Remove VR from Half Life Alyx

>Remove VR from Half Life Alyx
>It's an objectively better experience


Attached: HLA.jpg (1280x720, 104.59K)

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it isnt
not that youll know since you didnt play it

Its really not shitposter-kun. Just wait for a proper Keyboard and mouse mod or do something productive for once and make it yourself.

Lmao it ain't, at least watch the bait before you post it

Attached: tumblr_pprrr3Vxar1solpxqo1_540.png (540x540, 246.7K)

>>It's an objectively better experience
improving on a walking sim with limited combat and brain dead puzzles doesn't say much tho.

That looks fucking horrible, user, stop reaching so hard for dank shitposts. It's a VR game and boy does it show with traditional controls. Wow, those unrigged hands permanently in front of my screen sure look good! VRcucks BTFO!

Attached: 1584859573502.png (288x273, 202.13K)

Pcbros on suicide watch.

>walking sim with combat and puzzles
is walking sim just a general term for "game i don't like in first person" now?

how is it better? the game isnt made for mouse +keyboard because its much slower paced and theres not a lot of shooting involved.

you faggots are dumb.

It would make the game even worse. The worst part about VR is it's dumbing down of speed and gameplay mechanics to accommodate with the waggling and motion sickness, a control mod is never gonna fix this. At least basic bitch shooting gameplay with braindead AI that stand still is still somewhat of a challenge with waggling controls.

Also at least post the Update video

>It's an objectively better experience
>can't even open the first door


Looks like shit my dude.
>hands and weapon are static, looks like shit when you're looking around and they just stay there all stiff like it's a hud
>still using teleport movement

Alyx will look like shit no matter what.

lol just buy a VR already, its the future of gaming anyway

>It's an objectively better experience
Without the VR it's a mediocre shooter

I don't really even care about HL games anymore.
The OST is fucking god-tier though, as with most Valve projects.

VR doesn't change that. And yes, I played it, fuck off, where are these hacks adding a level editor so at least I can play a remake of Antlion Troopers?

Why do we still do this, does it even upset anyone anymore?

Yas Forums is filled with smug 15 year olds.

>quarantine is the true infinite summer

>>It's an objectively better experience
Even the people making the mod say it is not.
Also, how are you gonna experience a game that finally made VR good, without VR? You're gonna play it, in a clunky way, but you're not experiencing what makes it stand out.

Why would anyone do that, just because they're too poor to afford a VR set?

Pretty much. My brothers school year has been cancelled. So Yas Forums is most likely being filled with teenagers with nothing better to do in quarantine.

Why am i still here. Why are you still here. What are we doing with our lives

>thought it was a 15 minute troll video
>check the comments
>everyone's completely serious
Am I being fucked with?

>just because they're too poor to afford a VR set?

Just started it last night with VR. It's good to see VR get a decent budget, and is pretty fun. Taking away the VR is like saying "HA! you might be using a car, but I found that if I put wheels on this peice of wood, I too can go down hills without moving my legs!"
The salt from people who cant enjoy it from a VR perspective is retarded. I understand not being able to afford it. That's a valid enough reason. But to say "it's better without VR!" Is just grapes all day.

You're using the wrong word again retard, its SUBJECTIVELY, cuz OBJECTIVELY it becomes generic and boring, only SUBJECTIVELY better.
Each their own in other words you poorfaggot that can't affort 200$ for VR

This looks like SHIT

wow its like im really playing first person QWOP lol this shit looks unplayable without VR


Attached: vr_numbers.png (1747x859, 83.51K)

>literally can't progress through a scripted event at the end of a video

something i don't get : i thgouth the goal of vr was to make things more immersive.

They were calling it a railshooter before
Words don't have any meaning anymore, expected considering 90% of the site is ESL now

>it's an indian
Why are Indians so good at computers bros?

there is running
you get two options, teleport and run
The reason why is because some people get motion sickness with the run option, i usually have to play with teleport controls on vr games because of this

Attached: 1523122513898.jpg (944x720, 105.79K)

hlvr_continuous_normal_speed 150
hlvr_continuous_combat_speed 150

jesus, you are telling me that VR is flawed at its core and can't even do what it was meant to be?


>cant even walk normally

op is a faggot as usual

>The reason why is because some people get motion sickness with the run option
Retarded nonargument by HLA shills. Everyone experiences motion sickness of any kind the first few times when you play VR. What do you do after? You adapt and get use to it. What, so you're saying you don't get motion sick when you "run" in Alyx but there's absolutely no way that anyone can not get motion sick from an OPTIONAL sprinting mechanic? Why not? Pavlov has it. BW has it. B+S has it. A lot of games that have been in development for years have it. But suddenly it shouldn't be done because the devs for HLA were too lazy to add it to the game? Ridiculous.

The lengths HLA shills will go to defend their shitty game.


Address me directly, coward.


Hold up
So there is running in VR version, but the poo kept teleporting for his m+kb mod? Why?
Can't he emulate the run with the wasd?

>How to play Alyx without VR
>"Can't move using the keyboard...Can't perform certain tasks...Certain tasks have to be skipped using noclip/mouse4...most tasks require you to use noclip to progress further...No hands, so can't open doors, press buttons, etc"
Doesn't sound like you're really playing it then

Attached: 1.png (994x498, 841.73K)

I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt

That's a great question, the smooth moving capability is all there. Even for doing jumping sections, except for a few instances.

You afraid yet shills?

This VRlet cope is one the best things I've seen in a while. They're coping so hard they've literally gone insane.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the game. It's been a blast. I will say it wouldn't have been the same if played on M + KB


pic related

Attached: me.jpg (1333x2000, 305.18K)

>video is made by Unreal Academy
>Epic Games Store is the only thing on the desktop
>literally made by one of Tim Sweeney's employees

W O W.
Epic's hatred of Valve is so real.

Attached: 1555773083013.jpg (900x504, 140.84K)

thats because op is a retard that think the mod is even close to being complete when the guy making it say himself that his mod is in alpha at this point

Good boy. Know your place, shill. Beneath my boot of justice.
My posse is here. What's up, pets?

>hey guys lets convert WII U call of duty onto the PC
>its totally better on the pc bro! console fags lose again hehe

First person shooters aren't flawed because they make my mom motion sick. Similarly, VR shooters aren't flawed just because they make certain anons sick. A fair amount of people can play stuff like Alyx and Boneworks (which is more likely to cause motion sickness) without any problems.

are there people on here that are still unironically poor?

lmao @ you

Is uh
XP Pajeet
And I


I am

Will show
Yewww uh

Today in my
Video I can show

How to
Play the
VR game
With the

So open
Up word pad
And uh
That’s it
Please do the needful

I'm sure with the release of the SDK there will be a mod that completely changes Alyx to work on desktop. Get the new guns working, Penumbra style interaction for opening drawers, new 2D lock puzzles, etc.

It would still feel boring and small on desktop though.