Playing through it currently and I can safely say that it's trash. Literally a worse version of REmake 2. Why would you even defend this soulless cashgrab?

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Just got in and i'm liking it so far. Ignore what faggot op says.

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>go through the alley that's on fire in the demo and flip the breakers
>Nemesis chases you on the way back but disappears after a time
>come out of the alley and the nigga comes out of the fucking sky
>dodge his punch and feel smug
>climb up on the ladder that takes you up to the catwalks thinking that I have time
>get to the stairs and he's standing right the fuck there and smashes my head to a pulp


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Does Nemesis only show up during scripted cutscenes?

Pretty much.

I would say the game is good if it wouldn't say "Resident Evil 3" on it.

>worse version of REmake 2

t. twitch watching faggot

It's the same as OG RE3. All his appearances are scripted.

It says its out in an hour on Steam, is that just the counter being broke?

wheres the cracks at?

Just get a refund dude.

So is it true that the entire clock tower section is removed from the game?

Some of these files are cracking me up

Steam goes from "1 hour" to "under an hour." It's out in some regions, so you can unlock it with a VPN.

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RE3 is worse than RE2 so why would the remakes buck that trend?

to be fair, raccoon city allegedly had a pretty bad terrorist problem

How long will it take?

Attached: re3.jpg (1432x309, 126.24K)

about 2-4 days

>worse than DEmake 2
It can't be THAT bad. I assume it's equally as mediocre.

This game is fucking kino

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Used a VPN to unlock an hour ago

>worse version of REmake 2
So its Resident Evil 3.

>high voltage currents
So a small current then?

Or just stand in front of him evade knife countee, evade knife counter, evade knife counter

The counter is so op it removes any tension

coomer kino

hearing this a lot, from what I'm getting this is a forty dollar game isn't it?

That's a really reductive way of explaining Nemesis' role in the original. Yeah, he would show up at set points, but he would pursue you consistently within the current area until you completed the objective and moved on to the next area, and it happened regularly throughout the game, which Nemesis chases only halting once you complete the Carlos segment.

In RE3make Nemesis only chases you in real gameplay very briefly, and then he vanishes completely to only show up in "press forward to run" scripted setpieces and boss battles.

More like 20$. Unless you care about the shitty tacked on multiplayer.

Why were the demo textures for Jill better. Downgrade. Highest settings before anyone says.

Attached: Jillcomparison.jpg (3088x1440, 1.93M)

Because they wanted to cuck coomers out of their money and probably successfully

Like I believe some retard on Yas Forums that shitposts this game constantly just spent money to play a game they knew they hated just to try and BTFO of Yas Forums.

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Oh my fucking god, as a gurofag/bug insemination lover this game pleases my cock so much. Also Jill's death pains are so sexual.

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don't care, would rather have Anno 2bh

Why do i feel like all the people who shitpost about this have never played a RE game period?

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Good. I don't want to be annoyed. I want to enjoy the game. I'll already be busy dealing with the fact there is zero satisfaction in shooting zombies anymore, as their body parts just disintegrate instead of being tore out.

why are you in an RE thread

Always do opposite of what Yas Forums says. Every time that Yas Forums is right in hating a game, the rest of the playerbase brings up the exact same issues. People thrive on negativity and trying to make literally every AAA release the next Tortanic which, guess what, didn't fucking work because they're still making expansions for that fucking game.

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The game is shorter because it lacks puzzles so there's nothing to halt your progression on your first playthrough.

Also, if you know what you are doing Nemesis is basically non-existent.

So it's exactly like the original re3

>The game is shorter because it lacks puzzles long did you get stuck on puzzles?

>why isn't every RE game one of the best video games ever made???
Not really defending it, but it's hilarious that people compare any of these games to REmake 2 as if it were somehow garden variety. It was the highest rated RE game since RE4 for a reason, it was GOTY for a reason, it's the fastest selling RE game in history for a reason.

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Man this game has amazing death scenes
Ryona/gurofags will love it

is right the demo?

I had to stop playing to coom to a recording I have of the spider death.

Shows how much of a fucking dumbass you are. RE2 has always been the better game both in the original and even now because that's how it has always been. RE3 doesn't have two characters to play with like RE2. Doesn't have different scenarios like in 2. RE3 is only 1 play through with 1 character.

You really can't Remake 3 and make it better than two unless you drastically changed up RE3 already. The only replayability you had was Mercenaries, shitty 1 page endings, and lacking branching paths which barely did anything to change the game drastically.

There's no difference in texture, there is only difference in the shaders.


KEK, I died multiple times in the opening to see all of the death scenes

>I want to enjoy the game
Thats the game you fucking retard. Half of it is an uncharted running scripted scene with nemesis chimping out. There is no other stuff to explore or to do. Half of the game is on rails.

soon bros

Attached: unknown (3).png (747x280, 108.96K)

It's not going to be topped is it? It baffles me that they were able to make a game this good in the current era. Hands down the best RE game overall.

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Did people forget that 3 was fucking terrible? If it's worse than RE2 Remake, then it's par for the course.

Look at head gash. They made it lower res. I think it's ps4 textures.

Actually the older games didnt record your failed attemts and when you redid the progress you lost, you speed runned it because you knew where to go and you would skip the cutscenes. First run playtime on original titles are missleading.

Meanwhile, the remakes add the failed attempts to the time counter.

So yes, remakes are marginally shorter games even if the timer is around the same.

Just caved and bought it. Even if it's short I'll enjoy it

lol nice try. zoom in on the left image, the insane pixellation makes it obvious you did a downscale + upscale NIGGER.

Skip that 1 hour with a VPN REbro

How is it literally a worse version of Remake 2 if they're different games?

So I guess that means the Resident Evil 4 remake is going to be god tier

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Are you stupid. Load the demo yourself. Take the same screenshot. Load the game. Take the same screenshot. It's not rocket science.

Jill is beautiful. Get on board or get over it incels.

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While it had only 1 character you had different paths and some randomnization. The truth is that it had many different scenarios oresented as a single one.

There's no reason to remake 4. Or any of these games. Why they didn't just make RE8 is beyond me.

>muh RE2fags getting this mad over better game being better


When does it unlock

What grafix settings, FPS and GPU? Why not 1440p? Generally curious as I got a cheapo GTX1080 I've been trying abuse

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>Claire and Leon barely interact
>A and B scenarios have the same stuff and same boss fights, making zero sense in the timeline

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RE4 already has modern gameplay and a trillion different remastered editions. There's literally zero reason to remake that game

No. He shows up randomly at certain sections. I tried avoiding his triggers and he just dicksmashes you from behind without any announcement.

He's also insanely deadly. At least on hardcore. One smack from him and you are in the red.

Lmao who cares? It's still the best game overall in the franchise. With RE4 close behind.

They were remade because the devs are most likely aware that everybody (see: zoomers) shits on the old games because of "muh tank controls." No one in the current gaming demographic wants to go back and play the originals. Frankly, I'm surprised they didn't start with 1 and re-remake it. 4 won't be remade because it doesn't have gameplay that gives retards a headache.

>Yeah, he would show up at set points, but he would pursue you consistently within the current area until you completed the objective and moved on to the next area,


I'm looking forward to see what they do with Ashley

Capcom somehow makes Coomer Kino


Christ are you fucking serious? Barely a noticeable thing you faggots are faggots

Sooo, I WANT to die in this game?

Use VPN and connect to UK, I have been playing for 2 hours, official release in an hour

What would be the point of remaking 4 without being just a cashgrab? The whole point of remaking these is to give them the gameplay of 4. Remaking 4 would be nonsense.

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so p5r or re3make?

Ffs the game softlocked me, i didnt bother to manually save even once and now the auto checkpoint system puts me at the start of the Nemesis second form battle instead of the item box before it so i cant take other weapons with me