What is a powerful and decent computer to get for gaming?

What is a powerful and decent computer to get for gaming?

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a mac os 9

Jack + Miranda.

You mean like morally decent?

I use an MSI GS63 Stealth 8RE. It's a decent gaming laptop, but I'm looking to upgrade soon. Its GPU is an Nvidia GTX 1060, and it can play Monster Hunter World at 1080p/60fps, which is all I really wanted it to do.

hee hee


I have incredible taste in hardware and keep up to date so listen to me.

- X470/X570 motherboard
- Ryzen 3600 or better Ryzen third-gen
- 3200MHz+ RAM
- Nvidia 1650 Super or better Nvidia card, EVGA/PNY brand (Get AMD (Sapphire) if you use Linux)
- nVME SSD, regular HDDs for large storage
- Seasonic PSU
- Fractal case

- HyperX FPS pro keyboard, red switches (most used keyboard by CSGO pros)
- Zowie or Logitech mouse (by far most used brands by CSGO pros)
- Zowie 144Hz or 240Hz monitor (by far most used monitor brand by CSGO pros)

Attached: tidus.jpg (500x360, 31.15K)

I use an old Thinkpad on which I exclusively play Freedoom. You may now call me based.

==== CAUTION ====

>CSGO pros
why the fuck would I care about what those goobers use? The fact you haven't told me what controller to get makes me think you don't even play games.

There's only 3

PS4, Xbone, Switch Pro

Take your pic, they all work great with PC games.

I also have the hyper x. It holds up. Had it for 2 years and everything is till clicky as fuck. However, they're a bitch to clean. Takes like 2 hours if you want to look good as new. Do not get their mouse though. It's shit. The right mouse button is already going out.

Wait till the new consoles come out. Buying a new video card so close to a new console generation is usually a bad idea.

>not recommending the Chad brands
RAM: G-skill
SSD: Mushkin

As in prebuilt?

I was using a T430 but the panel died on me and now I need to get a replacement.

RAM Brand doesn't matter you tech illiterate

Its the manufacturers of the chips that matter. Get Samsung B-Die or Micron E-Die.

>SSD brand
Holy frick just kiss yourself

acer have some good mid range models.
the acer 5 models are pretty good, you can get a i5 9000 series with a 250GB ssd, 1TB HDD and GTX 1660ti for roughly $800 and that cranks out most modern titles at 80fps on their ultra settings.

t. chinese bugman trying to sell infected RAM and shit tier SSD


Get a Dell or HP if you want to game big, op!

El Eni Ayuwoki hee hee

how are you gonna laugh at that ?
it offers good performance for price, the graphics card alone would run you $400 new

rtx 2080 ti with i9 9900k

Tecware Phantom is what I use, and it's been pretty good to me. $45~
Although with everything going on, buying a board with chink switches might not be the best idea...

>CSGO pros

Did he do it bros? After he died a bunch of families dropped their cases and all these kid actors basically came forward saying he'd never do it, and then there's that phonecall where he said "they" we're trying to kill him and then his doctor ODd his ass, and conveniently years later they found a trove of cp.... Idk guys


hee hee

they never found any cp

>400 new
Haha yeah
More like 270

Not even considering that it's a bad choice and a bad graphics card and not even considering that you're stupid

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Somalian Microwaves

Honestly you may as well get a 1080 or 1080 ti for the same price and like 30% more performance.

Didn't they just announce like summer 2019 that some feds were poking around and they totally found a bunch of cp? I'm not saying it actually happened but I remembered that being reported

Literally an Acer shill
I can't imagine them paying anyone so he probably does it for free

Of course he didn't do it. If anything he was trying to protect the kids. The elites run pedophile rings especially in hollywood everyone knows this. MJ had clout and a voice so him actually going against them was a bad thing so they drug him down as hard as they could. It didn't help that he had an obsession with plastic surgery so he looked weird so it was very easy to mock and drag him down.

He calls out the jews in one of his songs for a reason.

the 1020 Xmaster Game Pro

>He calls out the jews in one of his songs for a reason.

no i didn't hear anything like that back in the summer and if it was just 1 or a couple of sites reporting that they should show evidence instead of writing a big ass blog that nobody will read


Set a price point

>40% of the cost should go towards a GPU
>30% of the cost should go towards a CPU
>30% should be split among the rest of the parts.
>go to /pcbg/ on /g/ and post your part list
>let /pcbg/ mock you
>then they'll give you fix your list

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Jew me sue me
everybody do me
kick me kike me
don't you black or white me

>Jew me sue me
>Kick me kike me
>Don't you black or white me

actually made me laugh

R7 3700x
Any b450
16GB ram whatever
970 EVO
500W PSU non chink shit

now gtfo


Don't buy AMD GPUs unless you use Linux.

No OpenGL support, unfixed bugs galore.

Because even the open source Linux AMD GPU driver is better than their Windows driver.

This is honestly pretty good

What a piece of shit build list
/g/ would gang bang you

>No OpenGL support
Complete bullshit you pulled out of your greasy ass

>unfixed bugs galore
Voltage regulation got fixed 1 month ago


this is what I plan to upgrade to in about 3 years lmao
>unfixed bugs galore.
such as?
I own a 5500 by the way

>Complete bullshit you pulled out of your greasy ass

Their Windows OpenGL driver is bad, this is universally known.

They don't give a fuck about it, there was a bug in drivers released in January where OpenGL didn't work at all.

They literally didn't even test OpenGL once before releasing the driver.

>Their Windows OpenGL driver is bad, this is universally known.
"universally known"
Might as well just say from the beginning that your ""opinion"" is based on fake new

holy shit it's miracle johnson!

build your own PC. you can decent quality parts for around $700 but realistically you should aim for $1000 to $1200 if you can. i spent $800 on mine.

Go ask the developers of any emulator that uses OpenGL.

emulators use CPU either way

Also developers should use Vulkan, Not opengl

Just buy an RX580, they're still like $180-$200 but can play basically anything at 60fps. I've been taking decent care of mine and it still handles the same as day one.
Of course, you're never really going to hit that locked-60 meme on some games, I mean you can't expect to play something like Rising Storm 2 on a jungle-heavy map and keep it locked, but I've been playing some modded Mordhau maps the past 24h and it's been basically 60 the entire time.
Just make sure you don't meme yourself with a CPU or buy a brass power supply, and use PCpartpicker alongside a friend who built their own PC.
/g/ will totally be your friend.

My PC was $700, as well. It's definitely not expensive to make your own, I just splurged for specific parts that would ensure my computer would last a long while.
The NvME SSD was a bit of a meme though, I dig it for games and stuff but a lot of people have told me it's not enough of a speed boost to matter as much. It kicks ass to load in fast though.
In a game like Rising Storm 2, being the first to load in means you have free selection of any class you want, and don't need to take whatever was left for you. It's also neat to have speed for clutching joining a game before a round starts.
Just make sure you format your storage decently, I made a small meme partition with linux on it for drive recovery/re-partitioning.
Also, NVME are pretty small and quickly interchangeable, which isn't something you'd need to do in any true reality but just a small perk.

Emulators don't require a strong GPU, but there can certainly be bugs that cause graphical problems and terrible performance on AMD cards that aren't there with Nvidia.

To an extent this is sometimes the fault of the emulator developer for doing Nvidia-biased programming.

However it is also certainly due to AMD's horrible OpenGL driver on Windows.

OH, and don't buy 8GB of RAM, buy 16. Gaming's approaching that mark of 32, and 16 will set you up for a long while. Only game I've ever had that's hit anywhere near 16 is ARMA 3, on the jungle map - I think that may have been for some alternative reason, however.

Lastly, pick up MSI afterburner! It's so extremely useful to be able to tell what's going on inside of your system, and I've been so anal I keep track of my fan tachometer with it and gauge what's going on - even figured out that if I make my machine sleep, whenever I game it'll break its limit on fan speed and surge up to super-high numbers to keep itself cool, instead of relaxing with 1370RPM at 76C.

No. He was exonerated in a court of law. And any of the people who still claim this solely do it for attention or money.

Allen Ware