Play Bannerlord

Play Bannerlord.

Attached: golden horde.webm (900x506, 2.96M)

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B*ttians, or niggers as I like to call em

Attached: 1580698689942.jpg (540x614, 63.15K)

Looks like warband modded. Same shit.

How am I supposed to kill people in the MP? Any time I get the upper hand they just go full defensive until either they get friends to back them up or one of my allies snipes them

when its less unfinished i'll play

Battachads rise up
Fuck Vlandians

Is it just me, or are these looters high as a kite?

Attached: Looters.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Post your MC
I hope they add body sliders so I can make her body toned

Attached: my sturgiafu - Aurora of clan Vinterfugl.png (2890x1080, 2.36M)

Lose 1 (one) fight and all my horses are gone, now I run around with no money because my army is too expensive and I can't catch up to anything because I'm too slow, this is very fucking annoying.

are you self inserting as a tranny?


Attached: 1579971908054.jpg (200x200, 7.05K)

listen here you projecting faggot
there isn't anything, not one thing, "tranny" about shield maidens
just because you can't play a female without wanting to chop your cock off doesn't mean that's true for everyone

Attached: Fantasy General 2 Maiden.gif (300x600, 358.28K)

can you guys tell me what to do besides chasing looters/bandits and doing quests in towns? i dont understand where the depth comes in, please excuse my retardedness

Just found my first bug. I really like this game so far.

Attached: 2020-04-02 18_23_53-Mount and Blade II Bannerlord - Singleplayer PID_ 10152 - Win64_Shipping_Client.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

Now that mods are actually modular, and more small tweak/addition mods will come out, what are you cunts looking forward to?
For me, it’s making use of the larger villages and the ability to speak to most npcs. Cant imagine what kinds of quest and exploration that will lead to

Attached: C26E5C26-0B45-4E4A-A4AD-4AF61C6C18E4.jpg (2405x1603, 2.85M)

take a look at that pic then at the character screenshot. one looks like a woman and the other a tranny, guess which retard.

Anyone have the "what's gayer: being gay or playing as a girl?" Meme?

Good relations with lords and voting out all newfags from your faction

Nah, it crash a lot, i'll buy it when they fix it.

I want warband style recruit back
I dont care for 4 entry level peasants per village and one soldie
I want 80 peasants from 5 villages

neither look anything like a tranny
so either you're blind or you're a coping tranny who's deluded to the point of he thinks he has feminine features like pic
you don't

Attached: bannerlord the portrait of a warrior.png (1180x1080, 1.42M)

>played 17 hours straight on first day
>haven't touched it since
I really need to start over.

poor guy got fucking lynched

it's sad that you even make your self insert look like a man crossdressing instead of an actual female. guess that is the way trannies are.

>self insert
there he goes again
typical tranny

it's not healthy staying in denial bro

>there isn't anything, not one thing, "tranny" about shield maidens
they cant be because they didn't exist :^)

transexuals face a lot of adversity and are very brave and cool people for standing up to that amount of social pressure, they're always nice people

Were they all players?

Its just more of the same shit from the earlier game right? Grindy sandbox that gets old after a few hours because it ultimately is the same gameplay over and over.

>a female? must be a tranny!!!
I'd get that gender dysphoria checked tranny

I assume you mean your wojack, as that is the only thing in this thread that I have seen being spammed all the time

I just hit Clan Tier 1 by doing a single quest. Get fucked dumbasses

I wanted to play this game in at least medium graphics. Right now I can only play it in very low because my computer is a piece of shit. I am planning on getting a new one, but I am not confident in my choices as this game, apparently, has really serious optimization issues.

Look at this shit. Even like this the game still lags. For the record, my graphic card only has a 521 MB Memory; the very low setting requires approximately 1315 MB.

Attached: 20200401162639_1.jpg (1366x768, 222.08K)

pedohpiles face a lot of adversity and are very brave and cool people for standing up to that amount of social pressure

>my graphic card only has a 521 MB Memory
Is this fucking 2008?

>a female?
bro you'll never pass as a female

gamers face a lot of adversity and are very brave and cool people for standing up to that amount of social pressure, they're always nice people

Even a shitty budget pre-built meant for office use built in the last 5 or so years would be better than what you have right now, how you are people even posting on Yas Forums? How are you able to afford your bills?

Nah, it's a laptop. I shouldn't be complaining to be honest, but I really want to play this game as it is intended.

How do i level companions?

Very slowly

Do I build my own kingdom or join one?

Attached: 1568686136340.jpg (600x338, 72.37K)

from what everybody is saying making your own kingdom is very barebones right now.

>didn't exist
neither did Sturgia
>bro you'll never pass as a female
of course not, I'm a male who doesn't have any issues with being a man
unlike you who projects his mental illness and assumes other people are trannies too

Attached: 1560164065409.png (500x441, 131.63K)

>521 MB
My 15 year old GPU would like to say hello.

What should I do with the king I just captured in battle? I can ransom him for 2k denars or execute him. I can also free him.

How long does it take humanity to find wan cable technology that allows this with zero lag?

lel 13 yr old cool eye scar, looks fucking retarded


it's not healthy staying in denial

Warband is a great example of evolving gameplay, wherein you start battling small groups of raiders with a party of ten, to leading armies of thousands of soldiers after schoomzing with the nobles, and gaining coin and recognition by trading and fighting tournaments, and, if you'd like, trying to manage and conquer fiefs, or a kingdom of your own.

With that being said, can you name a game that isn't ultimately the same gameplay over and over? That's generally how games are designed, i.e.: the core gameplay loop. Tetris is the same gameplay over and over, and that shit is iconic and timeless for good reasons.

who here wishes there was a 1v1 duel mode in the arena where you can use your own weapons and armour

I'm just a spic in college, I don't have any money of my own.

Attached: 91c713c4-c33a-40a0-a50b-7e0b7acb24c6.jpg (600x400, 22.93K)

Can you turn on friendly fire in this game? What you did here was the medieval equivalent of just running in front of an active machine gun nest

friendly fire and player damage is a sliding scale. You can set it to deal only half damage to allies if you want, or full or none

Is it worth going to war with all of Khuzait for a new player on something like day 17 for several thousands of gold and a good chunk of tier 5 units, cavalry and such, both as straight units and as prionsers as well as several horses?
I was on a quest to bring sheep to one of their bigger cities and met a nearly dead big shot of them, defeated him easily of course and let him go (I think that got me like +5 relation with him? even though all of his people hate me now and are at war with me)
I'm not aligned with anybody yet since I still haven't cleared the "rebuild your clan" quest and now I'm unsure whether I should load an older save or not.

Attached: 1572404778466.jpg (124x125, 2.14K)

Depends whether or not you want easy access to Khuzait units

I know virtually nothing about M&B, thought about joining the southern lands guys and wage war against Aserai basically

I'll play it when it's like 10 dollars.

te diría que te fueras a mascar pito por dinero en la esquina pero no creo que con un condón sea suficiente para no contagiarse de memevirus

Was good for like 5 hours and then the crashes started and now I cant play without it crashing 10 minutes. Was nice to test but Im glad I pirated, looking forward to repirating a year in and seeing how much progress there is

>I'm just a spic
You know what to do.

Attached: 81PecfKBJcL._AC_SX522_.jpg (522x611, 29.29K)

Works on my machine

looks like the witcher 3 on my playstation

Nice tranny. Where's her sidearm? Or is she Calradian post-op?

Holy shit that's PS2 tier