What gacha games are you playing?

What gacha games are you playing?

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996 / 32 = 31.125

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The only one I've ever even tried was GFL, and despite loving guns it really wasn't for me.

megaman x dive
rerolled until i got white day alia and gave up because the rates are cancer
skullgirls mobile
i've got half the natural diamond roster already

Why the fuck is gacha considered acceptable on Yas Forums nowadays? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

weebs will gobble up anything as long as it has cute girls in it

We'll stop posting gacha as soon as everyone else stops discussing themepark mmos, non-gacha games filled with microtransactions, games with day one DLC, posting e-celebs/streamers/letsplayers threads, twitter screencap threads, multiple smash threads, thinly veiled porn threads, console wars threads, wojak edit threads, and so forth

Gameplay is gameplay, cute girls or not.

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Is Anastasia good?


and gacha "gameplay" is shit, what's your point

I don't even know what a gacha is.

I got 37.5
So something around B+

>Gameplay is gameplay
Gameplay is also something gacha does not have

Nice jpgs retard.

What is happening in the gif then?

>Why the fuck is gacha considered acceptable
It's not though these threads get deleted half the time and the majority of Yas Forums still seems to despise gacha

Shes nice on my Arts team for farming. Thats about it. I got lucky and got her off a ticket

???the fuck are you trying to do?
that's skullgirls, do you seriously think you can trick anyone here into thinking that's a gacha game?

I haven't picked up this game but my brother wont shut up about it. Is it "to late" to get into and what's the most absurd servant to grail to 5 stars.


die fateniggers

do YOU even know what a gacha game is?

>multiple smash threads

I agree that the rest is cancer though.

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0/0. I'm the luckiest person, because I didn't get sucked into this scam.

Yes, one example of a gacha game looks like

There's a Skullgirls gacha game on mobile.

Gacha is a micro-transaction mechanic, not a genre. Many games called gacha games are actually jrpgs. Granblue Fantasy for example is very clearly a jrpg.

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don't touch it, just watch the story cutscenes if you really want to

legitimately better than e-celebs threads

i mean, at least it's videogames
arguably garbage videogames but videogames

that's skullgirls MOBILE, the phone gacha game.

>at least it's videogames
gacha are not videogames

Yes they are. Just because you roll for characters does not mean it's not a game revolving around using said characters.

being shit doesn't extempts it from being a videogame

4 servants+abby np3. 313 days. 45.

>320ish days / 14 SSR
22, that is way higher than I thought it would be

I've been playing Seven Deadly Sins. Shame the /vg/ general is dead.

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The fact that these games are neverending and also numbers based keeps me out. With something like a fighting game or multiplayer shooters you get better and want to keep going and it doesn't end. These phone games I've tried, after you get the basic strategy down you luck into numbers and then they up the numbers for the opponents and you just keep on going and after a while you get better numbers and move on to the next stage which is just like the last one with your numbers mostly matching the ai. It's why I quit Warframe. There's room to improve your play there at least but every time you get stronger there are missions available where they've matched your growth and it's still the same and it never ends but the movement is fun and I'm just rambling so I'll stop.

What is the best coomer gacha? Destiny Child? Last Origin?

I got 48.3~ luck score for GO. Feels not bad, especially since I just pulled ice waifu.

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That gif is literally from a gacha game, retard

This I want to know as well

Girls x battle 2. It has loli in panties.

44. Average, but I have most of what I want so I can't complain

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Also whipe I do have 7 since around day 200 I haven't rolled ever since december so it should technically be 200/7=luck 29.
So I'm really EX luck in reality.

We have to start somewhere dickweed.
Fuck off this board


Nah you fuck off.

I used to play capt tsubasa dream team, it was fun because it had nes gameplay, but then in rulete it fucked itself and didint gave the rewards, then it was replaced by another more awful game with less gameplay called something miracle shot they also made up new chararacters to appeal to fem fambase (i guess?) pic related, now I don't play any gacha because I always end up being disappointed

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>What gacha games are you playing?
>"""""p l a y i n g"""""

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Arknights and Dragalia are probably the best when it comes to gameplay in Gacha

Back to your contaminate board

>autobattle bullshit

Says the gachafag. Seriously fuck off to /vg/

The funny part is /jp/ have had gacha and mobile games threads since around 2010 so he's clearly an ironic touhou fan.

>I didn't play the games

/jp/ also loves gacha. Find a new hobby.

11.4. less than 170 days played.

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The fuck kinda of logic is this?

I am not even him and a mobage general on /jp/ doesn't mean everyone on that board has to like gacha. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with your head

It means if you don't like gacha fuck off to Yas Forums.


I see you're obviously retarded

Janitor abusing his power. We should take it to /qa/ so they fire him.

Cry more tranny.

Oh please trannies love gacha


Wrong. The janitor put the thread on autosage.

>Janitor abusing his power.
Gachashit doesn't belong on Yas Forums for once the janny is right

Cause gacha doesn't belong on Yas Forums

Why are Gacha UIs so shit?

25.2 1011 days played

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