Sup Yas Forums. At the suggestion of another user about a month ago, I decided that I'd like to manage a voice acting project for everybody. Between all of the sub vs dub debates, somebody once said "Why don't WE do any voice acting? Show them how it's done?" and to that, I responded (a month later) with this thread!
>Game Bug Fables (up for debate but it's light hearted enough to not be 100% serious) >What we need Boys and girls >How to apply Watch the below intro scene to the game, and vocaroo yourself ( giving a demo of your voice for the given part that you would like to audition for. Please do not spend a lot of time getting everything "just right" as this is just to see who has a good voice for a given character. When you audition for a part, keep in mind the tone of the clicks that the text makes when it's scrolling, as I imagine the devs used the different tones to indicate pitch of the voices. When you are ready to submit your audition, please join the discord that I will be using to manage the project. KEEP OFF TOPIC CANCER OUT. type-writter noise is a setting in the game that I will set to 0 during final recordings.
I think that's it. If I forgot something, I will put it in the following posts.
I think it would be fun. Whether it ends up good or not is another question.
Also I forgot to use a permanent invite. So here's that.
Juan Gray
This Also are you affiliated with this game at all OP? They used to personally shill it on Yas Forums all the time so it's not outside of possibility.
Jack Carter
hol up this doesn't sound like a project for a bunch of shmucks to fart around with this just sounds like a fan project and you're recruiting voices from Yas Forums
Charles Hughes
If this game is supposed to be a callback to Paper Mario, then why would you add voice acting to it? It seems like it would just make the tone much more corny and not at all like Paper Mario.
Ryder Stewart
If we're going to this much effort, why not just make our own game? Doing fan voice acting for an existing game sounds lame as hell.
Ethan Lee
>linking your discord would not recommend in the slightest on this board. people here have an irrational hatred for it.
Carson Hall
>somebody once said "Why don't WE do any voice acting? Show them how it's done?" Because voice acting and voice direction is very difficult, and even professionals with a lot of experience can struggle. Best of luck, OP, but I hope you know what you're getting into.
Jeremiah Green
No, I just picked the game because it had some really good settings to mess with sound >no voice actors so it's a mostly blank canvas >lots of settings in-game to get ideal recording footage >similar to paper mario, can be serious but can be comical >didn't have any other games in mind That said, I'm open to suggestions of games that I have.
Go ahead, check reddit or twitter or whatever. This will be the first time this is posted.
Good point. Depending on how turnout goes we can scrap it while we're early and start again.
Jacob Harris
>irrational hatred >irrational wew lad there are retard brigades from discord shitting up every board with some variant of astroturfing and shitposting
Matthew Sanchez
>talk to NPC >loud WHIRRING noise from background fans >mumble-whisper voice reads the line through a thrift-store quality mic >performer sounds like he's trying to emulate a lets player he watched except he has no range and no confidence
No thanks OP
Thomas Fisher
Nobody has to listen to initial auditions except me. I'm gonna filter out those exact kinds of people to prevent that from being the end result. I want this to be cool. That said if there are enough shitty mic users, I plan on getting a separate B-Team for it so it can be as shit as possible.
Jaxon Gutierrez
I think one of the devs used to browse here when the game came out shilling it, but the game is good is it's alright. Boy it's going to take a while because it has so much dialogue. Good luck, you will need it.
Levi Brown
Thanks. Yeah the length is why I just wanted to do it in really small chunks so that nobody gets burnt out. I'm only 11 hours in myself but it's a cute game. Gets some laughs out of me often enough.
Logan Russell
I'll post an audition for the opening narrator after I wake up.
Hudson Thompson
You might want to consider also doing Kabu (green beetle) too, since when that intro ends, it's implied he was the one telling it. Plus I imagine Kabu has a deep, narrotor-ish voice to begin with. But we'll see how it goes, thanks for your interest.
William Hughes
One bump, and I'll let the thread die and try again tomorrow. If the game choice is really an issue, I'll happily choose a different game in my library.
Nathan Butler
i loved bug fables, but the game surprisingly has a shit ton of dialogue. I also think your idea will run into an issue because recording setups are completely different for everyone, so voice clips will sound completely different (different volume, EQ, microphones, compression, etc)
Sebastian Brooks
Reminder that Bug Fables teamed up with Nicalis to fuck over several other indie devs, including Fight Knight and Devils Daggers, for no reason other than their own malicious intentions.
Aiden Sanders
Ideally, the people chosen for their parts will send a file of their lines that I can then manipulate as needed. My idea is that each person will record each instance of their character talking in the clips, I put it together, see how it flows, and ask people to redo individual parts as needed.
Kek. I'd love something like this on the B-Team. On a serious note, it wasn't REALLY too fast was it? I can always change the speed of my A presses for the final voice overs.
Julian Kelly
Jace Carter
Come on, don't troll me now. It was clearly a joke entry as there's nobody next to the guy pressing A.
I was fucking around, but it just dawned on me. How are you going to post all of this anyway? Have a run through of the game to read the dialogue, then do another run through to sync up the audio with the text?
I mean I was hamming up my speed, but some of it does feel a little fast and I imagine some characters would speak faster/slower than others.
Charles Baker
>Have a run through of the game to read the dialogue, then do another run through to sync up the audio with the text? Yep, exactly. I started a new file just for this, and I'm going to have a copy of that file so I can do multiple runthroughs as needed. So if I was actually too fast, I have no issue running through again. I'm going to use sony vegas to line up the people's spoken dialogue to the video feed that we end up using. I've done video editing in the past so that's the easy part.
This youtube video was just to get lines into people's mouths to get them talking. If someone ends up playing Kabu and wants to talk a tad slower, I would do a video retake to compensate for that.
Leo Jenkins
good guy i think its awesome you're going for a legendary group of anonymous image boarders of course the filtering could be crazy! beyond amazing talent lies in these type of boards, forums and what not most just lack the confidence or paid education to do so there are so many talented people who browse these forums and who knows one day they'll push themselves to do something like this and that makes be die happy
Cameron Wright
damn you're good user
Sebastian Wilson
Are all these characters male? I don't want to accidentally voice a female character.
Nicholas Russell
>except he has no range
>tfw I try to change the range of my voice while speaking and it sounds good to me but when I listen to the recordings my voice is completely monotone no matter what I do
I kinda want to do a really minor character that gets maybe like a few lines of dialog
Adrian Price
That just means you have to overact to get the result you want.
Aiden Miller
It's April 2nd, not April 1st
Ethan Moore
But then I get self-conscious that to other people it sounds like I'm trying too hard. I have this problem when trying to do RP voices in tabletop RPGs.
Carter Watson
Here's what I have posted in the casting channel: >Opening Narration - Either: >Kabu - Male: >Maki - Male: >Eetl - Either: >Vi - Female: >Kina - Female: It's a short segment, so only 5-6 people needed (if we separate narrator and Kabu).
Depending on how far along we get, that can be arranged.
Eh just try it. If anything, you can send it only to me so instead of everybody being able to hear it, it would just be me. I wouldn't share it or use it if I didn't get permission.
Damn your Maki was spot on. I'm grinning just thinking about you on the team. As far as Kabu goes, I think we need someone with a bit of a naturally deeper voice. But thank you for doing both parts.
Hudson Bennett
I really want to join, but I am dyslexic.
Evan Cooper
just do it user. it's about acting skill.
John Evans
Would memorizing specific lines get around that? >memorize the one or two sentences that are said before another character talks >record those two sentences >cut recording >move onto the next couple sentences >repeat Dialogue doesn't have to be 100% exact either. If you end up adding something or taking something away to make something flow better, and the rest of the cast can continue with their lines, I'd have no problem with it. Kinda depends, but I believe playing stuff by ear is more beneficial than tossing out something that would otherwise be good.
Brayden Taylor
Wait, will the final thing be a live recording session with all the VAs online, or do we just record lines and then send them?
Justin Clark
Lemme try this out. This sounds very fun and i always wanted to see if i could do voice acting. Ima record real quick so plz don't let the thread die.
Just record them and send via the discord. A shitload easier for everyone involved and I can ask individuals to redo certain parts after we get recordings >character A does line 1 good >character B does line 2 kinda meh >character A does line 3 meh >character B does line 4 good In this case, I could tell both people "here are the clips we should keep, so try to match your tone to get inserted into the conversation here".
If you don't post it in the discord, it likely won't get saved. I'd have no way to contact you for re-do's if required.
Ethan Hernandez
bump Justin Case
Xavier Ward
Maybe instead of a B team, we can rewrite parts of the script to actually be related to "The Everlasting Video Games" instead of whatever it normally is. We'll see how we do.
Cooper Jenkins
can you post a transcript for this shit? Whoever recorded this intro did not leave enough time for this shit to be read out loud and i'm not about to sit here pausing this every 5 seconds just to see the correct lines
Christopher Smith
It's in the discord :^) I'm not gonna track down anons in the thread to do re-records or future parts if there are any,
Thomas Ross
You can slow the video down to like .75x or even .50x.
Evan Hill
Smart user, thank you. Slowing it down leaves awkward pauses now but idgaf.
Joseph King
I would be happy to have you as the potential narrator, as long as you're okay with only a few lines. There's just that intro, and maybe the tutorial remarks if we decide to do them.
Charles Jackson
whatever is clever, I just love doing voice work. Joined the shitcord and sumbitted an voc. I'll check back periodically let me know what you want done
Benjamin Kelly
I promise to keep the trannies out. Anyway all, I'm going to bed. Thanks for all of those who participated on day one. I don't want to take forever with this, but I also don't want to wait so long that interest fades.
I think I will be creating roles for everyone that is interested in voicing a particular character so when the time comes, I can notify the individuals interested to get their parts.
John Powell
I'm in bed but I'll bookmark it. I dabble with shit like Sonic vocaroo threads so this might be interesting.
Levi Kelly
>recruiting voice actors >from Yas Forums of all placers Stop. Just stop. Instead, just do what Banjo Kazooie did. Much more charming.