ITT: Series that peaked with their first game

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Why did it have so much soul compared to later entries?



it was a passion project and not a franchise.

incidentally how is wild world compared to the GC version?

You first OP

As for me, Paper Mario. Even though I love TTYD.

Why do you just say words as if they mean anything?

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Because the sequels are just dress up games themed after it.

Because of the Nes games.

But what did it do differently? It's still largely the same mechanics. Only thing I can remember is the NPCs felt more lively. I remember that yellow rabbit being a fucking asshole.

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not even the first game kek

Because the gamecube was the most soulful console to ever exist. N64 comes close tho.

it's just an n64 port

All of them are dollhouse sims with a grind. You only like AC GCN because you were a fetus when you played it.

whats that mischief makers looking thing beside the door? They're the over-B for Villager in ultimate but I dont see them anywhere in New Horizons.

everything about this post makes me want to kill you


It has several times as much unique dialogue and player-villager relationships have more depth. I played NL for 100 hours and I was still getting tutorials on how to plant fruit when I talked to villagers.

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Dark souls


Mega Man X
3D Zelda games
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Telltale Walking dead

The writing for villagers was not only a lot better, but there was also just more dialogue. It felt like you could talk to villager 10-20 times and get a new conversation every time, whereas with New Leaf and New Horizons it feels like you've squeezed out every bit of dialogue after talking to a villager 3 or 4 times.

Wild World was a bit more childish but still good. Everything went downhill with City Folk.

Are you seriously naive enough to believe this shit gets funded for being a passion project? You're retarded. Games that only have one entry are such because the companies who own the IP didn't make enough money from it. Maybe some indie games are passion projects, but shit like Animal Crossing? That's just your nostalgia trying to convince you that your childhood was special when really you wasted your youth worshiping corporations like a faggot.

That's how conversations work buddy.

Final Fantasy

>dude realism XD
Why do you even play games?


FF1 isn't even the best of the NES trilogy, let alone the entire series

AC literally was a passion project user. Reminder that it didn't take off until it got ported to the GC and localized for the west.

3 is the only FF game I've played and I have to disagree with you.

FF1 is good and all, but nearly every subsequent entry was better.


Just for the record retards, Nintendo has never and will never make a "passion project." They have always been a company chasing trends and focused on profits. Animal Crossing came out right around the time Neopets was peaking in popularity and the sims and harvest moon were big as well. Nintendo takes already existing ideas and concepts and does them better. They are not making what they want but what the consumers want, and they've always done that.

The last of us


Half Life
Super Mario
Pokemon Red and Blue
Thief: The Dark Project
Baldur's Gate
Dragon Age: origins
Dark Souls

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Maybe not as a publisher, but there are definitely Nintendo games that are. Wonderful 101 for example

Paid exclusives don't really count as what one would call a first party passion project. games like W101 and Demons Souls for example.

Nintendo is a very hit driven company that is content to keep pushing the same formula over and over again or take existing formulas popular with their target demographic that are a bit janky and then overproduce them with nintendo money.

original had the best sunset lighting

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City Folk is literally wild world.

Mario Party

>animal crossing GC

what about splatoon? the game was originally going to be mario themed in fear that an new ip wouldn't sell, but the team demonstrated to make something with "identity" instead of being an spin off

Fuck off weeb

it looks like some kinda fire hydrant i guess

fire emblem 7 is the best first entry of all time
final fantasy 4 is the best second entry of all time

Mass Effect

Animal Crossing GC is literally a port whereas FE7 and FF4 are sequels. Comparing apples to oranges

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It didn’t though it leaked with どうぶつの森e+

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>what about splatoon? the game was originally going to be mario themed in fear that an new ip wouldn't sell, but the team demonstrated to make something with "identity" instead of being an spin off
The concept of squid girls is ripped straight out of a popular manga/anime ika musume.

Warband is a sequel to Mount and Blade user...

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Wasn't Splatoon just a copy of that one XBLA game? And team based shooters are hardly an innovative concept.

the whole post apocalyptic lore bullshit in splatoon didn't came from ika musume though

>literally a port
With TONS of content added in.

wasn't that thing a demo?
>And team based shooters are hardly an innovative concept.
that's true now, but at the time the genre was kinda dormant, with tf2 being the only thing that was played and recieved updeates, it was this thing and overwatch what "revived" them.