Here's an opinion that's 100% true, but will make Yas Forumseddit booty blasted

Here's an opinion that's 100% true, but will make Yas Forumseddit booty blasted.
First person shooters are best on consoles.
You have to AIM on consoles, via the right stick usually. You have to bring yourself into the perfect position to shoot and also have to anticipate the movement of your target.
On PC, all you have to do is CLICK MOUSE ON HEAD LOL
You don't have to aim at all, it's like playing some mobile clicker game, where you have to quickly click on blinking buttons.
Tl;dr: Shooters are way more challenging on consoles and therefore should be played on them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I remember when i used this type of basic bait more than 7 years ago.
Yas Forums was simpler and cleaner back then, i feel sad thinking about it.

Aim assist does all the work on console shooters. Just ADS and spray.

not an ounce of argument
not talking about aim assist

Considering it still works 99% of the time, there's no reason to really change your bait. I've been doing a few experiments, been posting the same bait for a couple of months now. I still get the same livid (You)s as when I started.

Doesn't matter. Both are archaic shit. Shooting in VR is 1000x better than either.

Take out the one 'V' in your sentence and you're spot on.

9gag level bait

>Here's an opinion that's 100% true, but will make Yas Forumseddit booty blasted.
Nice delusion

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FPS on consoles is like playing with aimbot on PC

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someone post that one Rainbow Six webm

then refute the bait, if you can
you literally just proved me right

thats because this whole site is riddled with outrage tourists. trolling stopped being fun here a long, long time ago. some say shooting fish in a barrel is fun but i genuinely see it as a waste of time

>just refute the truth
Fuck off, faggot. No fucking shit the sky's blue.

>you literally just proved me right

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Except if it's games that dont have any sort of aim assist like bullet magnetism or aim assist period
Then FPS on consoles is like watching a retarded child play
Google Rainbow Six Siege footage on console
There is a reason why no pro FPS league is using consoles to play the game on, except hyper normei shit like Call of Duty maybe
CS GO, Siege any any other pro FPS league uses the PC version for obvious reasons

you can easily show me proof that the sky is blue.
show me any proof, that PC shooters aren't just cookie clickers.
You literally juts have to click on your enemy's head faster than he can click on yours.

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first person shooters are trash in general. you're either dealing with cookie-clicker "gameplay," aim assist, or shitty controller aiming without the assist. there's a reason why japan only makes them for arcades, where their shallow gameplay can be propped up by credit feeding.

>you literally just proved me right

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>Not a single post has proven OP wrong, just a bunch of Redditjaks spam
I haven't even played any shooter on consoles, but this thread is hilarious.

What do you mean, am I supposed to pretend that moving your mouse is the same as using a touch screen?

holy shit is that a.v.a.? haven't seen that shit in years

then how come everyone plays shooters on PC?

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harder =/= more skill

you mean playing shooters on PC is more competitive and skill based?

7 years ago is still post cancer

>playing FPS with a gamepad
>not a bongo drum
Casuals like you are absolutely disgusting.

>clicking on the screen is as challenging as aiming with 2 seperate sticks, 1 for body movement, 1 for weapon movement
0/10 bait

>This control scheme is TOO EASY
The playing field is level for all mouse users. Why not become the best at this easy control scheme?

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no, but you can move your mouse way faster than you can move both your analog sticks, therefore it's easier.

>Here's an opinion that's 100% true, but will make Yas Forumseddit booty blasted.
First person shooters are best on consoles.
You have to AIM on consoles, via the right stick usually. You have to bring yourself into the perfect position to shoot and also have to anticipate the movement of your target.
On PC, all you have to do is CLICK MOUSE ON HEAD LOL
You don't have to aim at all, it's like playing some mobile clicker game, where you have to quickly click on blinking buttons.
Tl;dr: Shooters are way more challenging on consoles and therefore should be played on them.

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because easy is for reddit pussies.
if you can't beat me with a. controller, you are unironically a weak cuck.

I bet you couldn't beat anyone if you had to play with mouse :)

So what you're saying is that the control scheme is worse and that's why it should be used? I don't even know why I'm responding, this is bait or some 16 year old being contrarian to fit in. Also you still have to anticipate enemy movement and find good spots to shoot from

>can't even basic greentext like the wojak redditor he is
how stupid do you feel right now?

yes because everyone else is just as fast, moron.

how is that any different from using WASD and aiming with the mouse?
if anything it's more intuitive, shootan on console feels like driving a car instead of shooting a gun.

>So what you're saying is that the control scheme is worse and that's why it should be used?
No, i said the control scheme on consoles is worse and there fore more challenging.
Meaning PeeSea fags going 'lol, console shooters' are playing on easy mode. That's literally all i had to say.
Yes, you will beat every person playing on console, but just because you play on the shooter babby platform.

It would be harder tying your hands behind your back and playing games only with your teeth. Why aren't you doing that? Reddit pussy?

PC shooter fags also drive automatic.
Change my mind. You can't.

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>dude, if you want a challenge, why don't you sell all your stuff and live on the streets, lmao
I just explained hoe PC is easy mode for shooters, no one could refute this pint and now you come in with the reddit whataboutism.
Why can't Yas Forumsedditors just simply answer a single question?

But the playing field is level for all PC players, allowing a higher skill ceiling. You haven't addressed this yet.

>Shooters are way more challenging on consoles and therefore should be played on them.
Challenging in all the wrong ways. You have to think about what a mouse does differently than a controller. A mouse can feed any vector you move your hand with in milliseconds. You have options to customize the width and height of an area which will map to where the player can aim and the rate at which the movements are reported to the computer (anywhere from 125 per second to 1000 per second [polling rate]). This gives players the option to be able not only to flick exactly to a target consistently through familiarizing with a specified area a movement, but it also allows you to consistently track a target or pattern along with a target due to this familiarization. Meanwhile a controller stick has a fixed three or four vector you can aim in. Meaning that you can familiarize yourself with a TIME FRAME and a joystick position. The issue is that a player's skill ends up BOUND to this time frame of a movement of the vector of the joystick instead of the MINIMUM time frame you could possibly move your mouse to the position in that area you have set. And that's just flicking. Tracking a player now becomes not about following a player movement with acceleration/deceleration but about using which one of those vectors you want to use to either get ahead of the target or behind the target (this is where aim assist really comes into play since it slows down your joystick speed on hovering over a character. Without aim assist, the statement above is easier to understand). Overall, a peripheral should be judged based on the control it gives you. I don't even think that a mouse is the best option for a peripheral to control games, it's just the best option most know.

>I just explained hoe PC is easy mode for shooters, no one could refute this pint and now you come in with the reddit whataboutism.
>Why can't Yas Forumsedditors just simply answer a single question?

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Babbies play with other babbies, niggerhead

most people are casuals duh

The left cant meme

the playing field is also the same for all pre school football players.
adult footballers still play with different and more challenging rules and on a bigger field.

shut up fag

>I can't compete in this elevated playing field! I'll stick to console shooters with auto-aim, thank you very much!
Ah, I see how it is.

this, unironically.
if OP were just shitposting, you wouldn't need a wall of text to prove him wrong.

April fools' day is over bud

>slower gameplay takes more skill while everything else is the same

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>shut up fag

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You are talking about aim assit.
All console shooters have some level of aim assist.
Even if you have any option to turn it on or off, this is a lie. It's just turning off baby mode aim assist.

If you want a true blue example of this, Master Chief collection on PC. It was quickly discovered that keyboard and mouse was harder than playing with a controller because plugging in a controller kicked on an aim assit that made shooting things braindead easy. An aim assit that never kicks on with m/k

It's just bait I don't know why any of us are replying other than out of sheer boredom. However his whole argument immediately falls apart because his initial assumption is that it takes less motor control and precision to control a mouse/wasd than it takes to control twin analog sticks. Something that I doubt he has the studies available to show how much physical kinetic work or energy has to be expended to move either control scheme. Thus instantly deflating his whole entire argument since he can't scientifically back up his assertions.

In short, OP's a fag, talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

Preschoolers have under developed limbs. Sort of like operating using a controller when more fluid, masterful controls exist. I guess auto aim is like the stand in T-ball. You need that you can't advance, but sure. Let's pretend mouse is "too easy" for you. Stick to the little leagues if that helps you, kid.

>taking moral high-ground because no one takes you seriously
>immediately shitpost when you get a serious opinion
I always like responding to trolls like this since it usually comes up with a good, but easy prompt to formulate my feelings into an argument. Now there really is no reason to take you seriously though

Not a bad bait

shit bait shit thread

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but you can play with a gamepad on pc

kbmongoloids really are leftoids

It's National Autism day, so OP's post actually makes sense.

lmao so this is console cope

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>>Shooters are way more challenging on consoles and therefore should be played on them.
>Challenging in all the wrong ways. You have to think about what a mouse does differently than a controller. A mouse can feed any vector you move your hand with in milliseconds. You have options to customize the width and height of an area which will map to where the player can aim and the rate at which the movements are reported to the computer (anywhere from 125 per second to 1000 per second [polling rate]).
>This gives players the option to be able not only to flick exactly to a target consistently through familiarizing with a specified area a movement, but it also allows you to consistently track a target or pattern along with a target due to this familiarization.
>Meanwhile a controller stick has a fixed three or four vector you can aim in.
>Meaning that you can familiarize yourself with a TIME FRAME and a joystick position. The issue is that a player's skill ends up BOUND to this time frame of a movement of the vector of the joystick instead of the MINIMUM time frame you could possibly move your mouse to the position in that area you have set. And that's just flicking. >Tracking a player now becomes not about following a player movement with acceleration/deceleration but about using which one of those vectors you want to use to either get ahead of the target or behind the target (this is where aim assist really comes into play since it slows down your joystick speed on hovering over a character. Without aim assist, the statement above is easier to understand).
>Overall, a peripheral should be judged based on the control it gives you. I don't even think that a mouse is the best option for a peripheral to control games, it's just the best option most know.

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poorfag cope

Not an argument

how is this not an argument lol, I'm off your shitty thread.

>I can't read, therefore you are wrong.

saying "NOOOOOOO THATS NOT AN ARGUMENT" isn't an argument either. Grow up, nigger.

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I slit niggers throats in their sleep.

SeeGet fucked kbmonkey

>First person shooters are best on consoles.

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>Post 30s of you playing any deathmatch game

He's not wrong, if pc and console servers merged then console players would think the pc players have aimbots when they don't.


yeah I'm thinking this is a bait thread