Oblivion's level scaling system is the greatest pleb filter of all time...

Oblivion's level scaling system is the greatest pleb filter of all time. Leveling does not act as a guaranteed upgrade until you are a god instantly killing everything around you with the snap of your fingers. Leveling is aging. Every time you level up you get a new flavor text that describes your progression, and eventually describes your REGRESSION. From level 1-10 you make great strides, from random nobody to skilled expert, then from 10-15 you hit your peak and master your craft. Then every level up after 15 is described as a slow fall. You start reaching diminishing returns, you can't stay on top forever, the world around you suddenly feels more dangerous than it did when you were young and fearless. The game changes the models, gear, powers, and stats of enemies to reflect you losing your step. Even as you gain experience you realize that no experience can defeat entropy. Oblivion's level scaling system is a masterfully crafted pendulum that forces you to change and stray off the path of infinite power creep. If you are one of the unenlightened masses who think it sucks, congratulations: you have been filtered.

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it isn't harder as you level up, it's just more and more obnoxious as it takes you a full minute to kill a single monster or bandit with repetitive sword swinging
nothing feels more dangerous, it just takes 50 times as long.

Why are some Yas Forums funposters suddenly trying to paint Oblivion of all fucking games as like, some pinnacle in RPG gaming history the last few weeks

ok but it's still not fun so why should I care

>as it takes you a full minute to kill a single monster or bandit
If it takes you a full minute to kill an enemy at high levels you're playing the game wrong

This. Also underleveling exists.

I mean technically, doing anything other then abusing the spell crafting system to make a fireball spell that hits with the force of an atomic bomb is not playing the game correctly.

Ah yes, I should of course be using magic on every single character I play without even trying other things out.
Or on a first playthrough where I'm unaware of the level scaling at all I should definitely be planning for it!
Fuck off, retard. If the only way to get past the brutal awful level scaling is to play in a single, optimal way, it's not fun.

>make a weapon that has absorb health 100 for 2 seconds
>everything dies in seconds
Man so difficult, much planning needed

>the game's difficulty is fine if you use broken mechanics the devs didn't plan for

The aggressive level scaling can easily be countered by simply staying at level one the entire game. So that way your skills continue to rise while the enemy stays the same.

It's not a pleb filter, it's just really annoying and poorly designed.

You mean a shitty fucking enchantment that will last for like 5-14 hits before going away?
Yeah, what a flawless plan.
And that STILL goes back to my point of: you shouldn't have to game the system to make the game fucking playable.
I will add Oblivion is literally in my top 10 games, but unmodded it falls beneath Morrowind AND Skyrim (which are up in the top 5) just because of the fucking level scaling.

Morrowind had the same flavor text and it didn't have the obnoxious level scaling.

i played it like this for a while and it was a lot more fun

Until you hit Tribunal and Bloodmoon, yeah.
It's a shame, they have tremendous atmosphere and story but they introduced this level scaling shit.

Morrowind had similar messages with its level up menus, still found a more satisfying way to implement it.

my oblivion experience:
>max out my speechcraft and mercantile skills in the first town
>get annihilated as soon as I step outside because the wolves and imps are all replaced by boars and trolls and my ability to get a 5% discount on silver spoons doesn't really help me

>use enchanting system exactly as it's designed to be used
Try again

>You mean a shitty fucking enchantment that will last for like 5-14 hits before going away?
The game shits out soul gems like candy
>you shouldn't have to game the system to make the game fucking playable.
>single enchantment
>not even the autism that is 100% chameleon or 100% damage reflection, just a single easily obtainable enchanted weapon
>"""""gaming the system"""""
What ISNT gaming the system by your ridiculous standards?

You're retarded, for real. I don't know why I ever bother arguing with Oblivion level scaling defenders. It always goes to "It's just playing the game the way its meant to be played."
It is not fun to play the exact same way every single time, it is not fun that I have to make an instant kill weapon to make the game playable. It is that simple.

The issue is how immersion breaking it is. It cracks the fantasy when you see a petty thief run up to you in elven armour

OP is right in a way.
I couldn't find it now, but UESP calculated the average value you have to raise your attributes with to keep up with NPC level scaling, it's something like 3.5.
If you don't raise your attributes at least by 4/4/3, the enemies will start gaining on you.

Stop pretending to be retarded you faggot

Utilize paralysis. Weakness to [element] + [element]. Conjuration. Weapon + any max damage sigil stone. Any nuke spell or dot spell. There's several different ways to go about making the game easy as shit.

>I have no argument and I must shitpost

>bad game good

>There's several different ways to go about making the game easy as shit.
That's not the point

>complain that battles take too long
>offer numerous ways to make battle not take long
Oblivion haters aren't even trying anymore

>There's several different ways to go about making the game easy as shit.
I am complaining that the only way around it is to make it "easy" (in quotes because the game sure as fuck isn't hard) as shit.
I do not want to just sweep through the game. I want a challenging through RPG experience, that doesn't boil down to swinging my weapon at an enemy for a full minute. Level scaling COULD offer that, as I think Skyrim actually handled it very well. Oblivion does fucking not.
Literally said it's one of my 10 favorite games ever made but yeah I guess I'm a hater.

>that doesn't boil down to swinging my weapon at an enemy for a full minute.
You only have to swing your sword at an enemy for a full minute if you choose to

Maybe someday they'll enact a rule about pretending to be retarded.
I'm sad that it isn't today.

>Only unlocked through the mages guild questline

Besides if you're going to do that just craft something game breaking like 100% chameleon, game solved.

It's sure as hell better than having enemies run up to you with the exact same gear every other enemy has had since you started the damn game.

>b-but sigil stones

>complain that enemies take minutes to kill
>offer numerous ways to make enemies not take minutes to kill

>Wizard's Tower suddenly doesn't exist anymore
You could at least pretend you played Oblivion before shitposting

>wizards tower
>including locked dlc
Played probably around 1500 hours on oblivion without internet on the 360 due to circumstances at the time. 90% of first time players wouldn't have access to that tower anyways.


Yeah the scaling system was fine.
Still a bad game.

I feel the exact opposite, the game is fine but the scaling system is the only reason it isn't good.

Why does my character aging mean that every lowly bandit is suddenly equipped with enchanted daedric gear worth thousands of gold?

Oblivion is my favorite game but the level system is just fucked mate. The messages are the same as Morrowind, but the scaling is much more aggressive in Oblivion. In Morrowind, there's plenty of ways to min-max if you want. In Oblivion, you have to min-max or "level efficiently" if you want the game to not be a slog at high levels. Or just turn down the difficulty slider once the NPC health sponginess get obnoxious, but that stings for a lot of people. Mods can fix these things, but they shouldn't have to.

For all I don't like about Skyrim that game's level scaling is a good deal more elegant.

Skyrim could actually do with somewhat harder basic enemies as you level up, though the bosses like bandit chief, draugr lords/dragon priests, and dragons are pretty perfectly scaled.

this. damage sponges that take a million hits to kill aren't "difficult". it's just tedious and annoying having to sit there and whack the same enemy for several minutes straight.

>install oblivion
>all forts, caves or other shit is filled with impsw
great scalling

When's next Nickles thread?

skyrim's main weakness in scaling is that in vanilla destro magic is fucking piss weak non-scaling shit that forces you to stunlock everything to death with that one dualcasting destro perk combined with enough enchants to nullify mana costs

which is odd because enemies have scaling spells but you sure as hell dont

I hear you but on the other hand I like being able to trash common enemies by endgame. Makes you feel like you've actually, you know, gotten stronger.

Mage is my favorite playstyle and how shit it is in Skyrim is a big part of why I don't like it as much as the other two.

This isn't a case of "broken mechanics"
This IS an example of emergent gameplay.

You guys know there are mods that take like 1 minute to install that fix it right?

u just suck, you can easily kill high tier enemies even on the max difficulty if you know what you are doing. this is without any broken stuff either like chameleon etc

Sounds like your fault

>A Wolf is more powerful than the final boss
No, it's terrible, OP-nigger.

Elder Scrolls is garbo my dude.

how is that a bad thing?
they're bandits
they don't just magically get better shit just because you leveled up

I think if they're not going to scale everything to a degree, the game would be better served by just not having scaling at all. Makes dungeons way more fun if you're not sure whether you'll be able to handle what's in it or not, instead of sprinting head first into pretty much every single one with no worries from level 10 or lower.

the real reason why level scaling sucks is that all enemies will always be generally at the same relative difficulty level to you for the whole game. it's not like in morrowind where you can get to an area where all the enemies can annihilate you, and then you get to come back later when you're stronger and see how much your character has progressed. level scaling completely butchers any sense of character progression

Oblivions difficulty is fucked but if you are having issues on average to expert you probably just leveled noncombat skills too high, same thing happens in skyrim.

>thinking the awful level scaling ADDS variety

No fucking way dude. At level 1 the only daedra you're going to see is scamps. At level 10 you'll see clannfear and flame atronachs, but the scamps are mysteriously gone. Then by level 15 the only daedra you'll ever see again is fucking hoardes of daedroth and dremora warlords. Absolutely terrible fucking game design. The same goes with wild animals. After level fucking 5 or so wolves disappear forever and are replaced by endless bears.

In Morrowind you get to see a huge variety of monsters and wildlife no matter what level you are, and in early game most of them will fuck you up instantly. It's unbelievable that Oblivion actually just blocks low level enemies from ever spawning again.

I recommend suicide OP

>defending a P2W singleplayer game

Buy better shit.

They have a lot of time to get to thieving, eventually they'd turn up something special.