Is Dark Souls the Dark Souls of video games?

Is Dark Souls the Dark Souls of video games?

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I actually found dark souls 1 easier than every other souls entry, even demon souls, why does it get the special treatment???

>Not the version where he takes a quarter of a heart

dark souls isn't even dark souls

It was most people's first

Well Yas Forums?

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MHgenU here.
Dark Souls is for babies.

what was the first one you played?

Second Zelda is harder than any soulshit.
And any Zelda is harder than Bloodborn.

demon souls

Is a 6 month old too young to transition?

Imagine being in middle school and still not knowing which bathroom to use. (read: mental illness)


dark souls was the first one i played and the one i remember as being the hardest
demon souls was the last one and i thought it was pretty straight forward, i killed most bosses on my first try

And what the fuck is second zelda, you absolute dipshit?

I can't believe Zelda just assumed that skeletons gender.

Because souls games have never been about difficulty, rather that the world has a strict set of rules that you must follow or be punished. This in turns makes the game much more emergent as the player is simply interacting with the set of tools given to them, which in combination with the connected and nonlinear level design, is the appeal. It takes the concept of dnd dungeon dwelving and delivers an action-based experience that does justice to those concepts.

The "DARKSOULS IS SO HARD SHIT" started simply because it was a console game that didnt hold your hand, then darksouls ii doubled down on that for the sake of advertising. Darksouls III is just boss fights and the only souls games zoomers have played, so the meme of souls being about difficulty is spread further, and entirely because of the same audience who complains about "le souls is so hard"

This. Another reason why dark souls is not so hard as many people claim is that death is not really as punishing. You turn hollow, lose a bit of health but other than that you can just try again over and over.

zelda 2?

I'd honestly like to see a picture of the author.

Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link you tard

Ask, and ye shall receive

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The game littererly called the legend of zelda 2 you dumb shit.

Children should be allowed to transition but the issue are parents are too overzealous to make children transition. It should be entirely up to a board review of professional psychologist on the subject and not the primary guardian(s)

There's just too much at risk if you leave it up to the parent. I'd say the same thing about a child with early childhood schiztophrenia or ADHD. So many times you see parents over medicate children and fuck up their entire life.

I'm non-binary myself.

hong kong 97 is also harder than any souls
doesn't mean its good

I remember there was an alternate version of the meme with link having mutliple hearts, but I can't find it

>I'm non-binary myself.

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good read, id say its accurate

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Got a touch of the fetal alcohol syndrome.


You're a hermaphrodite?

>i'm non-binary myself
No, you're just a mentally ill attention whore. Kill yourself.

Why would Link get killed by a generic skeleton enemy? even Stalfos seem tougher than this

The idea of letting a board decide the entire life of a kid who can transition when they're actually adults is horrifying

so many institutions care so little about the people they're supposed to care of, why should the decision about completely and irreversibly change a child be left out of the parents hands and into the hands of an organization.

Trans people always talk about how turning into a woman during their adulthood was the best thing ever, and how they feel perfect in their body. why do you think that flipping the coin between ruining a kid's life or not is an acceptable risk when he can just grow up in a supportive environment that will allow him to transition when he's of actual age. and not just some stupid kid thing because little timmy likes to play barbies and everyone calls him gay and a girl now

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Hey retard no one actually gives a shit

>I'm non-binary myself.

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reddit plz go

I would like to point out exactly how far we've fallen where both of you are talking about "transitioning" as if it were a legitimate thing.

I disagree, here's my take on the dark souls system: it is centered around patience. There is some strategy (builds) but basically no tactics, like zero tactical choice, it's all muscle memory and patience.
You make a build then repeat the flowchart of what is optimal for that build, and for the whole game you are really playing with the balance of "risky but fun stuff" versus "safe but not fun" because, when you're good at the game, you're basically going to die either from straight up bullshit or because you're so bored out of your mind you tried to do something stupid.

what do you MEAN


I actually met a tranny once. Ironically ut was a transition unit (for crazy people and people who try to kill themselves, not the other kind of transition). Chick kept referring to her birth name as her "dead name" and got offended because I didn't know what a dead name was.

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Yeah, I want trans "people" to die.

How about we just let kids be fucking kids and let them figure it all out when they're older? Kids don't understand this stuff. They just do what they want to do and if it's a boy who wants pretend he's a girl, then you let him. When he gets older he can decide for himself how to define his identity.

If a child cannot legally consent to sex, alcohol consumption, driving, or smoking, then that person is too young to understand the concept and consequences of transitioning, which requires permanent physical and chemical mutilation.

Demon's Souls is dogshit

The only people who push it are sheep who follow whatever Matthewmatosis says

EVERY boss can be cheesed because it's programmed like shit

user, cut this shit out.
There does not exist a surgery or any amount of drugs that can turn men into women.
You can either choose to identify your sex correctly, or incorrectly.

>a game is shit because you can abuse mechanics to cheese it
you could just not do that you know

Ok how about this

To get the max upgrade materials you have a maximum or four chances to kill a lizard with an extremely low drop rate, and there are like ten different types for this max upgrade material level; if you miss them, say via not knowing about it LIKE HOW THE GAME DOESN'T MENTION you have fucked up and need to do it in NG+

Ah Yas Forums falling for the easiest of baits. Never change you niggers.

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somebody oneshot every single boss in das, it's programmed like shit.

it's not like you need max upgrades to reasonably beat the game, you learn stuff and can do it again better next time i've never played demon souls lmao

>trannyfags not mentioned in the picture
lol the guy who made this loves tranny feminine dick

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Ofcourse she did. The entire "movement" is very narcissistic and pay attention to me everyone! God forbid you fuck up these mutants pronouns

No kid gives a shit about this until maybe 16, the only thing I cared about from like 3-16 was a fucking on topic video game thread

I played Bloodborne and I found the same. Dark Souls is so much slower than Bloodborne, I steamrolled most of the game. I killed O+S and 4 Kingz on my first try.

Hardest parts:
1. Dick-ass Anor Londo archers
2. Manus, a legit very challenging boss if you don't cheese him, he holds up as tough to this day imo
3. Artorias, he's so aggressive compared to most of the game, he got me a few times

Actually it's called Zelda 2. It's infamous for being the only main game in the series without "the legend of zelda" in the title.