1990 vs 2020

1990 vs 2020

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They even give spats to cover boys now?

>heroic adventurer boy
>anime faggot twink
what a great evolution for the character

Didn't know Lucina had such scrawny legs.

Before any more retards take the bait it's a special banner for FEH where they made FE1 characters young.

there's not a single thing the picture on the right does better holy shit

Why does Japan insist on using the new kawaii uguu art style? What's wrong with the old one?

Left: Soulless
Right: SOUL

the actual artstyle is still fucking dogshit

soul vs soulless?

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He needs to get blacked

Jokes on you, I want to do the gay sex to both of them.

who tf is this? shota marth?

It's OG Marth from the NES game, and the modernization of that design retconned to be shota marth.

>Implying the one on the left isn't just as gay.

New Marth is better for SS than old Marth. I approve.

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Yeah, they made loli Caeda too.

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pantsless vs pants

It's impressive how bold you are when you're factually incorrect.

Was he supposed to be a little boy in that original art? Honest question. I don't really see it. Late teens at best.

Why does old Marth look like a Votoms character?


I must have seen this picture hundreds of times by now but that fucking face still cracks me up

No, it's just ISIS trying to emphasize that they're younger for their alts, not reconning anything.

No, the right one is the young version you see when he escapes Altea at the beginning of the game and before he meets Caeda. The left one is just OG adult Marth from FE1.

they both look like faggots? what's the point of this post

There a reason Nintendo characters never wore pants back in the 90s?

Attached: ALttP_Link_Leaping_Artwork.png (627x1113, 814.49K)

You mean 80's. The ALTTP design was a holdover from the NES games. And it also wasn't exclusive to Nintendo, it just wasn't seen as weird back then, all kinds of characters didn't have pants, Robin from Batman, He-Man, Simon Belmont, ect.

Why is game companies turning their twunks into twinks?


ffvii vs ffvii:re


>Young male bare legs not allowed
If OoT Young Link ever ends up with spats in an official capacity is confirmation that the elevens got some agenda going on.

how do we bring back barbarian boys
i have some nigger arguing that classic megaman is a bad design on /vg/
how do we stop this conservative regression

Is this the redesign thread?

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>compression shorts

there's a difference user

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The left did it better. I want a peak up his toga... in 2020 he's wearing shorts.
>I bet you can see his buldgey wuldgey in those shorts

I like this change.

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No, the boy became the one on the right.


Why didn't they hire Hidari for 3H is beyond me

Absolute improvement, SoV doot a cute.

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clasic megaman does suck. x, volnutt and exe were all big improvements.

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Attached: redesign4.png (1080x802, 558.86K)

baka, we should've gotten Alm instead of Chrom for Smash Ult.


classic megaman

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Attached: redesign5.png (1080x802, 786.83K)

Her poofy hair reminds me of Nina from Berserk.

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I’m not going to argue with you.
X is an ok design, a little busy for my taste, but he owes everything to Classic.
You can prefer X, but Classic is superior.

Never skip leg day

of the old one, yes.

How can a redesign manage to be both overdesigned and bland at the same time?

Genny is best SoV girl.

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damn this shit sucks

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Attached: redesign6.png (1080x802, 537.08K)

all better

feh doesnt count, if you want to count his most recent design count smash bros ult's

Gonna stop FE stuff for now

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Because it's literally an 80s anime design?

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I swear I've seen an alternate version of this with Link blushing in an instruction manual

>Echoes redesigns suck
Your lack of taste offends me

its like these characters, despite being drawn younger and in hip modern styles, are spiritually aging and dying.

What went wrong?

You talking about the GBA version?

Attached: ALttP-FS_Link_Fall.png (395x600, 187.82K)

Attached: 1578548687841.png (1080x1080, 644.22K)

That's anime in general. People become gayer and Japan is one of the influencers.

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He's like 16 at the start of his game

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It hasn't even been 12 hours and I already have to remind people.

Yas Forums(nel) is an anime website.

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Why is everything so washed out now adays?

back in the day you needed bold colors and thicc line art for it to show up on printed media and low quality CRT displays. now you can get away with more softer and subtle colors, but that's not to say the old style didn't have any merits