Just got my Switch in the mail.
About to head to the store to get animal crossing.
Comfy Switch thread
Bout to sell mine for like 700-800 bucks.. now thats comfy shit was getting dusty..
Good luck with that lol.
how bout stay home dipshit
Why lol
already up to 500$ on bids days left still..
V1 Switch Modded Non banned..
Really enjoying the ARMS trial a lot more than I thought I would.
Gonna check out some stuff on sale
Are any Switch games challenging?
My animal crossing edition shipped today
Can’t believe I still got one
So happy tbqh
>selling modded Nintendo consoles
You better not be American, Japanese or British
Aether in Astral Chain
Is this a game recommendation thread? I recommend the ports of classic doom.
Doom sounds like it would be really fun on the Switch
I'm enjoying ARMS too but I feel like there isn't enough variety in the game to justify the full price it sits at in the stores.
It's even bringing over popular wad's such as sigil for free.
who buys physical games anymore
When will games I want physically go on sale for more than 20% off?
Lol have you been living under a rock? Every normie on quarantine is looking for a Switch right now. Scalpers are having a field day.
when are retailers gonna get stock? not buying last month was a crucial mistake
Never, it’s Nintendo. Buy them used
Then die
I'll sell my ass for money to afford them first
Or get a job lol
>buying games
nigga wtf are you talking about, hack that shit
Anyone pick up anything in the week 1 spring sale?
Mine is hacked but I don't pirate on it so I can play AC online. Sucks tho, I pirate on everything else.
for what purpose?
i'm playing cat quest. It's a borderline mobile game, but it's weirdly addictive and i needed something relatively mindless
Get Diablo 3 on Switch.
Black future 88 is a good game to look into I'm having fun with it
I bought a Switch along with a case and 8-10 games launch. I think I ended up selling the Switch for $250 cash and the games for $30-40 a piece.
Hack your cock off
I just got a switch and my girlfriend and I play monster hunter generations ultimate. I would like a game for myself but idk what to buy. I am into dark souls games (I know dark souls is on shop) but have been wanting to play something like animal crossing for myself. how is stardew valley? I want something more in depth. that or some other fun multiplayer game.
Just got the Langrisser collection in the mail the other day. Still need to finish one more route on FE3H and get the DLC for it. May hold off on playin XBC2 since I heard the first game is canon in the same timeline so may wait to buy that when it hits switch. Also need to get around to playing DQ11S. Really want to get DQ trilogy but need want to get the physical copy so may look into importing.
Splatoon 2 bro
Playing AC nonstop since release. Its about the time in the game where I slow the roll and start actually settling into the 1-2 hours a day routine though so I'm excited to actually play the Trials of Mana and Bravely demos
What do you guys think of Ace Attorney Trilogy?
I bought it for $15 the other week and I think the remaster looks excellent (played it last on the DS years ago). Now I’m split between playing this, Animal Crossing and Mario Odyssey.
Played the classic ace attorney games like 10000 times already, I don’t get why they won’t remaster the other games
I was interested in them and then I saw how badly they ruined the art
because i haven't played the classic ace attorney games
Good for you then :)
OP here
Just got animal crossing as my first game and a 3 month membership. Feel excited
Still waiting for my switch
Also excited hihi
Remember to download tetris 99 and the NES/SNES apps bro
Also check out some demos. DQXIS is a good 10 hour demo.
should i buy a used, but well taken care of, older version switch with pokemon, smash, and xenoverse for 350?
Why not
Recommend me the hottest Pokemons in Sword, I have Hattena and Tsareena. Hunting for Gardevoir and Gothita as well
I got a 25€ giftcard from my sister to get that goose game
I have 5€ left, what should I get?
doom 2016 or animal crossing? getting enough for exactly one game from taxes tomorrow and I've narrowed it down to these two
I've played a bit of original doom, never played much of animal crossing
Yeah if money is a concern. If you're an autist, you might as well spend the extra $100-150 and get everything new without any germs or scratches
>About to head to the store to get animal crossing.
Don't do it bro
Yes absolutely. If it's older it might be better if you don't mind a slightly shorter battery life, because new Switches are unhackable whereas old ones are easy to hack.
>Touch volume buttons with my finger slightly wet from eating something
>Must have shorted it because now the volume buttons don't right, up does nothing and down makes it rocket to max volume
I can still change the volume from the quick menu but boy this is annoying. I hope that's all that's wrong with the fucking thing because now is not a good time to need to replace a Switch.
Fucking disgusting
>Kirby, Mario Tennis, Cadence of Hyrule and Animal Crossing all low
please, they're all mid tier even for the most pessimistic and joyless person
and I dunno how you can put FEW at low tier yet put Hyrule Warriors at mid when they're essentially the same game reskinned
I think you've convinced me to not drink or eat anything near any of my electronics
It was a mistake. I wasn't thinking. And I mean my finger was very slightly moist, it's not like it was dripping. I'm pretty surprised the thing got damaged.
this list is the most retard thing ever
Exactly the opposite for me. Getting to try the game out only reinforced my decision not to buy it, it's boring as fuck.
I forgot to mention the volume is now at max every time I wake it up and have to readjust it. If this quarantine shit wasn't going on I would probably send it in to be repaired.
Challenge Mode and Bringer of Chaos difficulty in Xenoblade 2.
Master Made in BotW is CBT.
What do I need to be able to hack my switch?
Its a first generation one
How the fuck do you beat Hedlok? I'm only on difficulty 4 and I can hardly touch him.