Rebuild of Final Fantasy

This is gonna be a wild ride isn't? But i feel bad for the folks who were expecting a remake, they should have named it Rebuild or something else.
What are your hopes for the new timeline? For me it's making Cloud x Tifa canon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>making Cloud x Tifa canon.
Good one.

This Chaos is fantastic. Literally nobody knows what the fuck is going on anymore, lmao.

Dude they hateful in Advent Children

>For me it's making Cloud x Tifa canon.
But it's already canon. Aerith died.

They should have done what Disney did with Star Wars it's " A Final Fanatasy VII story" Then they can go fuck up literally everything

>Advent Children.
Good one.

Honestly I'm kind of relieved. I didn't trust Nomura to accurately translate OG FF7, so at least with all this alternate timeline/time travel/whatever the fuck is going on I can at least sit back and just enjoy the wild ride

Here's the problem, REMAKE IS IN THE TITLE!

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Exactly, not "Remaster."

>he lives

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Sephiroth is remaking the timeline

I actually like what I'm seeing. Trying to do something new is good. The reason I'm mad is because they called it a remake when it's obviously not. Now I have to go and finish the 25 year old PSX game if I want to experience the original FF7 story, and this sucks

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>Now I have to go and finish the 25 year old PSX game if I want to experience the original FF7 story, and this sucks

I think FF7 holds up magnificently especially with the handful of QoL improvements in the later ports. I enjoy it for what it is, I LIKE its prerendered backgrounds and goofy block people, I don't spend the whole time playing it wishing it had better graphics

ff7 new threat w/ updated models is a good way to play it modernly

No he doesn't this is before they shot him down. They just added extra scenes


Is "they're trying something new and interesting" the final stage of coping?

When will you guys crack and admit it's the biggest disappointment of all time?

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That mod is literally SQUARE HIRE THIS MAN

it fucks with the art direction

you have been warned

zack lives
sephiroth is on the midgar highway
aeris lives, a vision of the future shows her "dying" but fate can be changed
biggs/wedge live
a bunch of spirits are flying around midgar for some reason
sephiroth throws shinra tower at people

That's still not fucking MGSV (though I never hyped it up to be something it wasn't going to be) or Dragon Age 2 or even Mass Effect 3.

>zack lives
Already wrong. He dies anyway

Rebuild of Final Fantasy 7 : You can (not) change fate.

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oh? where does the remake show that?

cause he's just fine and posing.

Does ANYONE fucking die in this new timeline lmao. part of what people liked about FF7 is that it felt like it had real stakes, you can't have a story about the natural cycle of life and death within nature when no one dies

though it would be twice the gut punch if they lead you on thinking Aeris can be saved and she dies anyway

ok, but where is aerith Q?

when do sephiroth and cloud play the piano together like a pair of homos?

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I love and hate Nomura at the same time. This fucker is too crazy for his own good. Did I want a faithful remake? A little bit. I think zoomers are the only ones eternally BTFO because they can't claim 7R as the better rendition of the original because they're two completely different games. Glorious.

This isn't FF7 anymore, it's something completely different. Like they're not even attempting to retell the original story.

>alternate timeline/time travel/whatever the fuck is going on
Is that why people are freaking out? There's actually some timeline fuckery in it that makes it more than just an expanded retelling?

>Make changes
>Don't include Yuffie or Vincent or Cid earlier
Fuck off Nomura you faggot

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Having a hard time following. Why does cloud have the sword if zack lives

did you mean hate eachother? in which case you're an idiot

It's before he dies. Look at the crisis core ending and the scene in FF7 he gets killed by 3 soilders after killing the army. They will probably show it in the next part.

I'm fine with this, I didn't like the original FF7 anyways, I'm just glad nomura is finally fixing the game's story.

Yes, Sephiroth has the full script to the original FF7 and is time traveling to the beginning of the game to change how things play out. Also Aeris has a couple pages from the script too


they already undid the death of several people.


Fuck off, retards

>It's before he dies.
are you playing dumb? they are blatantly setting up for zack to fall through a time portal or some shit in part 2 and end up with the party

Yas ForumsOTE

>Sephiroth has the full script
>Aeris has a couple pages from the script too
Bad. Let her die.

Genesis boss fight when

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Why don't you shit on Nojima since he's the guy who's writing the fucking thing.


You now realize Remake did not necessarily mean a Remake of the original FF7, rather a new timeline remade by AC Sephiroth trying to change the events

Yes. FF7 remake takes place in a continuity where the events of the original game already happened (or exist in an alternate timeline), and the characters gradually become aware of their predetermined fate. Sephiroth may already have full recollection of what has happened.

I don't want Zack to come back. SE is going to ruin him too and he'll be nothing like the chad from CC.

Nice, we will play with Zack in a different scenario

from what i understand it takes over midway, and i think instead it should play the whole original game out and then start the rewriting bullshit

This is absolute shit, but anyone who expected anything when the last half dozen FF7 spin-offs have been shit was being oblivious

>Sephiroth has the full script to the original FF7 and is time traveling to the beginning of the game to change how things play out. Also Aeris has a couple pages from the script too
That sounds like the plot to a FF7 comedy board game...

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They just shouldn't have advertised it as a remake or just made a fucking remake like they said they were.
If they want to do an alternate timeline retcon thing, you cant bait and switch people into that

>biggs/wedge live
>but Jesse die

>Yes, Sephiroth has the full script to the original FF7
Sephiroth = Nomura self insert.

That'd be cool, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna die.

If it's the the biggest disappointment of all time then why am i not disappointed, especially considering how disappointed i am with some games that just came out. Truth is this is a strong decision which people are bound to fucking hate for obvious reasons, and others are going to enjoy it exactly because it is what it is and not just another remake.

lmao based Nomura always with this bs.

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Nope. Aeris lives this time. Maybe Tifa will die instead. Or Cloud. Wouldn't that be unexpected?!

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People with good taste knew to take a step back and not make an investment in the first place.

nomura cares more about fujo shit than girls

Welp there goes my theory of playing the flashback in part 2, with sephiroth teaching you how to fight and switching to him

Zack is Alive in remake...


>That'd be cool

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>biggs/wedge live

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You would think that would mean he'd gank them while they are sleeping

Dissapointment you get is when you get something you expected but watered down

you cant feel dissapointment now because it is completely different from what you expected and only time will tell if its good or not

midgar zolom is gone too.

>Sephiroth throwing the fucking Shinra HQ

"who could have done this" spike kinda seems pointless now hm?

Sephiroth opens a portal into his timeline shortly before he dies and the ghosts start flying around the shinra soldiers.

My hopes are it get's canceled.

Why would you want a part 2 that follows the plot of the original game? That's not subversive and shocking, bro.

No they literally show after that fight and Migar explodes in lifestream.

so sephiroth is fucking sans now

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Why couldn't we just get a comfy, faithful remake with colorful KH style visuals instead of this overproduced pile of shit.

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>04/02/20(Thu)23:14:27 No.501841269
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>>That'd be cool

never played the og ff7 maybe i will during quarantine for the original story. i really dont feel like it though graphics look like shit. dont know what nomura is doing with ff7 but i hope its not like kingdom hearts that game shouldve ended at number 2. hopefully the PC version isnt 300GB

>you cant feel dissapointment now because it is completely different from what you expected
are you retarded?

>FF7 has a quality story hampered by a shoddy English translation
>announce remake, have a chance to improve the script
>rewrite the whole thing into a KH-tier wild ride that relies on baiting people who know the original plot
Nomura is a hack

I dont think you understand
i love the changes

isn't this just ff13?

I know exactly what's going on it's nomura being an egotistical faggot and injecting his bullshit as usual.
I just thought maybe the fuckwit would have a bit of respect for FF7 & the fans but that was wishful thinking. now it's going to be as bad as kingdom hearts. what a clusterfuck.

>Sephiroth throwing the fucking Shinra HQ
And cloud cutting trains and buildings with the buster swords. Just like in advent children.

Original is still there. Hop off the fucking train.

>i really dont feel like it though graphics look like shit
Good, thank Nomura for changing shit up with this "remake" so that dumb fucking zoomers like you will never get to enjoy Final Fantasy 7.

because modern square is a terrible company that deserves to die.

I see Tifafags are on full delusional mode.

I fucking hate Nomura and the nips obsession over Zack. They straight deify this nigga and suck his dick every chance they get.

>rewrite the whole thing into a KH-tier
You dont know what is that. Specially when the rest of the game is pretty faithful and expanded.

Timeline stuff but you still get most of the original story intact, with different scenes/events/fights. Making my reads right now:

>Aerith will not die when she's supposed to but will die near the end game or right at the very end to trick old players into thinking she may live as well as the new players who got to like her throughout the journey, so they break the hearts of old school players and new alike all over again
>Zack may live a little longer, but very little, he probably still dies after his shonen fight with the random soldiers because Cloud has the sword
>The Aerith gets stabbed and fucking killed scene will be a fakeout, Cloud is gonna jump in and save her, then they fight some JENOVA abomination
>Sephiroth may not follow through with just the "fucking shoot the Earth with a meteor" plan, he may combine it with something else entirely
>The game will end differently, maybe in such a way that it will negate Advent Children's eventual space AIDS plot so it will have a happy ending

More or less. I get what they're going for, I just hope it doesn't get too fucking insane and ridiculous. I think we're still gonna get 85% of pure normal FF7.

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holy fucking cope

>I just thought maybe the fuckwit would have a bit of respect for FF7 & the fans
He did. I like how Sephiroth isn't some weird mysterious memory in Clouds mind. He's just immediately introduced as the big bad and acts like it.

Now people will buy the remake

Yas Forums is going to be full retarded for the next couple days so might as well don't even bother.

>I see Tifafags are on full delusional mode.
Cant wait for the moment Tifa dies in Nomuras reshuffled FF7.

>biggs/wedge don't go splat

>sephiroth doing all this shit in midgar

faithful you say

maybe just go play the original
it s still there

nice cope FAGGOT

Was never onboard the train, just surprised that Nomura literally cannot help himself
In English, doc?

why is it bad that i want a game that looks nice?

I said the rest of the game, not the ending

You know what i meant.

im not a fan of nomura's changes and fujo shit

absolutely none of it is faithful. nothing is preserved.

Yeah, I remember all those wraiths flying around in FF7, interfering with the plot

Seriously Nomura? No extra Turk bosses?

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>yfw when Nomura pulls a ending straight out of Kingdom Hearts and kills Cloud instead of Aerith
But to be honest, here they are probably gonna let Zack live, and instead of Aerith dying he is the one that gets killed.

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If all the leaks are true i will actually buy it. I never liked that they added extra stuff for the lore in the original but if this is a hole different game with another story i see no point to complain.

I have a feeling that FF7R really was intended to be a faithful remake at some point, but then as delays went on and they realized the scope of original FF7, they felt like they couldn't do it justice; The first sign was making it episodic. Square Enix swooped in and let Nomura pitch his own batshit ideas while retaining the ethos of FF7.

Since you retards will be memeing your fanfiction theories for the next week until the game officially releases to crush this autism, I might as well bow out from the threads now.

>making Cloud x Tifa canon
how is it not already canon? they can fuck in disc 3. and who else would cloud end up with? the ghost of zack's sloppy seconds?

It's Nomura, he is incapable of killing characters.

Dialogue, most of the events, and most imprtantly, character personalities and interactions.

bitter spiteful asshole who's only purpose is being a dick sucker and praising every single move of a company.

No i don't want to lose him again. Kill Aerith but let Zack live if he comes back

>with another story i see no point to complain.
Maybe with good writers.

It's so, so, so much worse than I could have ever imagined. I fucking despise Nomura, what is wrong with him.

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Except for Zack. He died for everybody's sins.

But nomura was the one with the idea of killing aeris
Also hes the director but theres no way hes above kitase toriyama and nojima just like that.

just look up a playthrough of it, there's multiple videos of the game on YT already

>now it's going to be as bad as kingdom hearts
I can't wait to see mickey mouse save zack from the underworld

The worst scenario is them somehow saving Sephiroth from Jenova's influence and the final boss just being Jenova, and then everyone lives happy for ever.


>In English, doc?
Reunion Retranslation exists.

This dude has liked several "Trans Rights" posts. How did you get to know him, hmmm?


>most of the events
only some in a very general sense. but the pacing and placement is completely wrong.
>character personalities and interactions.
absolutly not. they're all cringe anime tropes now. especially tifa with that schoolgirl shit.

Nojima is the writer. So it's good

>there are actually people here who haven't played Crisis Core and watch Last Order

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people will literally defend anything

It literally shows that he was replying to an IGN post in the image you fucking retard. I see you like fantasising though.

i would have been thrilled with a faithful remake but i think this "rebuild" approach is way more interesting, so i'm going into it with an open mind. this would also explain why it's episodic, since they're not just copy-pasting the same story.

>This time Tifa dies
The shit storm would be tremendous

>They save sephiroth and make him good
>he joins against jenova for the last battle
>he dies protecting cloud
>jenova is now the real enemy and the final boss, like a Lavos
could be...kino?

Nah i would prefer sephiroth getting killed and let jenova be the last final boss like lavos

the best plan is to obviously look all menacing and do evil smiles in the distance
epic anime style

And the actors are remaking the future to save humanity from extinction at the end of the original FF7

>call it Final Fantasy VII Remake
>it's actually Kingdom Hearts VII

Nomura is a goddamn madman.

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Makes sense. Nomura didin't even know that he was a director for FF7R until they showed the trailer a few years back at E3

Crisis Core and Last Order are cringe

Remake =/= Remaster, retards

Sephiroth has no reason to kill Tifa though

>Aeris lives
Oh no no no

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You are literally clueless about anything so whatever.

I am sick of nomura

>Original is still there
not an argument for why this is good or ok

He never wanted to do an FF7 Remake, as he said multiple times.

>Lose to Midgard Cloud
More like

In a general sense yes, but not beyond that
The FF13 trilogy resolved each its conflicts by having everyone realize the only thing set in stone about fate is the end point. How you reach it is entirely up to you
This is everyone looking to stop whatever ending fate has given them

But he was the one that wanted to kill Aerith.
Also the deaths of Roxas, Axel and Xion were actually good before he pulled a no one dies in KH

Good source, but no. He said that he always thought of the remake since always but he was busy with other proyects. But never stopped thinking about remaking 7.

Half the board is already Tifa posting. Please Nomura do it.

Because he's a retarded faggot.

>I just thought maybe the fuckwit would have a bit of respect for FF7 & the fans but that was wishful thinking.
if you think about it, isn't it the ultimate sign of respect for ff7 that he's taking the remake in a different direction? he's basically saying that the original is still good enough to stand on its own in 2020 and copying it word-for-word is unnecessary.

You might as well say that FF8 is a remake of FF7. Who cares that the sotry, characters, world and gameplay are completely different. It's REMADE.

>see a webm of Sepiroth throwing the fucking Shinra building
>no way for Sister Ray to be welded onto it now

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Yes it is. First, it's called a remake, and was never advertised as a 1:1 remake.
Second, the original game is still there if you want to experience it's story.

Someone said Jessie is alive too.

>end up with the party
cool. now they just need to add lightning as a dlc character and we can have a party of cloud, black hair cloud, and female cloud