The "inflated sense of self-worth" starter pack

The "inflated sense of self-worth" starter pack

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Who cares? TF2 is shit.

>Still being assmad Of Deadringer/Ambi/Kinai combo
>After all those nerfs
Stay mad

imagine waiting 8 years to post

Even pre-nerf the only one that was particularly cancerous was Deadringer
>spy disquised as scout runs straight toward team at start of match
>instantly shoot him
>know for a fact he's still alive because he died in one hit
>can't finish him off because he's not only invisible, but has a damage reduction and enough speed to rush over to an open health/ammo kit in order to instantly restock his cloak
>he reappears with the exact same disquise
>shoot him
>deadrings again
>rinse and repeat multiple times until I can finally corner hi
>proceeds to die and then do the exact same strategy in his next life
>team are a bunch of shitters that aren't bright enough to check their backs so the shitter spy proceeds to top the leaderboards by repeating the exact same mindless strategy

>By design the item gives you survivability by making you a pain in the ass to finish off, so people just give up and do something else
What a stellar addition to the game.

Shut the fuck up bitchboi

>carrying the intel
>they kill you
>recharge deadring
>get back to the intel
>get killed again

They'd never get it back to their base. You could literally use it to keep it in place until your team managed to push and secure it.

>playing TF2 in 2020

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The game is fine, but i cannot stand a single person in that fucking community

>Big Earner
>Stock watch

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>Still being triggered with Ambassador when the Diamondback exists

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Strangely enough, nobody uses the diamondback even after amby nerf.

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The game isn't fine after the insufferable fucking pro players ruined every single fun build because muh 6v6 balance.

But why though?
The Diamondback rewards you for doing the most basic shit a Spy needs to do

>playing coomerwatch

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>Nooooooo why can't I stun an ubered heavy by right clicking, it's not faaaaair

That was already established upon choosing Spy to begin with. It and Sniper are both classes literally centered around playing like a pussy.

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Because sniper doesn’t have his bow And arrow

bring it back... BRING IT BACK.

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>splitting hairs over an exception
Classic Yas Forums

git gud

>still no heavy update
the game is shit

I don't know why. But I hardly ever see it among enemy spies, while ambassador is still the super popular choice.

Ahh yes the "I can't aim or judge distance" starter pack

Perfect aim with DF still gives less DPS than stock. It's only good for corner peeking sentries.

He died for your sins.

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>Nerf it
>the ambassador is still more viable than the actual way you're supposed to play spy

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but it's actually decent again now. it's not quite the powerjack's level of usefulness, but it's still fun.

your missing the Japanese characters for a name and the weeb straw hat

I tried playing this game recently.
It's full of kids, trannies and you're forced to do matchmaking if you want to find normal servers.

And even when you do the only games you find are 5cp ones with deluded tryhards who keep wasting their time getting good at a dead game.

Don't bother with tf2, you're just gonna ruin your memories of it.

is puff n sting viable again

Because people like to brag about their l33t skillz and the Ambassador is the Spy's weapon of choice for this purpose.

deadringer is still BS,I'm glad all the other crap got nerfed.

you need to be really specific with your airblasts since you run the chance of blasting someone away instead of locking them in place, but the short answer is yes to an extent.

you can easily tell if a spy feigned death, the hud elements give it away and the ammo pack won't return ammo
it's bugged so bad that it's not even worth using unless you need a massive crutch against bad players

This. I tried to casually play Scout and some dude kept asking me to mge him because I kept killing him off guard and cried about it constantly. No regular servers and no more saxton hale. Even more dead than overwatch

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At least people who want to play TF2 can play it, cant say the same of overcuck lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

hud_saytext_time 0

For me it’s
>Big Earner
>Stock Sapper

>Sam’s hat from Poker Night 1
>moustache cosmetic
>that one suit cosmetic that gives you a hankerchief

If you have hit and killsounds on it also doesn't play a killsound when they DR, it's an instant giveaway.

literally impossible to play atm because all of the retards are home and are hacking at all times of the day

voice_enable_0 if you want to disable voice chat as well, needs a new round to start if you turn it back on

This is why I play spy and pyro, becuase regardless of what you do as those two classes, someone is gonna be mad

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Oh please, the only thing that gets me mad is a good sniper.

Yeah just give sniper the ability to turn invisible while you're at it.

I'm derailing this thread
>favourite weapon
>favourite cosmetic (purests need not answer)
>favourite map

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You are a better man than most

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Obviously it's full of kids. Have you SEEN the art style? What other scenario were you expecting? Team Fortress 2 is more of a faggoty children's game than Fortnite ever could be.

But speaking of this... I wonder which multiplayer games are popular by age demographics...

>he has trouble against the second worst class in the game

>Scout and Pyro
>FaN (For the jumps)
>Any cosmetic that comes with voice lines

>I have mained every class at some point. Currently re-maining Demoman.
>gotta give it to the cuntsman or the Sydney sleeper. Because it pisses people off
>stereoscopic shades

>team are a bunch of shitters that aren't bright enough to check their backs
Its not that, its just that chasing down several deadringer spies just wasn't worth the effort.

That's when I go medic and shake my mouse like I have parkinsons.

>sydney sleeper
>pisses people off

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>try not to main, but I guess I have most hours on soldier
>well wrapped hat

Because the amby let you play sniper with a disguise and the ability to turn invisible while the diamondback needs you to actually play as a spy.

>all those zoomer forgetting the real BEAST for spies before the nerf

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Fusion Driver
Temple of Anubis

lol, denied

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>Dr. Enforcicle and Tommy Gruvich

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I have a strange ks one with the description “nice bodyshot” just to upset people

>searched this because i didn't know what you meant
>it's fucking overwatch

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scout / spy
big kill
bill's hat
mountain lab

Tommy Gruvich at least still viable. The best way to play spy currently is going full stock.

You should thank me for broadening your horizons by mentioning good games

cheaters lament

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>Iron Bomber (Go eat dicks Loch and Loose shitters)
>No favorite

where did you mention good games?