Why does The Last of Us trigger Yas Forums so badly?

Why does The Last of Us trigger Yas Forums so badly?

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Seven years

Because it's pandering forced shit.

Because it has progressive values (which is what we need in this day and age) and has a compelling story featuring a female characters so of course its "nnnOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CANT HAVE A FEMALE AS A MC IN ONE OF THE GREATEST STORY DRIVEN GAMES OF ALL TIME THATS NOT ALLOWED" well you get the point, its just blatant sexism


>movie game
>full of cliches
>panders even more to SJW now

Gee, I dont know, fuckface

it's a painfully average game with pretty graphics being paraded as some kind of masterpiece.

Because it was a huge success when Yas Forums wanted it to fail.

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>movie game
>be me, playing movie game
>put down controller, nothing happens
wtf Yas Forums you lied to me

because the game looks boring and the characters look gross

It doesn't.


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I don't care about this game, I just like to see the Snoyniggers cry.

There are several exclusives first party game should not be hated due to exclusivity.
>movie game
Oh no, the game has cutscenes
>full of cliches
Like almost every other game
>panders even more to SJW now
Oh no, it doesn't pander to me alone!

this is the whole truth, if you like games, you don´t care for this. if you like modern movies and the latest shit social media dictates, you gonna love this game.
it´s not butthurt about this game, it´s more a headache how much Yas Forums is swarmed with normies nowadays.

It's kind of boring and I dont like Ellie because she is an asshat

take it to faglord

>progressive values
Like prolapsed assholes and islamic terrorism

Because it's popular

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It came out when the Wii U was bombing.

I disliked the whole (not-)Zombie Apocalypse fad that was going on for a while, it seems to slowed down no, but boy was it some annoying shit, especially this game since my sister kept trying to shill it on me.

It's a boring hiding behind waist high walls shootan that dumbfucks think is some amazing work, it's pure 00s dreck, might as well call them noughties dog

Hating something because its exclusive would imply others want it.

better than the alternative.

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>average game
I wish all games were as average as tlou then

The Last of Us is almost ten years old.

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Soulless. I know it's a buzzword but it's the most accurate from all of them.

ok retard

the first game had lot of soul on its characters tho

this. reviewers review their feelings, not the game mechanics. tlou is very emotionally manipulative, showing kids dying and shit. actual game itself has boring puzzles, terrible stealth, mediocre shooting, etc

stop asking questions you already know the answers to. Only low iq mongrels do that.

They are, it doesn't do anything special

These dykes will eventually have to put out to keep the species going

I have never bothered with these games.

>Because it's pandering forced shit.
>And also i actually hate women, i just pretend i dont

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Because it's not a game made by people who like video games, but it's designed by a committee and market research data.

They are, you just don't see them because they're not made by Naughty Dog™

Yas Forums has been REEEEEEEEEing over TLoU for nearly a decade. All that time wasted seething over a game isn't healthy.

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Because it's a bunch of stuff ripped off from superior sources mashed together into a "game" that wants to be a movie in the worst way, and people act like it's the second coming of christ because they've never been a fan of the things that it rips off, and they're blinded by the admittedly high level of polish. Not to mention this marked the point when Druckman ran Amy Hennig out of ND, and they started taking themselves way too seriously.

It's PS4 exclusive, so pirates and children can't play it.

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I hate women for real. All women are whores, and deserve to be raped to death.

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You're lying to yourself if you think TLoU's gameplay is innovative or profound in any capacity. It's a pretty simple thirdperson cover shooter that holds your hand in almost every capacity. Unless you play in grounded for the damage modifiers, the only thing astounding about the gameplay itself is Naughty Dog's continued attention to detail regarding animations.

The story is the only remarkable aspect of TLoU, but even then, it's a pretty simple drama featuring a father-daughter dynamic. It's not bad, I think the story's fine, but I've never understood its status and Druckmann's insistence on touting it as the best piece of literature to ever touch the video game industry just makes it annoying. While plenty of great games might not try to be as dramatic as TLoU, they certainly try to appeal to different crowds and actually do something with their stories that can't be done in other mediums, whereas this is the epitome of a movie game, which is why I'm sure it will translate well as a TV show if they decide to focus on Joel and Ellie.

Because they thought they won, PS3 almost went its whole life without any games but then just before the PS4 came out it finally got one. Now they have to cope and tell themselves it's not a game.

And this is why the industry is going to shit.

I enjoyed the first game but I have absolutely no interest in 2. It's been in development forever and looks like pure moviegame trash.

If it's popular and universally accepted to be good, Yas Forums will hate it and cry about it daily. See BoTW as well.

Because it has all the elements of an "American dream game"
>Guns and bullets
>You are always the victim
>Everywhere you go has some kind of raider problem waiting for you and your gun buddy to solve
>Guilt-free murdering / genocide
>Solve everything by violence
Its a retarded sales-guaranteed formula for the American audiences

Not really, for something in the horror genre characters like that are incredibly common.
As for the plot itself, I'm pretty sure nu-simpsons managed to pull it off better.

user, children are Sony's main demographic.

Playstation game
Simple as

I was hardcore into zombies during the 00s, due to a combination of seeing Return of the Living Dead on Monstervision, playing the OG RE games, and getting into the Walking Dead comic early on, but I was very done with it by the time TWD show and TLoU were a thing.

Idk but I want to fuck sarah

The plot is basically "The Road meets The Walking Dead". It's really nothing spectacular.

She's so overused in SFM.

PS3 unironically has the best library of its gen. Wii has some amazing games but 95% shovelware, and Xbox has all the dudebro shit with a fee exceptions like Lost Odyssey. Its just shit you cant play any ps3 games on ps4

Could be worse
Clem is overused AND hideous.
Sherry and Sunny are the best girls

Look at this picture, out of all of the games that have won GOTY. TLOU, Uncharted & God of War are objectively the worst ones

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I played it with my gf that doesn't play much vidya, and even she felt like it was much more like a movie than a video game.


Sony exclusive. This board is a joke. I only come here to shitpost past 2012.

I love the PS3 so much
The PS4 has been a disappointment to me by comparison. Unpopular opinion, but I really do think the PS3 gen was the best Playstation gen thus far

The Road is far more bleak and horrifying than the movie, so likening TLoU to The Road is giving it too much credit, but yeah, like I said, the story's all right. It just stands out amongst games in general because it's a AAA game focused on characters and character drama without trying to do a larger, grander story.