Why is there so much negativity surrounding VII REMAKE in this board?

Why is there so much negativity surrounding VII REMAKE in this board?

I wanna know

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I don't know why this is a surprise. Even if the remake was perfect people would still be screaming SOUL VS SOULESS and making twenty page essays about it.

Yas Forums is mad that Nomura did the impossible and made a good singleplayer final fantasy which hasn't been done in the past 10 years

Its an obvious quick cashgrab with no real effort put into it.

new thing=BAD

People saw the assets texture and started to hypebole that into everything else
I agree that the assests are terrible. Nobody denies that. Except that the rest looks great. The gameplay is fun, the music is good, character interactions are great, and so far people who have played the game say its pretty good
Hopefully we get a day 1 patch for those assets though, they are way too bad and notorious. If not, well, PC version was coming anyway

so vague.

What assets?

>getting 1/3rd of a game for the price of a whole game
yeah I wonder

ps4 exclusive

Cloud loves Aeris

>not even out yet
>it's totally good guys, trust me

im not sure about ff7 but this trend of remaking games pretty lame.
>we have no original ideas and can cash cow the same game from 20 years ago with half the content and 0% of the soul

Its a limited scope action spin off being marketed as if its a proper remake of FF7. Its no different from that Vincent spin off they made for the PS2 except this time they've hit on a better marketing ploy.

Oh I know they claim they're going to make additional parts to tell the whole story, but with how long it took for this project to actually arrive does anyone really believe that? Meanwhile Nintendo is going to deliver a faithful upgrade of Xenoblade Chronicles that plays like the original with extra content on top of the full original game. Which just makes this whole thing leave a bad taste in my mouth.

I'll be interested when we get a full featured and faithful upgrade of FF7.

How do I get a qt white cosplayer gf?

That's the least used criticism about it though. Most of the negativity is actually justified criticism.


>Most of the negativity is actually justified criticism
>Doesnt name any

Weak bait kid

Because it looks like shit

This too. Not like the original was inaccessible to anyone.

It's a remake, so of course it's a cashgrab.

It's available in NZ and Aus.

Listen, I know you think you want this but you do not want this

t. someone who had this

because the last good FF game was over 20 years ago


This board's culture is to be pretentious and bitter about anything other people enjoy.

It's not about FF7, it's just the current target.

It's been out early for a couple days now.

Not that there aren't justified criticisms being made, but a lot of it is
>wtf why isn't it the exact same game as the original??
>why isn't this game 100 hours long??
>why are tifa's boobs slightly smaller??

TORtanic infected Yas Forums with outrage culture. A good portion of users WANT games to be bad. It's like they get a kick out of it.

>getting 1/3rd
Try 1/8

That's always the excuse isn't it? Don't actually listen to what people are saying, just stamp the label and ignore the situation, sensible.

Only proper criticisms of this game I've seen are:

Some textures look off
Some sidequests are boring

Most people who are saying this though are also not retarded. Most seem to really like the game.

She pleases old men for money and exposure.

Do you mean Part One or the later parts?

50% of the fanbase was always going to hate this game.

>why is there so much negativity surrounding a remake that shouldn’t have be made in the first place, will be broken into multiple parts to milk the customer, encourages you to buy Butterfingers to get microtransactions, and has already fucked with character details and plot elements because the developers wanted to be more “progressive” with it?

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It's just contrarianism

Yas Forums hates EVERY game.
Yas Forums hated botw
Yas Forums hated remake 2 (only now they pretend to have loved it when trying to shit on remake 3)
Yas Forums is just a bunch of mentally retarded trannies who wanna destroy what they love

What is this progressive retconning you speak of

50 bucks says he's angry about tifa having knee socks, and undershirt and spats.

her nose looks jewish

It's just culture war brainlets looking to validate their relatively meaningless existences by fighting against largely nonexistent enemies.


Tifa's boobs weren't all that big in the original. The reduction is slight. Bit tifafags can't help but make mountains out of molehills (pun intended).

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they honestly weren't even reduced

Small tits.

Not just Yas Forums, it's spilled over to other boards too.

Nomura isn't directing it.

Yes he is

Yas Forums wants to stay in their safe spaces. If I pretend THING IS BAD, I don't have to think about the mean game trying to make me have fun. I also don't have to play it because someone said THING BAD. If it's good, I actually have to spend time on it.

What happened man?

Its a shame because TOR was actually bad and TORtanic was hilarious

Reminder Cloud and Tifa had sex under The Highwind and there's nothing you can do about it

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Tifa also fucked Johnny all day in costa del sol.

Because it's Yas Forums

People who put that kind of effort into presentation, especially sexually like OP, need a constant source of new attention to feel secure. Your attention will grow stale and it will be offered from elsewhere. You’ll be batting other dudes off with a stick the whole time and walking in eggshells with her fragile ego.

I’m sure there are some perfectly grounded, sane cosplay girls out there but they’re predisposed towards this sort of thing. Just find a sane girl and have her wear whatever in the bedroom.

Whale loves Cloud
Cloud love cute childhood friend
Aeris loves jizz

Because I like FF7 and I don't want it to change

Is there any game thats not surrounded by negativity on this board?

So you want a safe space echo chamber. That's good to know.

You know that's anime chibi right

Damn I am sorry to hear that user. I really am. At least you had a gf though by the sounds of it you may felt better off. Grass is greener I suppose.


That's what Tifa is, yes.

I just want to point out that she is a perfect candidate for bleaching, and would turn down a black "man" in disgust.

Not him, he is right, these kind of girls aren't good as a gf, constant need for validation, apparence comes first, he whole life is about her cosplaying life, and you have to constatly watch out for other dudes.

>implying it's not 90% Barry phoneposting from a dynamic IP copypasting the same shitpost style he had when KH3 came out


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t. barry

Yas Forums is a bunch of negative idiots full stop.

The only reason I still come here is because they usually compile news before other sites.

Tifa li is cute. CUTE

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Are you new? Yas Forums is where people hate things that others like.

Unless you’re straight up deformed you can get a GF m8, just takes a little confidence and maybe relaxed standards. Sure you can do it. Get Tinder and go in some terrible first dates.

>getting that low of Tifa affection
You deserved to be cucked, art imitating life.

>Unless you’re straight up deformed
I remember seeing a guy in a wheel chair, atrophy and mental disorder, with a really gorgeous woman. So the things is more about find someone who likes you are you liking her back.

I did but zero dates in the west. During my time abroad in east asia I actually went on a few dates which, going from nill for 99% of my life to getting dates was like making money roll. Some were pretty nice too. Doesn't help that western girls aren't into east asian guys.

Isn't it canon no matter what?