Fuck me this is too hard

Fuck me this is too hard
Ive been trying to draw my main character for 20 hours and everything I try to draw made comes out like shit

Attached: 1_LneOPz9iclWycr9N0OnZ-Q.png (2000x1037, 373.58K)

How do I know where the cursor is on the screen if the engine I am using does not have that built-in.

Attached: WornoutFacesWornoutCheezeits.jpg (653x781, 52.59K)

What are you using?

Where the yes devs at?

Lumberyard, but I might just be stupid and not checking their documentation enough.

There's got to definitely be a way to track mouse position

How can environment art be so hard? This level was only supposed to take a few days but it's been two weeks already.
I've gotten the first big visual jump from blocking in some shapes and colors. I'm hoping the second big jump will come when I add textures.
Though next, I'm going to work on networking and then polish for demo day.

Attached: 007_china.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

How hard is it to make an rpg by yourself?

I'll go through the docs again and figure it out then. It sucks because I'm thinking there would be some natural XY coordinates or something given since they have the usual input options.

Ive been trying to draw the main character this whole time. Then ill have to animate it. Then do that with multiple characters and enemies and draw the map. Design wise it's pretty easy but art is hard

save money and hire some bros to help, user

Attached: 2020-03-24 11-59-59.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

I dont know anyone who would do it for free or cheap

then make more money first

It's fairly simple creating the functionality but the biggest problem comes in creating content.

Shitpost from yesterday

Attached: 4_1.png (632x359, 472.07K)


Attached: seq.png (640x1000, 107.17K)


UwU is this a fucking bush I see here ? brb calling the based department

My what?

The fov might be a bit too high, but it looks nice.

>doing anything remotely close to character/world designs or story when you don't even have your gameplay systems in order
not gonna make it

I got all of those but don't know how to program, so still not gonna make it.

Any tips for someone learning how to 3d model?

Animating 2d shit takes a gorrillion years. Shoulda gone with meme poly 3d.
All the same, I've got all the systems etc sorted so now just doing the long, arduous process of drawing all the sprites and backgrounds etc.
Kinda gay that I don't have much of anything to show other than animations or backgrounds I've finished. Almost done with all the protag animations, onto enemies next.
then I'll release a demo for you cunts

Attached: ezgif-1-6aed1c5a8422.gif (300x334, 537.38K)

>but don't know how to program
Then you ain't got any of them

Having an idea =/= having implemented the idea

Looks nice, I like how you stylized it

Thanks bro. /vg/ user thought her losing balance might be too comical, but the idea is that it is a ks23 shotgun that will one shot anything and you only find like 6 or so rounds in the whole game

What kind of game is it? Looks like some slower paced, rpg/strategy type animation

Card switching implemented, usage depends on the direction held (neutral/forward/up/down).
I know it still looks like a shitty pixel platformer, it'll be cool, I promise.

Attached: preview8.webm (640x360, 626.91K)

Still can't believe you thought it was a good idea to request porn of this shit on /aco/

That was actually pretty cool, I like the art style as well

>Corona Labs

I found the bioweapons lab

Attached: 1585772675824.jpg (686x526, 86.74K)

How big is the bush.

I'm kinda bored with playing video games and I'm going to be quarantined for the foreseeable future. Should I learn a code or should I learn unreal engine? I'm a noob with all of this and I'm just looking for a hobby to keep me occupied.

Ah yes, time to make my dream gam-
>Don't know how to program

Coding isn't just a hobby, it's a discipline. You'll have to devote years of your life to it to become capable of any even modest prospects, let alone game development.

is it hard?

Attached: ride.png (480x360, 104.93K)

Both. Learn an engine because you're not gonna fucking code an engine. Learn a language relevant to that engine and how the Engine uses it.

No. It can be if you’re retarded and just start throwing code down hoping it sticks instead of reading the docs and learning what shit actually does. Even more advanced topics like data structures can be easily understood with the right teacher.

Hoping our input helped you out and helps you out in the long run.

Attached: nice.png (178x94, 18.6K)

read the first chapter of 2/3 different language tutorials, you will realize it's always the same shit then you'll be able to get into unreal blueprints

2D or 3D?

The eternal question

If you don't know what game you want to make yet this is a retarded fucking question
You pick the one that works for your game

If you want to lose motivation after animating 5 characters, 2D.

Danke brother. God I hope nmh3 doesn't get t boned by the virus, that'd suck

Attached: 1585576807619.jpg (460x463, 64.84K)

For sure. Now I have to make the typical plain clothed horror MC and create and test mechanics in grey box hell

Any background/story stuff for the game/ghost?

That's what im in the process of doing

Not yet, all I've written out are gameplay mechanics. You can use a consumable item to get her into a fucking state when she shows up. Otherwise she plays the role of the unstoppable force and you have to run away from her. Fucking her causes her to vanish for a while so you can freely search rooms/find items/solve puzzles. The specifics of that I'll figure out and build later, right now I'm focusing on building the base inventory/interaction, sex, and her AI. Everything else feeds into or plays off of those systems.

learn to sculpt faggot.

Should I create assets first or get the systems running?

Groundwork first, assets later.

Nice. I hope you get reach a demo later in the year.

How do you script without assets? placeholders?

Yes. Cubes and spheres are all you need in the early stages.

Spent several hours yesterday writing a build generator that outputs a build.ninja so as to not have to spend a few seconds manually tweaking a makefile every so often.

If you can make/get placeholders, it's a no brainier, otherwise cubes and spheres work.

How do you know when you're ready to start drumming up interest, however small.
I'm talking the very beginning here, like I just made an empty twitter account. I'm terrible at the whole social media thing.

Social media is a constant thing and takes time and somewhat regular posting, I would say once you have some sharable gifs of gameplay you should start putting stuff out there.

Would you say an in-depth customization system counts as gameplay? Or should I wait until the actual gameplay loop is ready to be shown?

>How do you know when you're ready to start drumming up interest
When the game is over. You pretend the game is at mid stage and steadily post fake advancement to make people think you're a serious worker. There's no way you lose a single follower like this

>20 hours
It's a common knowledge you need to draw for 10000 hours at least.

That's the plan!

Add more ghost bushes.

Why? It's funny

I'm not exactly trying to draw anything that requires immense skill

Mixture of point and click adventure and survival horror.
Like a 2d resident evil but with puzzles/dialogue etc like you'd get in an adventure game