What the fuck? this is like the 5th time now. How fucked is this game?
Delayed AGAIN
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They can't get the physical copies out so they are delaying it.
Funny how only Sony seem to be having these problems.
preeeeeeeeetty fucked. games stuck in this kind of development pretty much always come out half finished turds, and since they probably blew all of their development efforts on muh animations (only to end up with half baked ones like uncharted ::D:DD) the chances are high most of the other elements are highly lacking
but also:
>treat staff like shit and make them work ridiculous amounts of overtime
>staff quit
>forced to hire junior, inexperienced workers to replace them
>everything takes 4x as long to get done because they need to be trained and aren't familiar with the company culture
>no producers or top-down communication to keep everything organised
>give new starters obscene load of work to compensate
>cycle repeats
Why not just release it on Youtube?
source or fuck off simp
pick one simp
you learn a new word at home school today?
game may come put somewhat good/okayish
but the studio is fucked
>Game gets more delevopment time when delayed
Shouldn't the game be even worse when not delayed?
ok simpony
Gimme a (you) man
they're doing the same thing that nintendo always does with zelda now: delaying it on purpose so they can release it as a cross-gen launch title.
all movies are delayed due to corona
I want them to cancel the PS4 release and make it exclusive for PS5. The reaction would be legendary.
Delayed with no new release date?
All movies are getting delayed user
Yes but since game development is generally a total clusterfuck you just make things worse if you constantly delay it. Case in point is Duke Nukem Forever, but also titles like Witcher 3 which got downgraded in like 3 phases (or maybe just 2, since the first was probably just CGI)
The movie is shit. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony cancelled it.
Yup, like Metroid Prime 4. The 2 year drought continues for Snoys.
>First the 70% staff loss fiasco
>Now this
Based, fuck Naughty Dog and fuck Druckmann.
No matter how shit it is, it will still be praised as a masterpiece by "journalists" because it pushes globo homo and snoyniggers because muh naughtydawg
I know theaters are closed but can't they just go straight to DVD?
poor joke simp
Guys I think there might be a virus or something going on that might be effecting it's release
Thanks for the (You)
its so fucked dude. i cant wait. fuck n
Kung Fu flu is fucking everything up
Why is this the only game effected?
>nintendo game gets delayed
>any other game gets delayed
Actually it's a pretty based joke
because americans
So what, the game will sell like shit anyway. All this FORCED LGBT shit is fucking up Sony's brand image.
t. cuckmann
>but nintendo
Final Fantasy 7 literally had to release early in Australia because they're not in lockdown yet
Also Sony delayed Iron Man VR too.
Naughty Dog is falling apart because Kikeman is fucking spearheading the studio right into the fucking ground and causing staff to leave left and right
The only people staying around are the ones with no background fearing that they won't be able to find a new job if they quit
At this point, nothing would be more beautiful than Sony fucking axing the company at this point after they finally release the TLOU 2 after burning through their budget mutliple times over
>using media create as a source
fuck off simp
We all saw that snow deformation. We all know this game's fucked. Serves them right for cutting MP which was the best part about the first game.
Oh look, another development hell game. Seriously, why so much delay for a cinematic game? Even FF7 Remake is complete and it has actual gameplay.
I liked it
As soon as you guys saw the scripted fights you should have known this was never going to release. It has Dead Island 3 vibes all over it
They said straight up that they can't give the same "launch experience". in other words because they can't relentlessly market the game on all frequencies and throw some cringe launch-party they're just going to sit on a completed game. Honestly I don't know their business like they do but with all these people sitting at home it seems like a good time to drop AAA titles
>Unironically using simp as an insult
Are people seriously asking why they're fucking delaying it? Are you people living under a rock right now?
Dead Island 2*
>the game is fucked because the snow physics aren't perfect
Actual autism
Not to mention that The Last of Us Part 2 doesn't even looks impressive, so I don't understand why the delay.
The game is pretty much finished and it would make sense to release it when everyone is stuck at home. They wanna delay it till fall now so that it can simultaneously release on ps5.
Spent too much time doing mocap of two dykes making out and they forgot to make an actual game to go along with it.
>Game that is supposed to use graphics as its selling point
>Graphics look crap and outdated
Fuk the game, fuk it
They can't get physical copies out
Seriously what?
Most AAA games use graphics as a selling point. You never actually bought a game for the graphics right?
Good on Snoy for making way for the true king
>ND releases a random bit of footage saying Ellie is agile
>the snow deformation is so obviously bad that people can't stop making fun of it
>short while later, Kotaku and ex dev dump on Naughty Dog
>reveals they're hiring inexperienced film animators from the bottom of the barrel just to scrape by
>devs who worked on project outright hoping for it to fail
The dots are connecting. Druckman is singlehandedly killing Naughty Dog.
It’s because they want to break sales records