Report to the Mass Effect thread as soon as possible

Report to the Mass Effect thread as soon as possible

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Mass Effect is kinda cringe and is only talked about by Coomers. If you want an entire game dedicated to that shit play pic related.

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I won't play the next mass effect unless I can romance a hot quarian girl


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Thanks to Corona-chan I've decided to finally play 2 and 3. What class should I play through the series as? Way back when I first played the original I went with Infiltrator and liked it enough but I'd like to play something different.

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Nobody used that word until like late january. Stop being so impressionable

get ready to be disappointed

Swap Liara and Grunt and you have a perfect list.

vanguard gets better with every game
engineer is the most fun class in 3 thanks to the different types of explosions you can make
everything else is cringe

I wanted to play the trilogy again but I can't get 1 to launch

That word fits you sexed obsessed fags so well though. Mass Effect is tasteless trash and you coombrains keep eating it up because haha naked tattoo woman male pee hard!"

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It's posts like these that make me convinced the term "incel" was totally non-organic in how it came to use and that it was actually engineered by some think tank.

No, it was coined by dumb fuck normalfags. That's why it's so subpar as an insult. It has no weight when uttered by something so beneath you.

War Hero
Full paragon

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Windows 10 and steam? You need to get Nvidia PhysX Legacy manually.

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hardcore or insanity?

Anyone play through 3 on hardcore? I'm really having trouble on the part where Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.


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>the file name
Let's try to use our brain a little harder before settling for something below the pale. Okay champ?

If we ever get a remaster of 1 do you think they could edit the scene where the human delegation throw a tantrum when the Council doesn't believe an accusation against their best agent with no proof

Like maybe they could all act like adults instead

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I miss him.

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>Thanks to Corona-chan I've decided to finally play 2

>and 3
Oh no

Metal Cooler?

>Liara above Jack
>Muscleman above both Ashley and Kasumi
>60% bland cheer leader gets a C
Move the lying teenager to A. The blue jailbait gets a B at most because 90% of her appeal are her looks. Jack is an easy A or an A+.

I know 3 is terrible, a disappointment, etc., I haven't been living under a rock. I still want to experience it for myself. Ya could have at least answered the question.

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How much more popular would you think Kasumi would have been if she was a romance option?

Vanguard, Soldier or Adept.

3 isnt bad at all, only the ending drops the ball. I recommend Vanguard.

Soldier I know know boring to some but I like the guns and bullet time. In 1 you are a tank that just regens all the damage that you get.

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Man, the mods for ME1 are fucking incredible. Once you get everything installed for ALOT it looks like it came out this year. Recalibrated is also nice.

go Vanguard in 2
then choose between improved Vanguard in 3 or Engie because of all the power combos you'll be able to detonate

Swap Tali and Zaeed.


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>not Commander


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Cry in the corner

Why him?

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Infiltrator is the most fun I've had in a video game

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imma play andromeda and you cant stop me

You lost, son?

For me it's Ashley


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>3 isnt bad at all
No, it's fucking irredeemable.

>James Verger ahead of Kaiden and Ash
>not on the same level as Jacob

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>Liara is such a sexy blueberry muffin best girl

>Ya could have at least answered the question.
What was the question? Oh, right.

>Way back when I first played the original I went with Infiltrator and liked it enough but I'd like to play something different.
If you don't want your game to end up looking like DragonBall Z, of which I'd argue ME draws influence enough, see , go Sentinel or Soldier.

Ash is good, everyone in A tier is overrated.

Me on the top right.

Adept and Vanguard are fun. My favorite class is Sentinel but going pistol only in the first game sucks major ass.

Earth born War Hero reporting in.

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Why did Wilson want you dead in mass effect 2 (The guy that you first see in 2 and has Steve Blums voice)

Because the Collectors paid him off.

Is that said in a comic or something because I never remember anyone saying that or if it was in the codex

It's never brought up anywhere and is complete speculation

I shoot him until he dies.