aged like milk
Aged like milk
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Unironically better then the newer stuff and I actually enjoy some of the new stuff as well. 2016 Was my first DOOM but the originals seriously get the idea that the constant battles and hidden secrets are actually really fun.
Argument? No probably not.
no u
Do you mean the controls? It unironically plays better with a controller, probably the only shooter that does so.
If you're just talking about the graphics, you're an idiot. But level design is kinda dated, I'll admit.
I just played some Plutonia a few hours ago and it aged like a fine wine.
>Level design is kinda dated
How so? I mean i get some levels suck in retrospective but modern Doom 1/2 wads have better and good level design how is Doom level design inherently dated? Fuck modern video games have little to no level design.
I played Wolfenstein 3D for hundreds of hours growing up to the point where I can remember every secret and enemy placement. I played Doom for the first time last year, and absolutely loved it. I'm not a fan of some of the levels, but the base gameplay is great. You just have shit taste, OP.
You know a game is garbage when people tell you to play on sourceport with mods
No one says to play Mario with mods and you know why? Cause the basic gameplay is timeless and good unlike DOOM
well yes of course it doesn't compare to the games of today in terms of engine, graphics, programming, physics, etc.
but if you can't appreciate old media for its own merits despite knowing it to be old then you're a sub-90 IQ moron. you look at old paintings by past masters and spurn them for their lack of contemporaneousness, ignoring completely the subtle intricacies the painter used, their style etc? how about old movies? you just completely discard the acting, direction, script and aesthetic because cameras nowadays shoot in colour?
>can't adapt or learn different thing
>"Ugh, this aged poorly, ugh, this is overrated"
I just played it, its really fun and it holds up really well tbqhwyf
I think the maze-like structure of some of the levels doesn't hold up when a lot of the areas look the same. Just personal preference though.
It still has a very active modding scene to this day for a reason. Doom is literally nectar from the Gods in video game form.
fuck off nintendobaby people still play the base game
>maze-like structure
>a lot of the areas look the same
This is why you shouldn't play modern FPS too much, it rots your brain.
>"the maps in doom2 were just mazes, and mazes aren't fun. It's just bad game design to hide the core gameplay (the combat) behind navigating a confusing, nonsensical map."
And 99% of people dont, your point?
Does Yas Forums still ever have party Yas Forumsan nights with that Megaman deathmatch mod? That shit was surprisingly fun.
Yeah a variety of visuals is bad, all levels should be brown flat empty rooms with the same repeating textures
This wont rot the brain amirite
Well, they do look the same, and understandably so since it's an older game where it was common to just use the same textures everywhere. But I don't play modern fps
A number of people play NES games with an Xbox controller and features that remove slowdown and sprite flickering.
That's because the game cannot be run natively on windows with dosbox or a source port you fucking retard. Source ports just give much greater convenience on modern OS.
>my ass
If you only like Doom because of mods then you never liked the game just like some Skyrimfags are just coomerfags
Not dated. Level design in classic doom is extremely polished and complex.
Sure tard, im sure its just to run on modern OS, and not to fix the garbage game that lacks vertical aim
>N-no ur wrong! UR WRONG! MUH VERTICLE AIM!!
>it's not popular so that means it's bad
filename related fag
it control like any modern fps because the dev released the code and the code is easy to understand
the levels are of unequal quality some are really bad some really good
lol, look at this baby boi, never played doom on his life. isn't that cute?
I like the base game and mods retard
Complex is only good if it adds challenge or points of interest. Doom level complexity is just tedious more than it is anything else. Older RE games do a better job of balancing this, but I guess that's easier when they only have like 3 levels per game
yeah that's kind of what I mean, there are some good mixed with some bad
Wow compelling argument, you stuttered and said muh so I concede
So if its good why dont newer games have no vertical aim on, oh right cause its outdated
> Doom lost goty to Mortal Kombat
> Doom II never got a single vote, since FF6 was the unanimous winner
> Doom III only got two goty awards, lost to Half-Life 2
> Doom IV lost to Overwatch & Uncharted
> Doom V is going to lose to Persona 5 Royal
Just a tip user: doing the muh vertical aim argument makes it way too obvious you're just baiting. Doom doesn't need vertical aiming so that in no way detracts from the experience.
Man, couldn't be bothered to read even a little of the image huh? Completely ignored the part that says "Okay, I played some doom, now i want to play some fucking mods"?
People here get dumber and more reactionary every fucking day. Disgusting knuckle dragger
No you don't because you just seems to like to shit on basefags as if the vanilla version was inferior and the modded versions superior you faggot.
nudoom is more like quake you idiot
Yeah superman 64 doesnt need good controls, it detracts from the experience
Why do you defend outdated design that will never be used again
You know your argument is thin when the biggest point you have against a game is that it has too much content.
Mods recommended by people with a brain are just levels (new maps). These doesn't change the base game at all so it's still just Doom.
>putting words in my post
Yeah look how great these environments are, totally memorable this is the 4th level right or was it the 7th? 9th?
It's unironically the most influential on the genre tho
>fuck off nintendobaby people still play the base game
>putting words
Take your pills schizo.
Mario's design is outdated yet you had no trouble using that as an example of a good game in one of your earlier posts. Of course newer FPS games should have vertical aiming. But Doom was designed in a way that doesn't need it to work just fine.
LOL bet you like Skyrim retard cause muh polish the turd
>Doom level design
>saying it doesn't adds challange or points of interest
Are you really a try harder isn't you?
Doom level design is only "tedious" if you are a complete idiot without any sense of direction.
The best source port is chocolate doom, which is a 1:1 port of the dos game. The only reason to play it over the dos release is for compatibility on modern hardware.
Its a image i pulled from google retard, you really look at filename and get upset over something so irrelevant to the conversation
hahaha put effort on your baits dude
>this is the 4th level right or was it the 7th? 9th?
okey dude
Influential =/= best
Not necessarily but in this case yes.
No, I wouldn't say your point is valid, as I never got lost in Doom. It's just tedious to run around some of the more samey-levels looking for a keycard.
As I said, that's just a matter of personal preference. I don't care if it makes you mad that I don't like it.
True but Doom 1 happens to be both.
what base and vanilla are the same thing idiot
Wrong you need sourceport to make this trash playable, even retards defend no vertical aim