Why do consolefags
Why do consolefags
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Not really sure why is OP a fucking idiot?
Some mysteries aren't meant to be solved
>he bought green game
lmao what a fucking retard
>books and music are reissued all the time
>it's a problem when games do it
How come?
Game X was never good
fuck you, it's way better than your stupid fucking star game
more like:
>game X comes out on gamebox
>PCfags: "lmao game X is trash"
>also PCfags: "PC port when????"
>gets ported 6-12 months later
>PCfags: "lmao thanks for beta testing"
Physicall books aren't infinite like software.
>pc fat clinging to console wars to stay relevant
You aren't even welcome. Why do you care?
We see you as linux user in pc 'gaming' world.
Fuck you zoomer faggot
>false flagging this hard
>Sony keeps on losing exclusives
>we get to play sloppy seconds decade later
>we won
You won shit. You are still irrelevant as you were before.
not OP, but do you actually believe consoles are anything but objectively inferior? like real talk how delisional would you have to be lmao. have fun playing fps with a controller cuck
>jew star
pc users have no shame
Consoles are bread and basket of gaming world.
If it weren't for consoles, you would be stuck with shovel ware that pc offers.
PC gaming = google play.
i like how sonygros cling to old games like bloodborne or god of war as if it means anything
PC has dozens of exclusive games not available on shitty gameboy boxes
The superior Game Y Red is exclusive to PlayStation. Suck shit, PC niggers.
you forgot the panels where pc begged for game x, game green and star game on change.org.
so basically youre admitting "yeah its an inferior experience... but... *mental gymnastics go here*"
...ok then
how could they not?
Reminder the only PC exclusives of 2020 are Warcraft Reforged and Half Life Alyx, talk about a pathetic lack of games.
Don't forget about their recent release.
They have been waiting for it for 8 years...
and it looks looks like utter garbage.
Bannerlord isn't PC exclusive anymore than Nioh 2 and Final Fantasy 7 Remake are PS4 exclusive.
dont forget doom eternal implying youre not unironically playing doom on a controller. but yeah i agree three really solid games. best year in a while
who are you quoting newfag?
>shovel ware
would probably play better than anything on console
more like
>gets ported 3 years later
"lmao thanks for beta testing"
Please name a good pc exclusive that isn’t early access
I mean, I'll wait 3 years to get a PC version I can basically play forever. It's better than buying the remaster every 3 years.
What, don't you believe the Snoyboys?
I don't care about cinematic experiences and yearly Souls clones either. And I'm the one whose platform is getting them.
half life alyx
>pc exclusive
What did he mean by this?
There is literally no point in owning pc.
Just get console for fraction and you are set for the whole generation plus all the exclusives.
PC is redundant.
He can't. He will probably cite some sloppy seconds. Very common pc coping mechanism.
Fortune Summoners
Dude that wan't very r/wholesome of you...
>sloppy seconds
>PC versions get extra graphical features
I have no idea how consolefags have managed to twist the lack of exclusives anymore to mean you should buy a console. It tells me to buy a PC.
>Just get console for fraction and you are set for the whole generation plus all the exclusives.
console is for poorniggers lmfao
>putting nintenbros into the same swcum as sonyroaches
No one is falling for your shit. Only sony fanatics get assmalded about 3rd party ports to other systems.
Well yeah, you haven't had an exclusive for so many decades I doubt you even remember what they are.
>no Hylics on consoles
PC wins
>he has to watch technical analysis just so he could 'spot' 400x in difference and justify existence of his irrelevant platform
>What did he mean by this?
>implying youre not unironically playing doom on a controller
gee i dunno
>There is literally no point in owning pc.
>Just get console for fraction and you are set for the whole generation plus all the exclusives.
>for fraction
what DID he mean by this
>complete list of console exclusives
>I mean, I'll wait 3 years to get a PC version I can basically play forever. It's better than buying the remaster every 3 years.
what kind of shitty arguement is that? if you have the original game on an old console there is no reason to buy a remaster
name me 3 good pc exclusive that's are not VR
>frame rates above 30 are irrelevant
If they announced BOTW or the next mainline Mario game for PC, you could bet your ass there would be meltdowns.
Nope sorry, it's only you.
Rome: Total War
Total War Warhammer II
Total War Three Kingdoms (aka Jackie Chan Total War)
based and truth pilled
shut the fuck up retard. green game is a masterpiece. i bet you watched that one critique from that one guy on youtube and started hating on green game when you haven't even played it.
>yes, dark souls 2 is a masterpiece.
storage space isn't infinite either
actually laughin my ass off that this was your response to that user.
that wont change the fact he said you have no excluvises and he "doesnt" outside of VR or warcraft etc.
If these are good why do they have such abysmally low playercount?
>why do consumer drones act like consumer drones
Nobody who defends the marketing tactics consoles and game companies use now has a thought in their brain.
This desu. Star game chad here.
Atleast name franchises not names, if you told me to give you 20 good exclusive playstation games i would name you all 8 of the gran turismo games, all 12 of the ratchet and clank games and the 6 billion crash bandicoot games
That image conveys the situation wrong.
It should be a fat man demanding a starving homeless for his ONLY piece of bread.
>muh graphics
>consoles still can't do 4k or 60fps properly
imagine being so delusional that you believe pc has any exclusives
So playercount is your measure of "good".
Then CS:GO, DOTA 2 and LoL, I guess.
Also, pic related. You clearly don't know what are you talking about.
Honestly, I don't see any reason to give non-meme answer, cause you can just say "they are not good". So what's the point. PC has a billion of indie exclusives. Even though 99% of them are shit, there are more than 3 that you'd like.
>>PCfags: "lmao game X is trash"
>>also PCfags: "PC port when????"
Have you considered that not every person who owns a PC has the same opinions, and that those two statements are being made by different people?
Nice try pc fat.
While we are dining at 3 star Michelin restaurant, you are literally window licker, later waiting at the back of the alley for scraps.
I can play my old games just fine...and I don't have to worry about compatibility either.
damn look at those mental gymnastics go!
Is this how sonyfags are coping with the delay then?
Based on that pc 'game', pc can't even into ps3 graphics.
t. starving homeless
Star game is jew propaganda and anyone that defends it is a mouth breathing npc
So to prove PC exclusives aren't dead you list a bunch of games literally decades old, well-played, I hadn't expected you to simply admit defeat.
>he thinks software is infinite
imagine being so delusional you project arguments on people.
i didnt say PC even had many exclusives. i mean it does have some very noteworthy ones, but i was clearly laughin at your lack of reading comprehension amd infentile attitude of arguing. you just blatantly grazed over what he was saying and projected your own lack of exclusives on that user. he said "complete list of console exclusives...." and you responded with "no u" like clockwork.
fucking leave lmfao you're just embarassing yourself newfag
I started replaying Skyrim on my old xbox 360 slim. I had already bought all the DLCs from back then and Im sure as hell not buying it again. My latest save file was from june 2015. It's been 5 tyears since I last played it and I have remembered it as shit ever since then.
But man Im having a lot of fun with it. The game looks so good for being on the 360 and being from 2011. Load times are surprisingly short and I haven't had any game breaking experiences. Im gonna try to get the achievements I didn't get when I played the game in the past. I've only been playing from like 3 days and Im already level 25. Im really turning around on Skyrim, for the first time ever since my honeymoon with it when it got released I understand now why people worshipped it so much.
pc has hundreds of exclusives and half of the ports from pc to consoles are practically nonfunctional given how they were designed for a mouse.
you pay top dollar for downgraded ports that are on CDs.
You may as well be in the 90's.
first post lamest post :O(
ps2 era games run with problems on modern pcs and sometimes even not run at all
playing vanilla skyrim with sticks is fun for exactly 2 minutes
mods make skyrim a 9/10
At first you asked for 3 good non-VR PC exclusives, and I gave them to you.
Then you asked for high playercount games, and I gave them to you again.
And now you came to me asking for new good non-VR high playercount exclusives? What's next? It's like this fucking Dobson comic.
PC even back in the days was garbage
I mean, how doest that even stack up against snes port?
For fuck sake, pc hasn't even had GPU when playstation 1 was released.
they're ps2 games what did you expect
also that image is kind of ironic since you have to pay top dollar for high end pc components when consoles users get them for under 500 all in a simple box
funny how you say that yet my experience with the game is quite the opposite
>high end pc components
Those console specs are already outdated by the time they launch
>want to buy mid range gaming laptop
>find perfect spec, great bang for buck
>it has rainbow backlighting and makes epic gamer noises and plays a animation every time you turn it on
why are gaming computers so gay ?
i just want a normal laptop, not something with led lights coming out the ass