Are they right?
Are they right?
Other urls found in this thread:
no, one of these games doesnt even exist
none of whats on the right is true, actually impressive
>Ellie has a pet dog
i thought that i would love the witcher 3 but never got to play it until recently
i have now played witcher 3 and it was the most boring experience i had in recent memory, literally forced myself to play it
so it goes like this
>the majority of people like it because they can understand it
>a lot of people understand it=it's simple and for the masses
>it's shit
>loved bioshock 1 and 2 and when 3 came out everyone praised it like it was the best game to have been ever created
>totally hyped
>played it
>literally nothing about it is bioshock
>it's shit
>the last of us
>best game ever
>11/10 out the ass
>literally everyone likes it
>play it
>just another 3rd person shooter with literally nothing that makes it better than any other AAA 3rd person shooter
can you imagine a game with witcher 3 gameplay, but literally no story?
same goes for the last of us. it's just another "omg you go girl! my waifu! shakespearean storytelling! WOW AMAZING"
Lmao you can't even buy the sony movie
I can't tell if he is right because half his image is cut off you dumb cunt.
exactly what i was thinking.
>soulless crash grab remake
Crapcom can’t make another GnG, BoF, Dino Crisis, decent Capcom new all star evolution and that Deep action horror from 2013..
Why can't they understand that adding a shitload of words doesn't make something funny?
>needing to money for a game
>Released, playable
this is your brain on Sony cum
The virgin vs chad meme got severely raped from it's intended meaning.
extremely low quality thread
infinite shits over 1 and 2 easily
your taste is garbage
Alright gamer
gamer is our word
you can say gama
How can one man be so mistaken?
Chad & Virgin should be hung up in museums as the perfect example of normalfags ruining and completely missing the point of memes
>Console loyalist
>Super smart enemy AI
no u
With the way VvsC was originally formatted, shouldn't the roles be reversed?
Also, RE3 has a literal chad
>Ellie has a pet dog
>Virgin: thing i dont like
>Chad: thing i like
another valuable twitter screencap thread
I mean, it could be pulled off if worded well enough, but when it's clearly a pseudo advertisement or actually filled with vitriol it's not funny.
>throbbing community
lmao sony fanboy levels of literacy
Do you think op will get a warning?
Saving this shit for psychological study on Snöys brain
Why do we keep using Wojack if literally everyone else is using it? Isn't this the point where we stop and use something else before they catch on again?
if you knew anything youd know
A) there is no "we" except for the extremely large group of "people staring at Yas Forums right now"
B) the people using wojak here aren't part of the ephemeral "people who belong here" subset of "people staring at Yas Forums right now"
and C) it doesn't matter anyway because the problem at its core isnt the meme but the fact that there isnt anyway to gatekeep an anonymous, open board which was once a strength when it was relatively small-time and normies didn't learn what the internet was but is now a massive detriment as freedom has only engendered the dumbest among us to actively participate with whatever shitpost their heart desires
theres also the whole "idiots mistaking their company" effect as well as the ideologically retarded waging their culture war everywhere that people don't want it. i just wanna get off the ride
I'd rather buy 10 copies of r3make than tlou2.
you can't name one thing infinite does better than 1 and 2
>game get cancelled
At least Capcom delivers its shit
>buying games
I had more fun with RE2 than I have ever had playing a Sony first party game, except maybe Gran Turismo 4
I don't want either. RE3 looks worse than 2 and Tlou is a shitty movie.
Same shit different skin
elizabeth is v cute
I will play neither
>7 years
It's called development Hell.
>twitter screencap
>virgin vs. chad format used as "thing i like good"
Hope you transmit corona to your older family members dude.
>you bad vs me good
Virgin vs Chad used to mean something.
It's actually harmful to keep a game in development for that long, look at duke nukem forever.
Damn, not even a year and the internet already turned on Resident Evil. holy shit.
bitch how is some retard on twitter equivalent to "the internet"
It confirms his bias against the game
Both games seem crap. Already played TLOU and REmake2. What's the point?
Are you just blind? All over twitter and youtube people are calling it trash or a huge disappointing and spouting other shit.
No? It looks fine to me and fun, you can still acknowledge its flaws. I'm gonna enjoy it but from what i've seen a lot of twitterfags and youtubers are really seething over it.
>anecdotal evidence
Here's what people have to say about it, sorted by latest. Most talking about it are excited.
You'll find it's an extremely small minority of ""people"" who are actually petty enough to actively hate a game online.
sonygroids cant meme for shit
Most games that keep in development for so long get rebooted, so development isn't even half that.
Final Fantasy XV for example. And Halo Infinite seems like it's the same thing.
>Buying The Last of Us 2
oh no bros someone tell him
next years the april fools prank will be applying every rule all the time
New guy here kind of unrelated but.
>Look at Resistance beta steam reviews
These faggots would hate RE3 mercs since it was essentially HUNK but it's incentivized killing while speedrunning.
All the legit bad reviews are from netcode related issues and not from the games itself being bad.
It's fucking sad how nostalgiatards and people that just regurgitate shit from Yas Forums just have to open their mouths.
I doubt 80% of the people bitching about Outbreak ever even touched the online portion due to multi tap bullshit.
The meme has been used wrong in the very first edit. It should have been virgin doing shit that is awkward but relatable. Chad would be doing the exact opposite and extremely exagerated. But normalsfags have to ruin everything.
>>anecdotal evidence
Fair enough, it just feels like every fucking eceleb is going out of there way to say how disappointing it is but never saying like "it's not a bad game tho just not as good as REMAKE2"
I've been wondering this myself actually. Everyone praises the Uncharted games, 2 and sometimes 4 specifically, but they're so lame. It's just one action sequence after another, the combat, puzzles, characters, and story has no depth to it.
I can't say the Naughty Dog games are good after playing something like MGS or DMC.
I am a fan of the "Virgin is shitty thing but Chad is shitty thing I like so I list the flaws as positives" because it shows someone can take a fucking joke and admit the thing they like has flaws.
It's almost like people considered RE2 to be above RE3 for the last 2 decades or something and remaking both the games would garner similar results.
It's absolutely shocking to me that everyone that seems to be interested in these new RE games seemingly never bothered discussing the series on Yas Forums until a year or two ago.
>Ellie has a pet dog