Name ONE (1) quality that this game has over REmake 2. It's a downgrade in every way bruh and an inferior product. Obviously developed by B-team.

Attached: re3.jpg (1400x1400, 370.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>No ragdoll
>Less gore
>Zombies are silent

waiting on crack

>is the best Jill in your path
Tranny fuckers need not apply.

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It has Jill.

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wouldn't know, it's not fucking out yet

I still haven’t beat Claire playthrough in RE2.
Game's cracked already apparently.
Go ham.

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Attached: VOnNuJill.jpg (2842x2859, 991.1K)

Crapcom is back, and is probably here to stay because consoomers don't have any standards.







better optimized
better environments
makes retards seethe even more

Just a word from Kermit for anyone who decides to shitpost this game despite not having played it.

Attached: NuclearKermit.png (1436x1082, 279.08K)

-Dodge Mechanics
-More action-oriented
-Actual fun boss fights that are fun(Severely lacking in RE2R)

>better optimized
what does this mean
>better environments
Areas are downgraded in scope only thing thats better are the textures
>makes retards seethe even more
What a great reason to like a game, because other people dont, truely you have a personality mr contrarian

Only RE1 remake Jill is based on Voth.

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Vore and parasite tags


enjoy not playing goty 2020

RE2R lack them too, your point?

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>Actual fun boss fights that are fun
what boss fights?
they removed gravedigger


>the textures
Arent the textures the same quality as the ones from REmake 2?


Attached: RE2_Remake_Ink_Ribbon_examine.jpg (3840x1600, 299.21K)

Hello, reddit. Your opinion will not be considered.

>This kills the Vothfag

Attached: 158319(3).png (657x861, 381.91K)

>He admitted he played on standard
RE2R has ink ribbons on hardcore
RE3R doesnt have ink ribbons on any difficulty

LMAO way to out yourself as a casual

>what does this mean
RE2R could only show a certain amount of Zombies on screen because the engine/consoles could not support all the rendering going on. Right now the RE Engine is slightly better optimized to showcase massive hordes that are not just standing around(Like with RE2R Intro), they had to take out the gore system out tho

>Areas are downgraded in scope only thing thats better are the textures
I think he meant in terms of atmosphere, it showcases Racoon City more and how shit is going downhill more, something most reviews are praising

>makes retards seethe even more
he is talking about cuumers


I want to do anal with Jill!

>Name ONE (1) quality that this game has over REmake 2
Better bosses, better story with actual engaging character interactions

Stop spamming your garbage threads you faggot.

>t.didn't play hardcore

Attached: sekiroeasymode.jpg (1049x779, 247.36K)

Buy her game.

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I bet this rushed cash grab is even worst than the first one.


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runs better
areas are more interesting to look at than gutted museum
shitposting retards aren't people

I played it and while it's good, not GOTY.
There's 4 actual boss fights + a few nemesis encounters. 2 of those boss fights are similar however. With RE2 Remake I enjoyed 2 of the G fights and the super tyrant. Id say they're about equal.

Let me guess, you also think the Aligator on RE2 was a great boss fight

No ink ribbons, no panties, short linear campaign with nothing to mix up playthroughs. Really fucking disappointed right now. Think i'll just pirate this.

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I already did

>they had to take out the gore system out tho
so its not better optimized they just made the choice to sacrifice the gore system so that they could have more enemies on screen?


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can we get non garbage threads for once?

does he have a benis?

Only found on Hardcore mode, and does not take away nor add on how Kino RE2R is

>6 minutes until I can play it.

>they had to take out the gore system out tho
I was excited about this game and I really hoped that the downgraded zombies are only in the demo. After seeing this in the maingame, I wont buy this anymore.

"gore system" has nothing to do with optimization. also the zombies are functionally the same as RE2. they're actually better in some cases but i won't spoil it.

It made the first playthrough a lot better than without them. If you didn't play on hardcore your first playthrough you missed out.

I though the reason they gave him a nose and more skin was because he would progressively get more fucked up as you battle with him and that he would eventually after a few shotgun blasts to the face resemble classic nemesis and that he would have a lot of new and intresting phases.... fucken NOPE. What a collosal waste of an effort, there was so much that could've been expanded upon and introduced. I wish they never made a remake of 3 at all, i'll take nothing over an half-assed attempt. There was no reason they couldn't push for 2021 if there wasn't enough time, unforgivable.

so her skirt is actually...short skirt? like a girl in kindergarten?


jesus fuck, are you guys ok?, nothing wrong with people to play on fucking standard, do you guys also make fun of people playing KH games on Normal mode?

not really but It was better than the remakes interactive cutscene tho, when it could have instead been improved into an actual good boss fight

>hur I think gravedigger wasnt all that good
okay so why not improve it and make it good
>nah lets just remove it


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I kinda like the idea of the story being changed. That being said I don't like that capcom removed the puzzles and grave digger. Also it was kinda weird seeing Jill come across NEST 2, instead of her going to the outskirts where the experiments were being dumped

RE3R has more difficulties. So more replayability for true hardcore RE fans such as myself.

based coomspammer making this thread kino as fuck
5 minutes bros

I buy every game with Jill in hopes that Capcom will give me more Jill.

>RE2R could only show a certain amount of Zombies on screen because the engine/consoles could not support all the rendering going on.

Are you shitting me? The ghost survivor mode has one where literally 15 zombies come out of a bus at the same time.

Attached: ghost-survivors-nueva-imagen.jpg (1247x700, 43.36K)

>Yas Forums realising this game is about to sell a fuck ton and is desperately gearing up it's anti-shill efforts in the final hours

The Resistence males do, so maybe?

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Only game journalists play on something other than hardcore

and it changes your attitude towards saving, on standard you can save after every single thing you do

I doubt showcasing 5-10 more Zombies on screen on highly detailed environments was only a matter of removing a feature, don't you think is unfair to assume that? programming is pretty complex after all, and those Zombies models have a fuck ton of details.

>capcom removed the puzzles
there's more puzzles than OG RE3 though.

>Leonardo Dicaprio with tits


you mean 6 hours user
it doesnt release at midnight

>to optimize it they had to take out "gore system" to be able to render lots of zombies
>"gore system" has nothing to do with optimization

we're winning RE3R bros

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>all the zombies at the back of the crowd shamble slower
>no performance hit btw :)))
I speedrun Ghost Survivors on twitch, the slowdown is so noticeable we learned to exploit it for fast kills. Stop lying out your ass.

>defending developers who make big buck off of garbage

holy BASED

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how are people already playing it?

>nothing wrong with people to play on fucking standard
t. games journalist

yes it does if you play on PS4 like a chad.

yessssssssssssss, get fucked BRs

You know how I know you haven't played? You'd not say that if you saw his final form. It's worth it.

Based Kermit.

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Jill > downieClaire

I actually hate her cunty attitude. Not the way she looks. Her personality is a 180 flip of what she has always been. She can be a strong female without having having to be a bitch that drops f bombs left and right. She always was.

>RE3R has more difficulties
not really

nightmare is just hardcore from re2
hardcore in re3 is nerfed
standard is nerfed
assisted is even more nerfed
the only new difficulty for you is inferno

>Zombies kill you on two grabs
>Bosses charge attack one-shots

oh no, I missed on so much fun guys oh god.

on a serious note I plan on revisiting the game on Hardcore after I am done with the 2nd run as Claire, let me fucking enjoy the game and its scary parts, I am not made out of steel unlike some people, I want to memorize everything first.

your assumption about the "gore system" having to do with system performance is unfounded

>why did they downgrade the zombeis durrrrr
>twitchfags currently playing it have pointed out the zombies neverendingly spawn if you idle an area, so you can easily imagine if you made a mound of dismembered limbs and ran over them with Jill
the shitposting failed.

Nemesis is better than Mr. X mechanically and most reviewers agree even mention this as a positive. Because of said improvement, their biggest complaint is that he doesn't get used enough since he's actually fun to confront/deal with.

>inb4 Mr. X had more freedom
And yet people used to use that as an argument against him, saying he's a pushover, easy to dodge/run away from, or just plain annoying since he doesn't add anything. Where people laughed at Mr. X from being forced to walk away from you when you're in a save room, Nemesis literally stands outside the room until you come out again.

Also zombies aren't bullet sponges anymore, which was a huge complaint about REmake 2. The only reason people started recommending dismemberment as a tactic is because it was a workaround to the horrible adaptive difficulty and bullet sponge zombies. Now RE3 fixes that by rewarding headshots (you know, like most RE games before REmake 2) putting emphasis on fight vs flight instead of the awkwardly crippling them and leaving them alive as a compromise to a broken system.

But of course it's release time and everyone has to put their shitposting hats on so even when reviewers point out a mechanical improvement everyone sticks their nose up and goes "nuh-uh" despite not even playing the game themselves.

good god thats a smol pee pee

>I speedrun Ghost Survivors on twitch,

I'm so sorry to hear that. I empathize with the horrible life you lead.

>the detail of things or lack thereof doesn't impact performance
What the fuck? Are you drunk?

RE2 only had one difficulty. Hardcore.

My copy got delivered a day early. I assume that websites are shipping out copies a little earlier than usual incase coronavirus fucks up a shipment somehow with a deliveryman being off sick or something

Fuck mods and jannies. They will delete spoilered nudes but they will advertise this shit to us.
Fucking hypocrites.

Attached: NotACoomerBoard.jpg (983x559, 121.86K)

>I doubt showcasing 5-10 more Zombies on screen on highly detailed environments was only a matter of removing a feature, don't you think is unfair to assume that?
Not really, that feature takes up resources, having the limbs stick around on the ground takes up resources
if you free up resources from removing that then you have more resources/computing power to place more enemies its a very simple concept

>not using adblock

if I have to guess, they toned it down because a fuck ton of people could barely handle Mr X stalking mechanics, so they dropped those codes and made Nemesis static.

Kinda sucks, because Mr. X really made the game massively fun to those that have nerves of steel.



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>play on PS4 like a chad.
there are no mods on ps4 user what a waste

>zombies neverendingly spawn if you idle an area
sounds pretty shit

No, I make fun of ignorant cunts who spurt bullshit they don't know about, things that could easily be acknowledged if they played the fucking games

Attached: teada.jpg (1280x1017, 167.4K)

its funny how hard this board failed to tortanic those 3 top selling games on steam

Imagine being a inferior game to the inferior remake.
>Vothzoomer calling anyone a tranny

Attached: una-kavanagh-10.png (300x225, 62.73K)

Pleb taste.

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And RE3 only has 2
Nightmare and Inferno

Hardcore on 3 is what standard was on 2

Not my picture. I grabbed it to point out there hypocrisy.

lol this fucking sucks for a game releasing tomorrow. cope.

A whole gore system died for something which will be skipped by nearly everyone who is going to play this.

But seriously, these new ads somehow found a way through

she smart

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>f bombs
Just say fuck you stupid fucking bitchnigger shithead cunt.

Claire is an ugly as fuck duck looking mother fucker.

A zombie's leg falling off doesn't tank system performance. A clumsy implementation of screen space reflections might. Stop being stupid.

>le tranny
this word has literally no meaning thanks to people like you

your pic related has literally bigger jaw and chin

>-Dodge Mechanics
That's one of the biggest downgrades and trivializes everything else you listed.

90's pussy!

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When will it get unlocked on steam?

It's currently 12am in britbong, so I assumed it would unlock now as the day changes.

She looks kinda chubby and braindead in that picture

Ok so you are drunk. Carry on then.

I don't think you understand what the meaning of the word f bomb is. (its not just a different way of saying fuck)

>waah horror game is too scary
I dont get why people do this, the whole point is its supposed to be scary or atleast tense
I agree with you that Mr X made the game alot of fun with his stalking mechanics but I keep seeing people excusing nemesis saying its too scary if he stalks you

Same thing for spiders, I keep seeing people saying they're glad they were removed because they're too scary but the fucking point of the game is to be scary

I fucking hate zoomers with a passion

Correct, it has twice the difficulty levels worth playing at.

she's so cute

Face scanning was a mistake.

6 in the morning apparently.

5am bong time

The nemesis boss fights are way better than any of the Birkin encounters in remake 2

not a high bar though

>Zombies are silent
yeah what the fuck i noticed in the demo when i went up those metal stairs i didn't hear the zombies there. didn't even make any footstep sound. i had headphones on max volume.
that's just some major fuck up if you ask me. can't fucking believe there are some actual critics who praise this game. unbelievable. this is the world we live in.

All I will say is one of the unlockables for this game is a fire sword.

And it always comes after making the character visually more bland.

That's what happens when you need to go through a checklist for acceptable traits for your character so that the Twitter doesn't get upset.

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ah well, cheers for the info.

>your pic related has literally bigger jaw and chin
Lmao never even noticed that.


post it

Which are way better than in the original.

Hurrr durrr gun go bang bang ehehe

Probably thinking about some math problems.

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>this coming from the turk loving trannylord

>infinite spawning
Oh good, one of the worst parts of Outbreak is coming back.

give even one reason that isn't about porn mods

You get to walk on the city more


Dodge mechanics were a core to RE3's more action-oriented focus. In fact, you literally cannot get way from some of Nemesis's attack moves without the dodge mechanic which is why it's even needed at all. Imagine all the fucking butthurt if a dodge function didn't exist considering how Mr. X managed to push everyone's shit with his slowed pace.


multiple zombies legs falling off and staying in the area definetly would tank performance especially if as other anons have pointed out that zombies spawn infinitely in 3

2 of those are a literal improvement. Imagine wanting manjaws On your women.

>forgot how to breathe.jpg

They severely downgraded the audio and visuals of the zombies for the sake being able to show more of them.