Any tips?
Any tips?
trial and error the fuck out of your first playthrough I'd say be around 10+ hrs. keep replaying until you can do 3hr runs
Suck my fat cock. Hows that for a tip faggot.
drop that shit and just play the original
It's basically a point-and-click adventure game but with controller. Only thing you really need to know without spoilers is that the zombies turn into stronger zombies if you don't burn their corpses or blow their heads off.
search on youtube for speedruns to save youself the headache
Start with Jill Valentine.
Pick the highest initially available difficulty (=Normal). Use classic controls + 4:3.
Rest should be pretty obvious unless your IQ is within the single-digit range. It's a puzzle-heavy adventure game at heart, kinda like a grand-scale "room escape" game with changing labyrinth.
Turn off the new controls they ruin the design of the game.
Why is the size of this game bloated? 20gb? What the fuck
Zero takes way less space and has high res backgrounds
Bump. Should I use a guide? I beat the original twenty years ago but I don't remember a goddamn thing about it other than the voice acting and the dog through the window that is now a meme.
if you're braindead,yes
Can I kill every monster I encounter or will I run out of ammo? I hate leaving shit alive.
Depends on the difficulty and how good you are at headshots.
are there spiders in thius game?
I'd probably just play on normal. Typically I don't play hard on my first go. As far as headshots who knows.
Mountain Climbing is normal difficulty, Not hard (they added a very easy difficulty).
"Alternate" controls destroy the game balance.
Jill has more inventory spaces
Chris has a significantly higher health
Try not to carry more than 1 gun unless you know you're gonna be going for a boss fight (you can be more lenient as Jill due to more inventory spaces).
You don't need to pick up every item as soon as you find it. Leaving herbs in well travelled hallways can help out.
You run slower with a big gun equipped (shotgun, grenade launcher), and faster with the knife or nothing equipped.
The knife is shit.
For your first run try to clear out the hallways, at least near the safe rooms.
>Should I use a guide?
No, you dumb fuck.
Why do you even ask such stupid shit??
Not to mention REmake is over 50% brand new game, just to keep even the veterans on the edge.
Hard mode is not even accessible before you beat the game.
The initially available difficulties are (from top to bottom, in HD port):
>VERY Easy (new addition to 2014 ver)
knife them with the knife
Just played normal mode last year and it has more than enough ammo for you to 1-shot the zombies, but there isn't enough fuel for you to burn all the zombies.
>REmake is over 50% brand new game
You really shouldn't comment on games you've never played.
Put the volume on max and turn the lights off or you'll be doing the godlike atmosphere a disservice.
Try again kiddo. Been playing these things ever since they first dropped in their OG form.
Newsflash: the ORIGINAL DEVS said in an interview that REmake is roughly 70% (SEVENTY) all new compared to the classic RE1. Only the base gameplay style, premise, cast and plot are the same.
Neither should you.
unironically this
i thought mountain climbing was supposed to be hard difficulty going by the description and the other picks. so i picked the second choice, going for a hike which sounds like a normal activity. now i want to restart a new file because i dont want to play on easy
Blame Capcom for trying to trick people into playing easy so people complain less. A big give away is that when you save your game the typewriter text is blue (or green? can't remember), when normal is white, and hard is red.
Examine the SHIT out of every single item you encounter. Try to interact with any item on the room that you find even mildly suspicious. Try to avoid the zombies instead of shooting them, only spend ammo killing zombies if it is absolutely necessary.
Oh, and the highest difficulty is actually the game's "normal" mode. The other ones are easy and very easy respectively. Don't choose them, it makes everything boring
>i thought mountain climbing was supposed to be hard difficulty going by the description and the other picks
Yeah, you're not the first nor will you be the last one to fall for that crap.
I have no idea what kind of braindead mega-casuals the new "Very Easy" is made for, and why did Crapcom waste time on implementing such BS instead of recreating the background images better.
Wait, another user that is playing through REmake right now in here.
Is it even possible to headshot in this game at all outside of RNG? There isn't even a way to aim precisely in the vertical axis
As stated before examine every key item. Your ammo is limited so decide whether it's worth killing a zombie or avoiding it. If you think you're going to cross through the same area multiple times then it'll probably be worth killing the zombie there. There's other reasons other than ammo and health
not to kill zombies but assuming you haven't been spoiled about that you'll find out soon enough when you come across the files.
It starts off feeling big and alot to take in with inventory management and not knowing where or what to do.But soon as you start getting into about an hour in and you'll be on a roll. Fun rewarding experience. I killed almost every zombie and had enough ammo on normal to get through the hole game. Dont worry about limited saves I think theres about 30 ink ribbons per game so even if takes you 10+ hours you can save 2-3 times an hour
Handgun headshots are RNG. Chris has a higher chance as well iirc.
Shotgun is *near* guaranteed for a headshot if you aim 'up' at close range.
Magnum will pop every fucker with a headshot unless you aim at their feet.
Burn zombies or blow their heads off
This game literally replaced the original
With a shotgun, just aim up, let the zombie walk into you till it literally kiss the barrel.
Blue is for real survival mode. Pretty sure green is easy.
yes my save was in a green font when i went to the typewriter.
Why is RE0 so bad?
I'm on my first playthrough and finally reached the sewers. If you're not backtracking for items you're fighting off stupid fuck enemies like monkeys and leechmen
RE0 is a strange game because it gets better on repeat playthroughs kinda like Code Veronica does, because you know when and where the bullshit is.
Leechmen get trivialised by fire. Monkeys can go fuck themselves though.
This. Burn zombies or, at the very least, be wary of rooms where you know for a fact that there was a zombie laying "dead" on the floor. That aside, it's really hard for you to get screwed over so just play the game normally.
No. Just play the damn thing. It isn't Siren.
Thanks for the responses.
Is the knife actually useful for anything? It seems impossible to actually kill a zombie using it without dying and even if i try to finish off dropped zombies by stabbing with it they just get up and start going after you.
>Is the knife actually useful for anything?
Hell no. It's only useful for one specific action in the game and it'll give you another knife right there and then to do it with.
why even play it at all then
Then why did you reply 3 times to the same post? A new backyard area isn't 50% of the game. Go play it before mouthing off.
Knife is like this ultimate baptism of fire test for true RE-lunatics. People have literally beat all the classics with only the Knife.
No, I would not recommend a rookie to even try it. Just stash it away. I have personally played the originals some dozens of times, and I still wouldn't dare trying the Knife-only runs.
The LPs make some entertaining watch afterwards though.
Just stop embarrassing yourself kid.
The game is completely overhauled from head to toe. Devs stated this clearly.
At least play the fucking games first. That includes classic RE1.
No item boxes just adds pointless backtracking, the buddy system doesn't really work as a substitute for two routes, the plot really doesn't go anywhere. Cool setting, though.
>Devs stated this clearly.
So you didn't play the game, you just read some interview. State clearly what extra content added in the RE:make constitutes 50% of the game, because it doesn't and you're full of shit.
At least you admit you were samefagging like a desperate faggot, though. That takes some courage.
If you're good you can 1v1 zombies with it pretty easily to save ammo, but if you're a good player than ammo is already a non factor so it's just a fun challenge. New players should just ignore the knife completely because they just get bit over and over trying to knife.
I don't even know why I bother to reply to such butthurt samefag children these days...
I already stated my position earlier: I am an oldfag who owns and played ALL Resident Evil games, already when they were released, and several times ever since.
I KNOW that REmake is like a completely new game compared to RE1. It's the whole reason why folks recommend to play both, back to back, for the best experience.
There's new areas, new puzzles, new enemies, new gameplay features, new story elements, new bonuses, new voice-acting, new OST... list goes on. The similarities are very superficial.
>i am le oldfag
>can't specify or elaborate on his statements
>resorts to ad-hominems and samefagging like a dumb child
You're an embarrassment, son. Back up your shit or shut the fuck up.
Okay, how do you want me to "back" up this shit even further? It's painfully obvious that you have never even touched Resident Evil, or the REmake, or neither.
Yes, REmake delivers similar experience and mostly the same story, but it's not 1:1 compatible with classic RE1. And you're still arguing against the word of Shinji Mikami himself, like an embarrassing zoomie you are.
Is there a reliable method to avoid zombies? It gets on my nerves to get caught by one.
Defensive items
Crimson heads and the fuel can mechanic
Graveyard and Crypt + death mask puzzle
1F corridor behind Kenneth's body and the 2F area above it is new
Armor key puzzle room
Balcony with the dog whistle
The entire path to Lisa's cabin and the graveyard with the magnum is brand new
Aqua ring is completely different
Yawn pt 2 fight is in an expanded library now
Caves are much bigger with new areas
Lisa boss fight arena under the main hall
That's just the big ones off the top of my head. There's tons of smaller changes in puzzles and item placement and other miscellaneous things that aren't worth explaining to some faggot that's never played either game anyway.
I'm probably in a tiny minority that actually prefers the original RE to the Remake. The Remake is a great game, but the OG is a tighter, more focused game and the story works perfectly fine as a stand alone title. Lisa adds basically nothing to the game except to pad out a few sections and I dislike how some of the files reference garbage from later games like the Progenitor virus and the Ashfords. Wesker's canon death should have been getting gutted by a chimera in the lab too, but you can't even get that outcome in the Remake anymore.
You haven't specified what new content constitutes 50% of the game in RE:make. It has one new area, the backyard. That's it. Aside from the crimson heads and the obvious visual overhaul, it's the same cunting game down to the boss encounters.
Again, if you haven't played both versions, don't make stupid statements for attention. Also stop trying to save face, it's embarrassing. You've already proven you don't know what you're talking about and this is an anonymous board.
Wow, that's like, 5% of the fucking game you idiotic cunt. And you had to google all of that shit for nothing. The majority of the game progresses exactly the fucking same as the original, what a surprise.
How do you live like this?
Just blast away all the ones really blocking your path, especially if it is your 1st playthrough. There is enough ammo to go by if you explore corners.
>It has one new area, the backyard.
You just keep digging yourself into an ever deeper hole, kiddo.
>Again, if you haven't played both versions,
bla bla bla read the thred:
>You just keep digging yourself into an ever deeper hole, kiddo.
The truth is never a hole, and exposing posers like you is no burden at all. You probably watched a let's play of one of the games and now you deem yourself an expert.
Stop trying so hard, kid.
Dickheads will tell you to look at guides. I will tell you to start on Hiking as Jill and be prepared to replay the game on higher difficulties to really get full enjoyment out of the game. Mastery is where enjoyment is found with this game and youre going to have to replay it to that anyways so might as well take it easy on yourself so as to learn to the gist of where you need to head on repeat playthroughs.
Thank you for your autobiography.
Now, go play the games. They're actually pretty gud.