Why are there so many artist that draw nintendo charas?

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because it's popular

Because. It's quite simple really.

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I wonder why

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because jap weeb do the anime sketch and it gets popular with teenagers and hentai artists

Because the alternatives are:
>Draw a bunch of dumbass self-insert male Xbox heroes
>Draw a bunch of las creaturas de Sony

Nintendo is good at making cute girls

basically this xbox and playstation are way less interesting, less creative


they're cute

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thighs too thicc

Cause they're almost universally recocnized

Is Marnie a bottom?

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Because they have unique designs and actually look good. Unlike in the west where you either get Generic McBland or Ay Dios Mio.

sony doesn't advertise their good characters enough, otherwise spikat would have been as acceptable as bayonetta x joker and most smash ships in general


Who should they draw instead? Nathan Drake?

Love em or hate em
Nintendo knows how to make genuinely iconic characters that remembered and loved years after their release

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Reply to what :^)

Because Nintendo is the only company with characters worth drawing

nintendo girls are by far the cutest because they all follow different design philosophies

There's way more to choose from

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Because Nintendo and their IPs are popular and iconic. Their characters often leave a lasting visual impact.

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Why is that the case for PlayStation BTW? I can understand Xbox since Microsoft is a burger company but Sony is Japanese like Nintendo.

Having PS Vita included feels like kicking someone’s who’s already dead. Just cruel.

Because they're all beloved by everyone

Sony moved their business to California. You do the math.

Cute characters all around, also long as fuck legacy whit recognizable characters...
Also Cuteness draws perversion, and a shit load of porn

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Sad Gloria isnt scottish

Easy clout for minimal effort.

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She's Galarian

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But none of those are Nintendo characters. They just draw videogame girls in general.

Because artists today do not draw to express themselves; in fact, it's the opposite. They draw to express praise received by the AAA game of the month because they are attention whores who revel in circlejerking on Discord servers while their "close friends" that they made into moderators groom children behind the curtains. They cannot for the life of them fathom the idea of actually using these talents to make something that they can truly call their own, like comics or character designs for a company, and it's all thanks to their self-esteem issues that stem from centering their entire lives around mediocre video game franchises.
They are bugmen, OP. You take away Nintendo, you take away their whole identity.

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sex sell

Does your significant other agree?

All Galerians must die.

Nintendo characters usually have nice character designs

Fucking what?

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I LITERALLY can not stop fapping to her, I've blown so many loads to Marnie that I'm cumming dust and yet I can't stop

>that hint of octoling ass

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they're already cartoony and a lot of people like them and will pay commision fees for them

Because they're fun to draw.


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You shouldn't lewd something so innocent.

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>Want to truly start expressing myself through illustration to see if I truly love it.
>Have to cut myself off from the internet to do so.
While I wouldn't go as far as you did, you have a point.

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the artist does a great octoling

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When they're not drawing Nintendo characters they draw boat girls or other flavor of the moment weeb shit.

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Is that the same artist that did those Ape Escape Yumi ones?


nice balls, bro

Does this look not innocent to you?

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