ITT: post your favourite album, movie, TV series and vidya and judge other anons

>ITT: post your favourite album, movie, TV series and vidya and judge other anons

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Other urls found in this thread:

My taste is too obscure, unironically

Just post it, user.

>being defined by your shitty hollyjew media consumption because you're an illiterate moron



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>Ocean Eyes by Owl City
>I don't like movies enough to have a favorite
>Ball Mastrz 9009
How'd I do

How'd I do, Yas Forumsros?

Breddy gud
Never listened to that album and couldn't get into New Vegas.

never played or seen a single one/10

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wtf is this a starter pack thread lmao

Pretty good

Absolutely based

What's the most appropriate board for this kind of thread?

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>literal tourist on every front

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Heh nothin personnel.

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>master of puppets
>silent hill
>kemono friends
Yas Forums or Yas Forums is best since they're always off topic anyway

pleb tastes ryan

how can a person's favorite game be a jrpg? do you just hate video games?

paris, texas
>tv series
mr robot
rain world

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Love it’s always sunny, but space odyssey for favortite movie? Would you care to expand on that preference at all. Still need to try the fallout series :)

>The White Album by the Beatles


TV series:

>Dark Souls

*Ring ring* Excuse me, sir, this is Chad speaking on behalf of the based department.

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extremely boring "do I fit in yet?" taste


>calls someone else's taste shit
>doesn't post their own
every time
But to answer you're question, the exploration and open world elements in X are unmatched. It lacks in interactivity and writing compared to most WRPGs, but makes up for it in sheer scope and originality. Any game that I keep coming back to after 150 hours and am still able to discover something new is a masterpiece in my book.

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Album: Viikate - Marraskuun lauluja vol1
Movie: Back to The Future
Tv: can't pick between Twin Peaks and Babylon 5
Game: Suikoden 2

who the fuck is talking about being defined

I'm too lazy to make another picture

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Ween's the mollusk or Pinback's entire discography
Home Movies
Probably Paper Mario: The thousand-year door

favorite movies and TV shows? honestly fuck that go read a fucking book. peoole asking for favorites is kinda silly, because it's changes so much. heres recently though

Stakes is High by De La Soul
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
probably either Rising Storm 2 Vietnam or Warthunder

NPC who had someone show then dark souls

>Noooo, you can't like things that are popular, NPC, NPC!!!

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True. I can't find good movies or TV. Maciej Morawski on RYM is shitting on everything that's potentially good.

Vidya sucks and TV rots the brain.

Yas Forums fags who insist on listening to 20 songs in the same style from the same people in one sitting are retards.

Music has been a consumer product with 0 artistic value for over a century. And the fags who "rebel" against that fact just make horrible sounding noise to validate their bad attitude. I respect decent musicians putting out decent singles well enough, but in the same way I respect a plumber or a dentist who's good at their job. Music is either a service product with as much artistic substance as a well-running toilet, or "artistic" noise that is pointless to listen to.

ok, i take it back. boomer npc

Always Sunny was a great show until every episode was just "HEY REMEMBER THAT FUNNY THING THAT HAPPENED IN ONE OF THE FIRST FIVE SEASONS???"

ok hipster, nothing musical ever happens

>Alive 2007 (I don't only listen to electronic music but that album gives off such incredible vibes that it's my favorite)
>Kong: Skull Island (I don't watch many movies)
>either US Whose Line Is It Anyway (always gets a laugh out of me) or Space Dandy. There was a point in time where I would have said Lucha Underground but I fell off that show after Season 3 because I stopped following wrestling.
>The Wonderful 101
Good shows, both of you. In The Hall of the Crimson King is alright but I feel like 21st Century Schizoid Man is far and away better than the rest of the album.
What kind of music is Enigma?
I've seen people that don't really listen to music before but this is a new take entirely.

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>Why? - Alopecia
>Sonatine or Goodfellas
>The Leftovers

this is the correct list

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I genuinely don't care if it's a bearded hippie or a pop thot like Katy Perry. All I care about is a vaguely amusing beat to go along with the generic information communicated by the pop lyrics to keep my attention while I'm on the treadmill.

Even the premodern great musicians like Beethoven and whatnot mostly just made commissioned stuff to communicate the same basic themes as today.

I don't think lowly of musicians themselves, but I don't understand someone who'd call 3:48 of sounds any kind of deep experience. Yeah, the song's called "Natural Born Killaz" and all the lyrics are about being a paranoid homicidal asshole. Not a lot to dissect there compared to a book, film, or indeed a video game, where you'll have hours upon hours of imagery to run through.

>judge other anons
what do you think is happening here, dipshit

>It lacks in interactivity and writing compared to most WRPGs, but makes up for it in sheer scope
>its shit, but there's tons of it so its good
What? No.

fuck this was hard

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>Smug anime girl reaction image
Anime is another form of media that you and other trannies use to define themselves because you lack any real pleasant personality.

>still won't post your own taste
Sorry user, you aren't getting any more (you)s from me
Keep seething that I like what you don't like

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I dont listen to music
The Godfather
The Simpsons

Il Secondo Secondo Me
Kill Bill
Avatar TLA
Rayman 2

basic but good
same as above but even more good

That isn't even the best HTTYD movie.

>The Smiths
>mfw I heard to There's A Light That Nevers Goes Out
I fuckinng love it but The Age of Understatment from The Last Sshadow Puppets is my all time favorite album.

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Rush - Permanent Waves
Once Upon A Time in the West
Twin Peaks
Dead Rising

Not even joking

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A man of questionable taste

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>What kind of music is Enigma?
uhhh I guess i'd say it's groovy new age.

my niggas

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I have no clue what my fav show is
meh, fine
Pretty nice
Don't know the album or the movie, or the show
Gut, gut, I really hate Futurama though
>2003 FMA
as soon as I laid eyes upon you, I knew you were my nigger

>t.american psycho

Wow, what a surprise, I'm retarded

Can' figure out what the show is, other than that meh

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Saul is an amazing show but Breaking Bad is objectively batter.

I find BCS more interesting, I also might be a hipster asshole

seeing some of the posts in this thread has made me feel like a major boomer
and i'm only 25

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post a template next time, resizing this shit is awkward as hell

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You're cool
You're cool, especially NV and the smiths
I hate Xenoblade but I've never played it so I admit idk where the hate comes from. I HATE there will be blood, that movie sucks I don't get the appeal at all. Strikes me as a Reddit pseudo pick. Seinfeld is truly the best show so you're redeemed and probably a well-rounded dude

>he doesnt know about mosaic maker
Welcome, new friend :^)