Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1585843797157.jpg (1158x1600, 209.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor Post.

Attached: 1585866374726.png (1600x1000, 414.84K)

Requesting Sunny posing like this files.catbox.moe/6dkoqs.jpg

Attached: 1585722684451.jpg (959x667, 128.36K)

Requesting Cecilia from Hexyz Force in this red and white striped bikini.

Bikini: carizzi.com/boutique/elizabeth-breton-chic-bikini-top-red-white-stripe/

Pose: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3811290

Attached: B322B5C2-8C80-4732-A0DB-4938936D4931.jpg (500x735, 107.06K)

Requesting Juri using her symbiote to make a bunny costume - either sexy or cute - but with sharp teeth included.

Attached: 1583187745873.png (1236x1536, 455.6K)

Draw Symbiote Mileena (classic teeth no lips) and Symbiote Juri making out with their tongues on a couch.

Requesting Mona and Messy in playboy bunny outfits with Mona coming up from behind Missy and pulling her top down showing that she has Easter egg themed pasties covering her nipples.

Attached: 1584469436087.jpg (1269x899, 178.39K)

Requesting a draw of this but the Catha is a harpy girl

Attached: gsdx_20200308215424.jpg (4320x3240, 511.17K)

So you got banned again

Reaction image of Cooking Mama!

Attached: mama.png (454x485, 46.42K)

Requesting anal or sloppy blowjob

Attached: 1585812548787.png (629x401, 354.51K)

Let's see what you can come up with Yas Forums. Looking good so far! Who will take on the challenge of the 3 way combination! The bottom two stay.

Attached: Master-samus-Guy-MKV.jpg (2540x2200, 1.6M)

Making churros.

Requesting Ryu Hayabusa walking around Texas wearing an oversized cowboy hat and spurs.

Requesting poledancing

Attached: __iida_and_hime_splatoon_and_2_more_drawn_by_hinana37__64e676cae30ead46dacf82de44474c10.png (1626x1000, 973.95K)


Doctor Klein but Wojak

Attached: Klein.jpg (1728x1080, 694.9K)

Requesting monkey pealing a banana lewdly
Or grinding a coconut tree

Attached: 334.gif (121x115, 211.37K)

Attached: Smug Phat Saber 03.png (1456x2064, 1.14M)

Requesting cute and sexy FGO Jack the Ripper.
Female and male version are both welcome.

Attached: FGOAssassinJackStage2.png (528x725, 279.83K)

too big

Or not big enough.

WTF is this???

Requesting Wii Fit Trainer dressed as a belly dancer showing off her moves.

Attached: 1585835334607.jpg (625x1024, 72.55K)

Requesting Terry Bogard, Rock Howard, and Lucas being a happy blonde family.

Attached: Blonde Family.png (2008x1180, 1.58M)

Le Viada covering her bare tits with just her hands or like 2 fingers, or a pair of hands groping her tits from under her top and maybe leaking milk, that'd be hot thanks

Attached: Le Viada from Dusk Driver.jpg (400x936, 114.61K)

Io from Granblue Fantasy aged to 18 years old. Decent breast size but not overly large. She'd be a Blonde bombshell.

Attached: Io.Euclase.full.2451451.png (584x570, 306.79K)

Requesting Mecha Eli-chan MK. II transform into a gun.
Like this way see at 0:14: youtube.com/watch?v=umwZ8qVorwo

Attached: MechaEli-chanMkII.jpg (1280x720, 192.56K)

Since Terry and Faust share a voice actor, requesting Terry kanchō-ing (finger gun into butt) Faust, reverse position or Terry kanchō-ing another vidya character.

Attached: Finger.png (2560x720, 1.47M)

Requesting all Neptunia Goddesses fused into a Super Goddess.

Attached: Neptunia Super Goddess fusion 1.png (4140x1258, 3.31M)

Requesting Tikal dressed up in a Mexican folk outfit, por favor

Attached: tikal.jpg (1627x2230, 1004.44K)

requesting a pov pic of sonia deepthroating the viewers cock in "the pose" while making eye contact

Attached: son.jpg (1154x1700, 599.64K)

And she wears a big sombrero.

Requesting Maki getting fucked anally

Attached: 1585881822276m.jpg (982x1024, 138.79K)

Requesting The Scout wearing the misc items pictured and posing like Richter Belmont

Attached: Rondo of Blud.png (2174x1534, 3.61M)

Why do you want sombreros

Guess my request is hijacked, but I'm all for it.

Draw something about Contra.

Requesting Red Queen sitting with a giant Easter Egg between her legs, wrapping her arms around it or with her arms draped over it, her head to a side or resting her chin on the top.

Attached: Red_Queen.jpg (900x1554, 331.41K)

its his fetish

Because it’s good.

Requesting the Security Officer from Marathon looking annoyed as the Guardians from Destiny pester him about their new loot.

Attached: 23821D6F-48CD-47AC-92A9-D4CFABA0355E.jpg (628x1024, 95.74K)

Yeah, I'm gonna need more Daisy kissing senpai
Or Wendy dressed as Daisy is fine too

Attached: 1566022416291.png (482x700, 264.52K)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: 877CB0CF-B5DB-4275-AE1D-B7404700DEC1.jpg (256x368, 30.9K)

here you go

Attached: Tikal Mexico.jpg (1126x1756, 1.07M)

Requesting Duvalie with a bob cut

Attached: E04B360F-973C-4C6E-A239-88E5AA7C8D31.jpg (1480x1480, 458.72K)


Now add the Fucking Sombrero.

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just slaughtered a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: C5F8BDDD-660A-47F2-871C-23B0B685A5F8.jpg (768x1024, 117.79K)

OR here; she looks very beautiful! Thank you very much. I love the touch of the emeralds on her dress pattern, it adds an extra layer of authenticity to it, I think

Not the OR but good shit

no thanks

Requesting Elora trying a goth aesthetic

Attached: 1583632524993m.jpg (768x1024, 48.69K)

That wasn’t a request


Thanks for keeping it sombreroless

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: A0ED7DE3-2E46-4CC0-B00D-EC9239B1508A.jpg (724x1024, 123.33K)

Requesting The Rookie getting killed by a space Redneck.

Attached: Dies to a space hillbilly.png (800x500, 605.38K)

Are we really about to have a fight over a sombrero?

Well now we are.

Requesting "Reisalin Stout's Underground" skater Ryza, like a skatergirl punk from the 90s/early 2000s

Attached: Ryza Pro Skater.jpg (1972x1198, 483.36K)

requesting files.catbox.moe/e4tspi.jpg files.catbox.moe/neklst.jpg with Caleen, or a passed out drunk nip-slip drawing either files.catbox.moe/0kjzh4.jpg

Attached: Caleen04.png (1024x1024, 601.66K)

Requesting Hex Maniac standing at a bubbling cauldron with her big titties out as she holds her arms in the air in excitement

Attached: 1564062523284.jpg (770x996, 99.47K)

Did this nigga really just trace Wendy's Ultimate render???

np, glad you like it

Looking for cute requests

Seconding this and she has black lipstick, eyeliner, and belly piercing.

Attached: HeadPats.png (1250x1250, 454.91K)

Attached: Dumplings.png (1250x1250, 482.26K)

requesting Daxter and ottsel Tess sleeping on Jak's chest like cats while he's sleeping too

Attached: 1585787150762.jpg (2772x1600, 677.88K)

I'd like to do it, but I also want to draw witches, but I also want to draw poison because of the Poison thread and I also feel like drawing milf because of the Sae Persona thread that got turned into a Pokemom thread but I'm not fast enough to do any of them.

Sonic cd Amy imagining herself being saved by a really buff sonic.

Requesting a young Crash making a Easter Bunny costume for Coco

Attached: c0f3f16b8c0a3ab701c73d1187c88c935acf17c1.png (733x790, 445.46K)

Requesting Leonie from Fire Emblem Three Houses wearing the Virgin Killer Sweater backwards, but being proud somehow.

Attached: __leonie_pinelli_fire_emblem_and_1_more_drawn_by_alisha_heirror__10c4e5490a90b5727806fe60b211e28d.jpg (730x1000, 540.77K)

Or here, thanks for dumpling cat.

If you're still in a Sonic mood, maybe Tikal, Amy, Rouge or Vanilla in a wedding gown? Not too picky about the style dress or character.

Attached: 1577815087432.jpg (1264x1465, 143.51K)

Requesting Lightning getting pantsed by Vanille

Attached: VanilleLightning.png (2296x1276, 2.09M)

Requesting Pure Sicily doing anal.

Attached: 57.jpg (500x633, 185.05K)

Now that its released, requesting Sachi, from Love at First Sight, getting Half-Life: Alyx as a birthday gift, along with a brand new VR headset.

Attached: alyx for sachi.png (1563x1670, 2.35M)

He he funny feline.

Monstropolis Aqua eating fish and chips with a bit of ketchup on her face

Attached: Mads.jpg (980x1024, 69.34K)

No, her butt is too flat, get the fuck outta here with that pancake bullshit.

Commission your own version then

>Eating fish and chips
Fucking gross get the heck out.

Requesting a busty bunnygirl - reversed or normal - Noire or wearing armor like files.catbox.moe/8yga15.png

Attached: Noire.jpg (1066x1242, 331.76K)

Oh, I'm not even part of this. I just like starting internet fights.

Robo Fortune getting high on drugs but the drugs are robot related like magnets and Tesla coils

Attached: Robofortune.jpg (639x750, 56K)

Just draw the fucking sombrero it’ll take like 2 minutes if not looking for a fucking ornate detailed fucking royal headpiece I just want Tikal wearing a silly fucking hat.

Requesting Enterprise from Azur Lane with short bob cut hair and looking cool and cute. No ship parts required.

Op is a giant faggot and those who don't wait for the thread to die are filthy enablers.

Attached: Enterprise full ref.png (3028x1088, 2.35M)