Risk of Rain 2


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in bagina :DDDDD

Vanilla risky is better than modded risky prove me wrong

why would i? you're correct

>want to try a meme run with command on Rex and stack razorwire and spam seed barrage
>grabbed a bunch of teddy bears
>blocked damage doesn't trigger razorwire
shit that was a waste of 15 minutes


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Vanilla 10 man is better than vanilla

Which artifacts would you improve and how?

>teddy bears on rex
>instead of attack speed
directive: inject is actually a pretty good attack, both on its own and for fueling seed barrage

only without artifacts

they're all shit anyways

Normally that's how I roll, but was curious about how razor wire spam would go. I guess this gives me a reason to stack a ton of armor plates and see how that works out.

really didn't expect HAN-D to get destroyed this hard, never really see people shit on him
change chaos so that while auto-aim can still target other players, they have the lowest priority. for some reason huntress always locks onto me and harpoons always target any player in the way instead of enemies

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Can't wait for Sniper to be added. Played him all the time in RoR1

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bring the bounce and the crazy numbers back to the funballs

I would have voted han-d if we didn't get the abomination that is mul-t.
I'd rather have chefbot for a secondary robot entry or Enforcer.

Paladin is a neat concept though.

Anyone got the image describing how to handle the blazing imp as the merc and how it's got a fire DOT and you don't?

People love HAN-D, but just read what Hopoo thinks about bringing him to the game
He'd be an abomination and everyone knows it

Inverse scaling on Sacrifice drop rates so you don't get screwed over immediately
Glass gives you 20% hp, maybe more
Chaos doesn't affect self-damage or engi's turrets.
Remove tesla coil from the Evolution pool




Discord reactions are a weird fucking way of doing a poll

Who else /loader/chad here?

I think it's safe to say that 90% or more people who play ror2 have never played the first or have played very little without unlocking all the characters.

if more people played ror1 the voting numbers would be a lot different than what we see right now.

honestly hopoo should have just did a vote for all the new character choices because they seem more interesting than the older characters. The translation from 2d -> 3d for the older characters is a hit or miss but all the new characters feel "right" in 3d because they were designed with 3d in mind and don't have a 2d reference.

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>Get 5 items in a row in sacrifice 2 minutes in, run looks promising. Bless swarm
>Desert of asshurt rumbles with bullshit
>Ten million billion rockfuckers spawn
>Die to 50 lasers in a row that clearly missed me but LOL SPLASH DAMAGE GET FUCKED
I sure do love the retarded splash damage this game shits out like candy


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Come in faggots

So is it even worth the fealty beads anymore, the scavs seem way to strong and tedious now

regular-hostanon here. really want to host but my internet is going down every 10 min (comcast)

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>all the new characters feel "right" in 3d
Then why does Arti suck so much?

Two bandits?

I don't understand how bandit is beating him, and miner too. Miner is cool but his kit has been given to other characters already.

HAN-D was my boy, and I understand him not being top pick, but bottom shows that most people haven't played the original for sure.

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>horde of many

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not him, but mechanically she is still fun to play with

go go go

>Fucking hate playing Engineer, he's a boring as shit character where the optimal build is sitting there with a thumb up your ass while the turrets do all the work
>Have all the achievements and side equipment with him and nobody else because they're that piss easy to accomplish


Design decisions.

This is actually why I'm so salty about it, if she was just a shit char I could write it off but I actually really like the general idea.

I like Huntress but sometimes it seems like the games shitty sprint mechanics exist only so she could have her passive. I hope they fix sprint in 1.0. They probably won't, but I can hope.

eu or na

I kind of liked the alien head, reminds me of ballistic masks

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>start game
>6 fire elite lemurians spawn literally on my fucking face
holy fuck what

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>turn vengeance on
>fungus turrets go from the best way to play to a massive liability that can easily end your game
>have to be intelligent and thoughtful with how you play and what items you want


Ion surge should be utility and maybe add a plasma thrower that has a ukele effect or something for ult idk

>not being a roaming nuclear arsenal of tracking missiles and walking mines
Your fault bro

>stage 1
>get 2 armor plates
>razor wire
>leeching seed
>swarm of wisps descend on me
>shoot me for 1 damage
>get automatically murdered by razorwire
>heal for 5 every 1 damage I take
Holy shit I wonder how many armor plates i'm going to need later to keep up with damage

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>not making it 30 second on drizzle

this is a new low


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vengeance doppelgangers always drop an item which is nice

10-man with shop when

So, what are the go to artifacts to have activated?

Official Yas Forumsirgin risky rules

1. Hit every Mountain Swarm

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Chaos, death, enigma, frailty, honor, metamorphosis, soul, swarms

How the fuck does glass work now that wisps are hit-scan? Or rather is glass even fun in 3D?

>that commando that boasted he hit all the shrines then died like a bitch

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Those are the main ones that work well and don't fuck up anything. Chaos is kinda fun but weird shit happens there. Don't even consider enabling the others they are either cancer, boring or break shit

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2. pressure people to hit mountain shrines

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Glass+Swarms is a pretty good core experience. Add on whatever else as you like


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Depends on your character. On Commando it is very fun, especially with his new slide.

maybe when the other 10 mans end

If you don't hit the shrine of the mountain you are an enormous pussy

More RoR synonyms memes please

>horde of many
>Blazing Parent

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Since you faggots are such insufferable children I got an artifact idea for you
>Artifact of Yas Forums-shittery
>You and all enemies and all projectiles move 50% faster

When the fuck are we getting a Providence run-ender boss?
I want to play the "One loop then ship" lobbies like the good old days.

There's like 20 or 30 of those ms paint ones

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>not swarm

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Holy shit, just uninstall the game.