It's going to be delayed

It's going to be delayed

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Other urls found in this thread:

No it won't because I don't have anything else to live for. Besides if it were why would they announce the release date just last week? So shut the fuck up.

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They should just release it right now.
No reason to wait two months.

>No reason to wait two months.
They might still be working on it

yeah ok sure. see you on may 29.

Its not how it works. Games are finished months before actual release date.

I wonder if the Monado III will be a reddish orange color this time around, instead of blue? Ontos core is seemingly said color as of XB1D, after all.

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Its already up for preload retard

It would have already been delayed you fucking moron.

Can we get this but in higher resolution or something, and with the complete Pneuma core?
It'll be fine, and there's no reason to think otherwise

Sony just delayed TLOU2 the same date. Why wouldnt a switch game with even less manufacturing availability for a cart be delayed

I'm really not feeling it

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That's the only logical conclusion, yes

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Not him, but they did say release dates may vary due to the recent pandemic. I don't think it's going to be delayed for months on end or anything if that is the case, though.
Different companies

it looks dogshit compared to xc2


They delayed TLO2 AGAIN? Might as well make it a PS5 launch game at this point.

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So this is just a snoy cope thread?

>wait to announce a release date until the games one month out

>preload available


Nintendo would rather just send it out to die. Print 170 copies, make sure no one can buy it, never ever reprint it. That's what's going to happen.


If Definitive looks this good, I can't imagine how based XB3 will look

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>Nintendo would rather just send it out to die.

The games going to sell gangbusters. The Coronavirus and Quarantine is doing fucking insane numbers for Nintendo right now.

If they were going to delay it, it would've been delayed at the direct
The thing's practically already done, all that's left is some patches and making sure the thing is in shipping order, which granted now is easier said than done.

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>Things that aren't going to happen the post
Why delude yourself so hard

Will I be fucked by waiting and picking it up from Wally world on release day? I don't trust preorders with all this corona bullshit, but I need it day 1 and XB1 is the only Xeno I don't own so digital isn't an option.

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I like how the Monado changes colors, depending on the Art being used. It'll look more defined in XB1D now, though.

Why wouldn't you order it from Amazon like anyone does in the XXIst century?

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Game will be fine, remember that last financial crash Nintendo utterly dominated with the Wii.
Sony spent 150 million on TLOU so they're terrified of it bombing.

this isn't the wii era anymore. if people can't find it physical, they'll just buy it digital

Now there's a question.
What do you think we'll see next? XB3? XBX2? Or the new IP?

I don't understand why people on Yas Forums make up such stupid fucking shit. Do you truly honestly believe what you just typed out? Do you think this game isn't going to sell or Nintendo is going to kill it?

What is it with Nintendo Blunderfags that keeps them doing this stupid shit.

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But during the last financial crash, even though the Wii was selling gangbusters in 2008 and 2009, the stock price still crashed. i was waiting since 4 or 5 years for a new crash, and now that we have it, the stock is mooning. It's not fucking fair.

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Maybe for physical version. But digitally is still a go.

>really wanna get that fucking collectors set
>paranoid and don't wanna risk it with corna-chan
I hate this

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Pneuma a cute. I hope Takahashi goes ham with the mecha and space shit in the new ending.

I'll repost exactly as I said it in the last thread a few hours ago:
Considering that so far
- There's a suspicious portal/distortion
- There's already a connection between Earth/Alrest and Shulk's world symbolized by what Klaus is going through
- They decided to remake XC1 for a reason
- AND decided to make a brand new follow up chapter
- AND is called Futures Connected
I think the chances are pretty high it's tying things even more with XC2. It could be also a setup for XC3. I'd even say it's both: tying up with XC2, and linking them both to XC3.

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>TLOU2 got delayed
>PS4 barely has any fucking games at all
>Dying console
>PS5 is supposed to be shoved out... sometime this year? Likely for 500 dollars
>Some 4k shit, and marginally better graphics, repeat cycle again, no games even announced yet but some stupid shit at the game awards

>make constant threads shitting on Nintendo that's actually releasing games

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Buy it, once you receive it, use gloves and put the cartridge in your Switch, then leave the box in some corner for a few days, wash hands just to be sure, and there it is.

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Amazon doesn't do a discount for preorders anymore and like I said, I'm worried day-1 shipping won't be guaranteed with the corona fuckery.
I plan on checking Walmart first since I live near one, but if I have no luck there I got a Target, Rockstop and Best Buy a little ways out. Surely one of them will have it right?

See on one hand I don't care much for collector's trinkets, but the fact that the artbook will probably have some lore has me tempted. Might see if I can preorder it for pickup from fucking Gamestop.

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They always underprint everything anyway, now combine that with actual unavoidable world problems and you know I'm right. You're going to see a shitload of
>Why can't I find this game anywhere? It just fucking came out?
and Nintendo just going
>lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
like they don't know what they did. And fanboys going
>Wow this game is sold out everywhere! It must be really popular!
like they don't know exactly what Nintendo did.

Animal Crossing Switch consoles. Cope.

It feels like things are being setup for XB3, due to this "Future Connected" business, plus the general choice to work on XB1D in general. There's also that new IP that has supposedly been in the works since 2017 or so, which we might just find out about sometime this year. I can't see XBX2 happening anytime soon, though. It will happen, eventually. Takahashi already said he wanted to make a sequel happen, and I see no reason why it can't. I'm a little worried about X1's situation, but meh.

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Collectors Edition is already selling out like a bitch, so yeah

this, have you seen what they're scalping switches for on amazon right now? all of the work at home techfags are playing video games and jerking off to anime girls all day

Do people think Corona just sticks to objects or something

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Or you can just spray it with disinfectant.
I mean, it's sealed, and I really doubt that the inner contents will be contaminated, though if you really are gonna be that way, go ahead.

It survived in a cruise ship for 17 days on surfaces

I've done the exact opposite. I've either been outside, smoking weed, or working out. Gaming is just for midnight boredom

If it's like any CE editions artbooks so far, don't expect lore, unless you're referring to the picture themselves that could contain lore on their own. Considering how XC2's artbook sold gangbusters and was out of print multiple times, I fully expect a properly sized artbook for XC1DE. Don't expect an international release though.

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the game's already done. So was TLoU2, it was delayed to account for the multiplayer being added later

Alvis' necklace used to be a key, I guess they really wanted to enforce that connection between 1 and 2.

Boost your immune system, friend. If you aren't a boomer, or someone who snacks on junk all day, you'll survive

Bros I don't even see a pre-order page anywhere for the XE:DE Collector's Edition

Where are you seeing it sold out at?

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Apparently so many people are grabbing the CE, that they're pulling down pre order pages and shit. I don't know what's really popping off, though. I could truthfully care less about the collection, though. I'm just going to snag the Kosmos figure, Siren Kit, and XB1D. I'll wait for someone to scan the artbook, then I'll download it since that's the only thing I care for.

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it's detectable for 17 days, ie the proteins take that long to degrade. The virus 'dies' (degrades enough that it no longer poses infectious hazard) in about 3-4 days on nonporous surfaces, 24-36 hours on porous ones (ie corrugated cardboard)

I have the special edition artbook that came with the game for Wii and I want the CE for this version.

I'm missing the CE for XC2 but I have the big box CE for XCX

For Europe, Nintendo UK Store, GAME, 365Games, Amazon UK, to name a few.

Actually, GAME has it in stock, and it's not an inflated price.

i want the real artbook though, also want the soundtrack but i'll just pirate that because fuck them for not including it with the NA collector's edition.

Of course if the vinyl monado record is infected it will definitely infect you through the soundwaves when you play it.

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Well Alvis has just about every necessary flag available for him to be identified as Ontos. The Zohar necklace was just a slap in the face for all the people who denied it. I wonder if they'll change the entirety of the ending, and have him refer to himself as Ontos or something. If not, they could simply make the Experiment scene resemble XB2's, and have his true form resemble his actual Zohar Core Crystal, so they don't have to bother with recording new dialogue.

Speaking of figs, the preorder window for both rerelease of Pyra and Mythra on GSC's website indeed closed off on April 1st. Still available on Amiami, but probably not for long. Still not sure if I should've gotten KOS-MOS or not. I'm more of a Ver.4 man myself.

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Ok, should i continue my play on 3DS or wait for this and start over?

Definitely wait, 3DS version is subpar

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Well it's not like they can't rehire him.
Don't know the actor's name, but he also voices Angelo from Dragon Quest VIII, and they recorded new lines for everyone in the 3DS version.

XB2 was already tied up. I think this is just a setup for the connection of both worlds proper. Which will then lead to Earth being an entirely new world for XB3. With all this connection business happening, I can't see the game not taking place on Earth. I'd just want it to be a century or two later, so the world can properly develop.

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>Likely for 500 dollars
ha you fucking wish snoyboy

Agreed, wait for the Switch version.
3DS version isn't worth playing to begin with, no part of it is an improved experience with many parts being outright inferior.

Amazon UK never went up for preorder. The page exists but it's always been currently unavailable.

Xenosaga 1+2+3 for Switch

Wii version is 100x better than 3DS so if you can play that on Dolphin or a Wii U

I'm not a sony fan. I'm also super confused.

Are you saying 500 is too high or too low?

What's the "you fucking wish" part of that statement?

No, I legit hope it ships but I am worried

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Definitely not any time soon

Episode IV soon, Sagabros

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no shit? learn what a fomite is

Damn that sucks dick, but I don't really care for either. Now if they drop a Pneuma figure, I'll be on that shit. It makes me wonder if they'll make figures for Mecha Fiora, and Melia for XB1D's release.

how can a remake be delayed?
it already came out a few years ago
check and checkmate :-)

Don't do that
Don't make me wish for things that won't happen/

If Bandai were to ever give Takahashi the rights for Xenosaga again, I guarantee you it'd be drastically different from what it was. There'd be a lot more nuance, and I imagine he'd tone down all the plot clustered everywhere.


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Bend the fuck over, and take this Corona dick

Delayed? We ordered room service an hour ago.

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Many things never happen I'm afraid.

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I wish this got translated, but every fan group that attempted to work on it, dropped it.

>it looks dogshit compared to xc2
I know you're just shitposting because it obviously looks better, but why do you say that?

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>he doesn't own it already
Lets see those Xeno collections, anons.
You DO own the games, RIGHT?
I have Gears too but I lent it to a friend. Just need 1DE to round out my collection.

>get hype after seeing that post from 2014 with english screenshots
>keep checking every month for 4 years until the website went down
>never a single update
Don't remind me.

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