Xenoblade 2

Will we ever see a game of Xenoblade's 2 caliber within the next decade?

>unforgetabble characters
>cheesey but endearing and engaging plot
>sexy character designs
>unforgettable conversations

Will Final Fantasy VII Remake even be able to hold a candle to XC2?

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XCX is miles better.

DunkGOD already dabbed on this shit game

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Stop with these hyperbolic threads
XC2 is pretty good though.
Curious how XC3 will be

Xenoblade 1 > Xenoblade 2 Torna > Xenoblade 2

>thinks TLOU is good
>thinks Uncharted is good
opinion discarded

>Will we ever see a game of Xenoblade's 2 caliber within the next decade?
Now that Senran Kagura is dead probably not

>Curious how XC3 will be
Has a XC3 been confirmed?

Attached: pyra shorts.png (1024x1526, 1.48M)

>bitches about nice tits
>criticizes the game for having engaging and complex character/blade upgrade features.
Wahhhhhh I'm too stupid to understand teh mechanics! Game suxxx!1!!!

Well I suspect it's coming.
That or the new IP or XBX2
I just want a new Monolith Soft game, bros. All there stuff is so good, I fucking love their sensibilities.

should xenoblade 3 have the X1DE artstyle or the XBC2 artstyle? I think normies will hate it either way since for them shitty graphics = photo realistic when xenoblade always aimed for the anime style

The anime, stylized art fits the series better. I say they go with XC2 type character-design.

I ain't gonna lie. I want some more fuckable Monolith Soft waifus to fap to.

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x1de and xc2 are styled the same now. unless you mean the environments, cause the remaster environments still look flat as fuck

how the fuck did xenogears/saga turn into this? jesus christ

An inbetween, though XB1DE I think is already a good inbetween XB1 original and XB2

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>unforgettable conversation s
come on bro, I enjoyed the game and clocked like 150 hours on it but let's not be delusional here
also some of the character designs were pretty distasteful, no need for pyras chest to be THAT big or wear such ludicrous armour

We already have, and from before it.
>unforgettable characters
>unforgettable conversations
The only good characters are Poppi, Morag and Zeke. The plot is fucking great though.
Keep saying it.
Stop shitposting. And I suspect the definitive edition is to capitalize on 2's success and bring that game to a new audience, primarily the west I'm assuming. If they go through all this trouble to not sequel bait with Future Connected, than Monolith Soft is full of idiots.

Calm your bait down.

>Will we ever see a game of Xenoblade's 2 caliber within the next decade?

Yes. It is called "any game other than Xenoblade 2". Xeno2 fuckin sucks.

Yeah, the next Neptunia or Atelier game.

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I'm absolutely sure Future connected is sequel bait but I'm unsure for which game: XBX2 or XB3.
I'm also curious whether Monolith Soft ever got permission from nintendo to work on their new IP since it sounded like they were being kept to work on Xeno stuff

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the last atelier struck gold with thighs girl and that game still seemed to come and go pretty fast

New IP? I would assume it is still an RPG, as I think Takahashi said those are the games he likes best and thus it is what they make.
And yeah, logic dictates it should be for XB3, having Future Connected tie in with X/X2 would be weird, but I guess stranger things have happened. I honestly don't mind, I'm barely getting into Xeno, so I'm game for whatever comes next.

Neps are dead soon, Atelier won't last even with the recent gimmick of actually having attractive characters. Shame the story, combat, characters, and setting were all so damned bland.

>no need for pyras chest to be THAT big
I have a friend who looks just like Pyra and has tits even bigger (but she never wears slutty clothes.) Are we just supposed to pretend girls like her don't exist? Why are big tits so offensive to you guys? Some girls simply have big tits.

Sure. Just turn any game into a grindfest and you have it.

>coomer garbage with japanese "humor"

Wtf did the whole gang even do aside from jobbing all the time. Morag and Zeke especially. The 2 had potential to be great characters but that's all they had potential. They end up literally doing nothing for the story and you could cut them out from it and it would still go on as normal

Im just finished the blade sidequests. The game is fucking massive. All blades 1 hour long miniplots.

The ost. The side bosses. The side quests. The expansion. The exploration that is not randomly generated shit but actually well designed levels. I have like 250 hours and never felt bored. Really makes me think when some retard says I prefer a shorter game when games this long and good actually exist.

This game doesnt get enough love.p

Well the 'Future Connected' title almost certainly alludes to XB2 and XB1 meeting canonically.
My hope is that they tie it in with XBX as well with the explosion that the White Whale saw destroy the Earth being retconned into actually being Klaus' experiment.
Honestly, anything Monolith Soft comes out with at this point is something I'm at least willing to try

XBC2 is literally the worst xenoblade game but just has the benefit on being on a popular system and not a gamestop exclusive.

It's fucking weeb trash and they are retroactively weebing up XBC1 remaster because of this shit. I fucking hate coomers.

>recent gimmick of actually having attractive characters.
Are you stupid like an idiot?

>retroactively weebing up XBC1
how do you mean? You mean the designs?

Also its funny that Nomura did a better job here than with his loved FF saga.

Since when Nomura claimed ff7 anyways? Sakahuchi was the guy behind it

>le you won the battle in-game but lose in the cutscene

Fuck this shit

Only 15 minutes of japanese humor in a 80 hours long base game. Thats hyperbole and you know it.

Yes i mean the fucking straight from XBC2 anime samefaces they gave everyone.

Kishida please.

Show us

Except the characters in XB1DE have almost the exact same facial features as they do in the original, the shading is just different

Show me one unattractive protagonist from the atelier series

From this...

Attached: Xenobased.png (1343x1077, 486.52K)

I actually want to, but I can't. She is a skinny rdhead with tits even bigger than Pyra's, but she goes to great lengths to hide them. Every picture she has she is dressed in 3 layers of baggy clothes. Even still, her tits still stand out. I'll try to find some pics of her tha show this.

My point still stnds though: big titted girls are discriminated against nowadays. It is considered unethical simply to have big tits, even if it's no fault of your own.

...to this.

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By choosing two non-analogous moments

What did she mean by this?

People only know what they see
They see Nomura designs -> "Nomura made FF7!"
Despite the fact that anyone who played Kingdom Hearts would be able to see that he's never even played it

>15 minutes
You sure?

She has no concept of what men actually want because she's a naive computer, so she's taking the first piece of advice on the subject from a pervert for comedic effect

That whole section takes maybe 2 minutes so yeah, about 15 minutes
>One Eyed monster scene
>Poppi Boot Up
>Dancing scene
>Sleepwalking Mythra
>Blushy crushy
Maybe 20 minutes if you consider the mecha stuff in chapter 4

>People want Xenogears remake.

Considering the shitfest of FF7 I never want see people ever joking about this anymore unless Nintendo and Monolithsoft get full control of the damn thing.

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I’m enjoying the game right now but yeah, the character design, especially Rex and his bimbo blades, is pretty cringe.

if you think DUDE, FIGHT GOD is any less cliche jrpg trash than moe fanservice during downtime you're delusional
I WILL BECOME GOD is literally the single most overwrought JRPG plot point EVER

>Will we ever see a game of Xenoblade's 2 caliber within the next decade?
Yes, XC3 or XCX2. Monolith's been on a roll with this franchise.

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>moe fanservice

... to this...

Attached: Xenogears Chronicles.png (520x390, 398.4K)

I literally can't see the game being serious with shit like that. Gives the feel that the whole game is riddled with that kind of garbage.

You say that like XB1 doesn't treat the nopon like ewoks or like the tatsu shit in XBX doesn't pop up regularly.
I think it's hard to be a JRPG fan if you don't have a tolerance for a little bit of that bullshit in every game.

The combat is shit tho

Sadly, many people are just afraid of beautiful women. That's why they avoid these games. The sight of a beautiful woman in a provocative dress triggers their insecurities. Because of this, no quality games with attractive women will come out.

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>3/10 bait
70 replies
God I hate nu-Yas Forums

>didn't mention Brighid

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That, or because I could masturbate to actual porn and play legitimately good games when I'm not.

>The only good characters are Poppi, Morag and Zeke.

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It happens how many times? Twice in the game?

Well, regardless if you like XC2 or XC1 more, remember XCDE is coming next month.

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Name some good games with an abundancy of sexy women.