around the same level for both

This is bullshit (for me at least) I got filtered HARD by Belzeebub, Tokyo's King and other bosses in the Neutral route.

If you have the DLC you can fight 3 annoying bosses, otherwise no.

Medusa can be tough too if you don't have a good wind (or whatever her weakness is, I forget) attack.

>he got filtered by naraku

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ive only played p5 and catherine. im getting a 3ds hopefully soon, wanna play this game.

what should i play in the meantime, nocturne?

I lent this to my closest friend
Who in turn lent it to his little brother without telling me
And he in turn went through his edgy teenage cunt phase and most likely sold it because now it's "missing"
I had a savefile with 100% compendium and all endings (except law, hadn't done that yet)

Help me not be mad as fuck

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P3FES on hard.

IDK how you take pride in being filtered by the first short dungeon before visiting Tokyo.
But you unironcally think that the setting is medieval, so yeah.

The map was absolute garbage and having to deftly navigate it to fulfill the requirements of the neutral ending made me quit.

Extremely fun besides that though.

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The main reason I hacked my 3DS was to run a physical copy of it on my European system.

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Sounds like a good excuse to start up a fresh new file.

>The map was absolute garbage and having to deftly navigate it to fulfill the requirements of the neutral ending made me quit.

>neutral ending
eternally cucked

sorry I dont like either looking up a map or have a deep understanding of tokyo street layouts. I got like 60 hours out of the game before that anyways so I'm fine with where I stopped.

Believe it or not I got the neutral path 100% accidentally on my first playthrough. Kinda wish I didn't because having to do all the sidequests killed all motivation to continue.

I should, but every time I do I'm reminded I still haven't beat IV:A yet.
And every time I start a new file on that I hate it.

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If they didn't squander Mikado it could've, but they dropped it hard and just it made it into SMT1 rehash after that. Naraku was the best the dungeon in both games.

Which means there's finally a good game with SMT1 plot. How's that a bad thing?
Wish it were a remake, though.

Kaneko's original draft for the game was MUCH larger in scale. The final game only covers roughly half of his original story.

Where's the original draft? Now I'm curious

That story always felt fake as hell.
As far as I'm concerned Kaneko never even bothered touching the project and got credited only for his reused artwork.

English translation of Kaneko's original draft.

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Give'em that comp

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Guys suck masacucks dick lmao :the game

I desperately wish they'd have just patched in IVA's quality of life improvements. even just the improved map.

Why would you? It's a step up from IV gameplay wise.
The best part about your companions is that they enrich the experience equally whether you love them or hate them.

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>It's a step up from IV gameplay wise.
And a step down in every category.

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Haven't played it. Not going to. Nocturne's insane random design philosophy turned me off the entire series.

>insane random design philosophy
What does this mean