Fix the "Arena FPS" genre in 5 words or less

Fix the "Arena FPS" genre in 5 words or less.

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Why is the background an image of lawbreakers

Pick a better game, loser


nope. 6 words
>one must always reign beneath ..dusk

Less weapons, more interesting maps.

New Quake, proper support to all regions and good netcode. Abandon this fucking gay "class" or "hero" based systems, let people customize their characters but they should not have "skills".
Arena shooters will always be niche, like RTS and fighting games, its too much for the average normie, even doom eternal is filtering the """"""""gamers""""""" when they try to go nightmare difficulty

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is quake 3 dead or something? I dont get why you need to have a new game to play arena fps


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Absolutely based

delete quake champions fix diabotical

hang everyone who makes them

Market it better


do something other than quake or unreal

Modern Unreal/Q3 cute anime girls

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>Skill based multiplayer gaming.
From a marketing perspective, when skill is the only or main factor involved, there is really no reason for shit players to continue coming back to the game, you think Zoomy Mczoomzoom will continue playing when they keep getting their ass handed to them every respawn?, and if they don't continue playing how else are they gonna pay for skins and cosmetic bullshit to show off how cool they are?

It's why games where you can shift the blame on something else being at fault are so popular, maybe you had the wrong class, maybe you had the wrong weapon, maybe your team was shit, and if you can't do that, you'll blame the game and go play something else.

>Fix the "Arena FPS" genre in 5 words or less.
Quake 3 is already perfect.


It's impossible to fix. Between the fucking idiots that want a hero shooter and the other idiots who want mountains of instagib lobbies? That genre is completely and utterly fucked forever.

Quake Champions with custom maps.

Remove matchmaking, bring back servers

Customizable little girls with guns

Pretty much this. If your game isn't matchmaking where even the #1 player solo queing has less than a 65% win rate your game will fail.

Why not fix QC instead? Diabetical is just a shitty QL clone with even worse maps and netcode.

Better devs for Quake Champions

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you can't. The masses don't actually want strictly skillbased games where they sink or swim on their own

Leave the dead to die

Because fuck Bethesda. Also you fix QC by killing it.



No hero shooters

Diabotical open beta when?

Turn it into gladiatorial combat instead

just take Quake 3 and slap some slapstick humor and good characters (not classes), maybe with some silly gimmick weapons or gamemodes

Naked little girls as characters.

I havent played it in like a year or two.
Whats wrong with it now?

Lawbreakers was never an arena shooter.

Add a new mechanic.

Make my penis hard, faggot

Let it stay dead

Fuck that, remake F.E.A.R.s multiplayer

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Epic is far worse than Bethesda and honestly QC needs no fixing, still the most played arena shooter for years now while every single QL clone has been a complete utter failure. Diabetical has no fixing or because it would be irrelevant regardless.

can't fix what isn't broken

Kill all arena fps fags

Move on to other games.

Last update improved performance and added CA, people just like bitching instead of playing.

Overwatch fucking sucks donkey shit

This is the main reason these games died in the first place. The developers are too afraid to change up the formula. So every game is just q3 with it's own little gimmicks.

Not even an AAA one like QC managed to do it, it's over, we are just bitter old men holding onto our former glory playing against bots on UT to not have our feelings hurt.

Oh shit I didn't even realize there was an update today

>Mech Sorlag costume

Fuck yes, now only if there was anybody in Australia still playing.

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Dozens of Q3/CPMA clones have already been developed and released, for free even and still nobody plays them.

QC retains players because of the hero/skinnerbox elements, not in spite of them.

As an aside, NewBlood has plans to release Duskworld for free in the near future.

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As long as their are abilities, QC will not be good enough.

Planetside 2

Is there any game that wouldn't be improved by that?

Stop making them its shit

Fast game need a clean art style so that you can clearly identify players which never happen because everything muh realism.
Also bots and a campaign.

Pic related, QC and QL are the result of the jew studio realizing they can't make money off skill based gameplay, no matter how popular your shit gets or loyal of a fanbase you have.

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I disagree, abilities can be fun for a change and even so there is like 3 modes now which let you play without any of those.

Arena fps players wouldn't tolerate them

It's not an arena FPS then

Only way to make arena FPS interesting is to make the arena massive and the player count massive and all the matches linked in an ongoing territory war like PS2

The arena shooter fanbase literally hate any game that tries to change the formula

>bring up arena shooters a while back
>someone mentions Quake Champions
>known neckbeard nu-conservative (yet total sexual deviant) starts screaming about what insult it is to Quake 3's legacy
>ask if he has played it
>hasn't and never will, but knows it's shit
>play it for a while myself
>gameplay itself is just as good as it was back in the day and they gave a good modern take on the aesthetics
>quit eventually because getting destroyed by quake daddies and sub 60 fps isn't optimal nowadays + lootbox fuckery / not maps with different themes
>year later
>QC is brought up again
>guy still hates it despite not having played
What a waste.

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Some Unreal and Quake games had bots and a campaign, it's why I bought them.

>Epic is far worse than Bethesda
>Hostile acquisitions
>Frivolous, underhanded lawsuits
>Paid mods
>The whole Fallout 76 shitshow
>Trying to kill Quake Live to force QC down people's throat
Yeah no. I don't even like modern Epic but how the fuck can you be this delusional.
>QC needs no fixing, still the most played arena shooter for years
Less than twice the playerbase of QL, a 10 years old $10 browser port of a 20 years old game, while itself being free to play, having money and the only pro scene (since Bethesda killed QL's.) What a success.

It has already been fixed, it has evolved into all the shooters we have today. That's why all arena shooters so far have failed and will continue to fail because the devs don't undertand why people rather play other games than arena shooters. It kind of reminds me of fighting games to be honest, they also refuse to evolve or change into something better. Always the same. That's why they have stagnated their player growth, because it refuses to change.

Make a prettier Quake.